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Looks like BF6 will be set in modern times, similarities to BF3 also teased

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it doesn't matter what they do, if they go down their usual rabbit hole of political crap no one will like the game.


their franchise is on the line after the 1.0/10 POS that BFV was. Let's see how much they value their livelihoods, I honestly don't think they do as much as virtue signalling though so it's a lost cause.


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Man, looking back, the hype surrounding BF3 and Frostbite 2 was legendary for this time. Bad Company 2 had just come out the year before, but you could tell EA and DICE had been going deep on BF3 years before then. This was the game that put the series on the map for the mainstream and made it a real threat to CoD






Still looks pretty good even today. By the time it comes out BF6 will have had a 3 year dev cycle, so hopefully EA and DICE can channel some of this magic again.

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BF3 was the last good BF. Not quite as good as BF2 cause of the console limitations but the game was working as intended, had a lot of amazing maps and the balance was perfect after a lot of patches throughout. 


Ever since BF4 they completely fucked the balance of air vehicles for example cause all the cod fags and normies were crying about jets killing them in one dive.


I'd still play BF3 but my fav server with all dlc maps went offline. :( 

Edited by kazuolicious
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