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It’s telling that PC Gamer just had a 2 hour long PC gaming show

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3 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Im heading to bed. I've owned the hermits enough for one night :romantears:

Which system won Gen8 going by the the count we have used since old SW or even new SW that was temporarily devised.


Answer this question. If you don't I consider it your concession.

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Did they show the new train simulator for Adrian ?    Pc gaming ROOOOOFL

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8 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Then please explain to me how Crysis came to be?

Crysis came to be because new rendering techniques came into existence, coupled with huge open world levels not possible because of memory limitations on consoles, which PC didn't have...


Those are what made it a stand out game.  It didn't need the biggest budget ever to stand out at that time..

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40 minutes ago, Remij_ said:



3 months ago for a AAA isn't recent?


LOL... I guess Cows are still waiting because TLOU2 isn't :mj: 


59 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


DISCO Elysium - 8 Months ago. 



recently he says :lawl:


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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

@Twinblade Like dude... think about it..


If devs had unlimited time and budget... and didn't have to worry about a certain install base... you could get these visuals on PC..




Look at that shit... the rocks... that DEMOLISHES anything on consoles.... Why??  Because to build a game with assets like that, and which animates equally as well, and is voice acted and motion captured... costs TIME AND MONEY...


Any developer would have a problem reaching those visuals for a AAA game....  It's not realistic yet.  That's why you have AAA games coming to multiple platforms and more multiplats than ever before... because devs and pubs can't afford to build these games and only hit a fraction of the overall gamer market.... If they're putting in $200-$300 MILLION.. they want a HUGE return... because it's RISKY...  Sony and MS can afford to do this.... and DO do this... because their platform DEPENDS ON THOSE GAMES to push sales....


So a developer with a typical budget isn't going to be able to outclass Naughty Dog and their animators...  Naughty Dogs detail and animations and cinematics come from having access to FILM level motion capture and the ability to have hundreds of artists working on it.


So the reason you're not seeing Crysis level jumps on PC... is because NO developer can afford to make a game like that and only sell to ONE platform....  You yourself are complaining that Horizon 2 barely looks much better than the original.... Is it a hardware thing?  LMAO no... it's fucking TIME and BUDGET...  So PC doesn't need exclusives on that level... devs and pubs will have no choice but to hit more markets... and thus... PC releases..

Dude, the days of needing 300 people and $200 million to make a good looking game are over. The tools and workflows are better than ever before, i mean shit look at what I put together in UE4 in 20 minutes without any artistic skill and little knowledge of game development whatsoever (the rocks and buckets are megascan assets). Obviously this is a small scene but I was getting 120FPS from that angle so it wasn't unoptimized either







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7 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Dude, the days of needing 300 people and $200 million to make a good looking game are over. The tools and workflows are better than ever before, i mean shit look at what I put together in UE4 in 20 minutes without any artistic skill and little knowledge of game development whatsoever (the rocks and buckets are megascan assets). Obviously this is a small scene but I was getting 120FPS from that angle so it wasn't unoptimized either







No shit... I never said they can't make good looking games...


Are you trying to say there's no good looking games on PC that weren't once console exclusives? :wonder: 


You're specifically comparing PC games to studios like Naughty Dog and Guerrilla Games...  You posted a gif with Drake and a very realistic looking animation... you think anyone can do that animation?? :wonder: 


What sets studios apart dude?  Do you realize the work that goes into making drakes cheek push in while he rubs his hand over it???  Cmon dude....


I'm not the one saying Sony's devs are untouchable... YOU are.


No kidding... this is an Indie game...



I think VISUALLY a lot of PC games look just as good as Naughty Dog games... when you're actually playing them....  Cutscenes cost a lot of budget...

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Remij, you can keep making excuses about development time and budget constraints but that’s smoke and mirrors. If the market was there, studios would be able to partner with hardware manufacturers to put out games that would make people excited about pc gaming again. There are so many reasons why it’s a shadow of its former self  


- it will never get another shooter on the level of BF2, HL2, CSS, or Crysis 

-it will never get another RTS on the level of Company of Heroes or World in Conflict 

-it will never get another MMO on the level of World of Warcraft  

-When was the last time a PC exclusive actually got people excited and generated a lot of hype? If a new Half Life couldn’t do it, then nothing will. 
-When was the last time a PC exclusive won GOTY or was even discussed in the same group as other game of the year contenders?  
-Remember when studios used to develop for PC and then port to console? Now it’s the opposite. Every new multiplat has less and less exclusive features or bells and whistles on PC to make that version more interesting  

- When was the last time a PC focused conference or event got anyone excited like people get excited for the yearly Sony,MS, and Nintendo E3 conferences?

- Guess how many PC exclusives have been able to join the top 50 on meta critic in the past few generations. I counted 1 last time I checked.
-When was the last time people saw a PC exclusive and thought ‘wow, this is going to make my new build worth it’ or even encouraged people to buy new hardware? 

The glory days of PC gaming are over. It’s no surprise you put so much time and energy into port begging, because if not for those occasional PS ports PortC gaming would barely be a blip on anyone’s radar. That and almost identical looking multiplats are all anyone plays on their expensive $2000 PCs. 

There’s no soul to PC gaming anymore.

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3 minutes ago, Spicalicious said:

Anybody remember the Adrien Werner that used to post here?  That wasn't the same Adrien Werner from GS was it?

Same person

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

-Remember when studios used to develop for PC and then port to console? Now it’s the opposite. Every new multiplat has less and less exclusive features or bells and whistles on PC to make that version more interesting  



The PC version was the red headed step-child for most AAA studios and it was a roll of the dice whether or not you'd get some FPS capped, buggy, non-widescreen support atrocity. Dark Souls? Arkham Knight? Rockstar pre-GTAV? Resident Evil 4 didn't even have mouse support for fuck's sake. :D


One of the biggest criticisms of PC a decade ago was that you missed out on so many great console games that either didn't get a PC port (but were on both PS3 and 360) or had one so bad it wasn't even worth playing. Everything comes to PC now, day and date with the console version is the norm, and a bad port is a rarity. 

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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Remij, you can keep making excuses about development time and budget constraints but that’s smoke and mirrors. If the market was there, studios would be able to partner with hardware manufacturers to put out games that would make people excited about pc gaming again. There are so many reasons why it’s a shadow of its former self  


- it will never get another shooter on the level of BF2, HL2, CSS, or Crysis 

-it will never get another RTS on the level of Company of Heroes or World in Conflict 

-it will never get another MMO on the level of World of Warcraft  

-When was the last time a PC exclusive actually got people excited and generated a lot of hype? If a new Half Life couldn’t do it, then nothing will. 
-When was the last time a PC exclusive won GOTY or was even discussed in the same group as other game of the year contenders?  
-Remember when studios used to develop for PC and then port to console? Now it’s the opposite. Every new multiplat has less and less exclusive features or bells and whistles on PC to make that version more interesting  

- When was the last time a PC focused conference or event got anyone excited like people get excited for the yearly Sony,MS, and Nintendo E3 conferences?

- Guess how many PC exclusives have been able to join the top 50 on meta critic in the past few generations. I counted 1 last time I checked.
-When was the last time people saw a PC exclusive and thought ‘wow, this is going to make my new build worth it’ or even encouraged people to buy new hardware? 

The glory days of PC gaming are over. It’s no surprise you put so much time and energy into port begging, because if not for those occasional PS ports PortC gaming would barely be a blip on anyone’s radar. That and almost identical looking multiplats are all anyone plays on their expensive $2000 PCs. 

There’s no soul to PC gaming anymore.

bubu the glory days :mj: 


Dude, listen to yourself...  You're living in a world where THERES NO XBOX EXCLUSIVES anymore, and SONY EXCLUSIVE GAMES ARE COMING TO PC....


The FACT... is that games cost too much to make... and if you're going to make a game for PC... you might as well make it for consoles as well.  How fucking stupid can you be? 


Remember when consoles used to have bespoke hardware and were ACTUALLY DIFFERENT from each other and PCs?  Now they are "soul-less" mid ranged PCs at best which can't and don't do anything unique.  Still taking visual techniques first implemented on PC, getting them years later... and they perform worse...  Remember when developers used to create specific versions of a multiplat game that took advantage and was tailored to that specific hardware?  Yea... it doesn't happen anymore because all the devices run the same fucking code...


LMAO you attempting to make a point about a lack of games "on the level of" past games... when I can say the exact same fucking thing about consoles... LOL


-When are we going to get another Mario 64 level jump?

-Another Golden eye?

-Another MGS2 level improvement?

-Another GTA3 level jump?

-Another Halo level FPS which takes the world by storm?



God you're fucking DUMB dude lmao... Let me ask you a question.  You named a LOT of influential games there..... but what SONY first party game has ever been influential?  LOL I'll wait...  Yes... Sony games sell great, because they have high production values, but what Sony game has EVER been influential and taken the world by storm?  You're VASTLY overexaggerating the influence Sony games have had on the industry.  PC games will ALWAYS be more influential.  DayZ and PUBG and others created an entirely new fucking genre that is the most popular in the world..... ON FUCKING PC :danylol: 


And LMAO at all the other shit you're saying, going on about E3 events and conferences like that... that PC has NEVER had.  LOL we're living in a world now where Sony doesn't even have conferences anymore and you're getting lame Direct style trailers... great time to start going on about how PC is missing out :drake: 


I think your problem is that you don't seem to understand how the industry has evolved... and most of the shit you're talking about is going away in gaming in general.


I love how much of the literal fanboy shit is coming through in your post.  You ACTUALLY live that fanboy life.  Talking about "glory days" and "port begging"... LOL  You actually feel like it's an "us vs them" kind of thing... while I'm just laughing every single time one of those games you live for gets announced for PC :rofl: 


And another thing I KNOW you don't understand is exactly why I, and so many people, are PC gamers in the first place.  Keep thinking it's about that videocard and dem graphics dude :tom: 

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10 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Dude, the days of needing 300 people and $200 million to make a good looking game are over. The tools and workflows are better than ever before, i mean shit look at what I put together in UE4 in 20 minutes without any artistic skill and little knowledge of game development whatsoever (the rocks and buckets are megascan assets). Obviously this is a small scene but I was getting 120FPS from that angle so it wasn't unoptimized either







make a game bruh, i would play it.

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4 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Remij, you can keep making excuses about development time and budget constraints but that’s smoke and mirrors. If the market was there, studios would be able to partner with hardware manufacturers to put out games that would make people excited about pc gaming again. There are so many reasons why it’s a shadow of its former self  


- it will never get another shooter on the level of BF2, HL2, CSS, or Crysis 

-it will never get another RTS on the level of Company of Heroes or World in Conflict 

-it will never get another MMO on the level of World of Warcraft  

-When was the last time a PC exclusive actually got people excited and generated a lot of hype? If a new Half Life couldn’t do it, then nothing will. 
-When was the last time a PC exclusive won GOTY or was even discussed in the same group as other game of the year contenders?  
-Remember when studios used to develop for PC and then port to console? Now it’s the opposite. Every new multiplat has less and less exclusive features or bells and whistles on PC to make that version more interesting  

- When was the last time a PC focused conference or event got anyone excited like people get excited for the yearly Sony,MS, and Nintendo E3 conferences?

- Guess how many PC exclusives have been able to join the top 50 on meta critic in the past few generations. I counted 1 last time I checked.
-When was the last time people saw a PC exclusive and thought ‘wow, this is going to make my new build worth it’ or even encouraged people to buy new hardware? 

The glory days of PC gaming are over. It’s no surprise you put so much time and energy into port begging, because if not for those occasional PS ports PortC gaming would barely be a blip on anyone’s radar. That and almost identical looking multiplats are all anyone plays on their expensive $2000 PCs. 

There’s no soul to PC gaming anymore.

 Will you continue to ignore PC won Gen8 according to old SW, Side-Scroller, SW2, and this SW  meta-game standards?  You lost the factual argument on library numbers, and now you've moved on to subjective arguments. As expected. 


I want you to know you lost that debate before we continue down these goal post moves. Kind of tired of goal post moving by you. Lost on library lost on gfx, now you're on to this fuzzy "bu bu exclusive GOTY!" BS.


 Having stated those facts, let me indulge your bullshit:


1. No system will get a shooter on those levels. That's a gaming industry issue. Either way, controller with fps = lol. Low fps with FPS  = lol. Scumbag.

2. PC still gets great RTS/TBS, that is your opinion.

3. No system will ever get a MMO on the level of WoW, but Legion was pretty fucking good. Still an opinion. Industry issue.

4. The industry changed, PC isn't part of the direct competition. It's its own beast (with the highest revenue). It doesn't get many exclusives made for it alone as there is no reason for the developer to keep the game on PC, on the flip side it gets most of PS4 and XBs games and those 2 system barely get exclusives (% wise) as there is no reason not to give their games to PC. It's a trade off that has resulted in PC getting the largest gen total library ever. Does the gamer care if his game can be played on 1 or 2 other systems, or that he gets the most and best version of games?

5.  ^See the above.

6. Why are you lying. PC multiplats get more bells and whistles than ever before. The PC version of multiplats are literally the best they've ever been, they used to be broken as fuck. This is golden era stuff. Fuck off liar.

7. The 2020 XB and PS events WERE PC events....almost all of thier games were played on PC you dolt. This is what I'm talking about, PC traded exclusives (apart from mmo,rts,tbs,sim) for a fuckton of raw games. Which is better for the gamer.

8. Don't bring up MC, PC has over a 100 game lead vs. the second next system for Gen8. You suck at this.

9. The industry changed, PC isn't part of the competition. It doesn't get exclusives, on the flip side it gets most of PS4 and XBs games and those 2 system now barely get exclusives (% wise). It's a trade off that has resulted in the most AAA/AA totals in history for a system (PC).

*10. Why are you ignoring the fact PC has by far the best online? There isn't as many active or competitive games on consoles, and the esports scenes are essentially dead in comparison. Much smaller communities and streamers as well.

**11. I haven't bothered to tally exclusives (because who gives a fuck anymore), because  a much smaller % of games this gen are exclusive for xb/ps/pc. But I actually think PC pulls ahead for 8 and above on those as well. 


The glory days of PC are now bigger than ever, which is why it has the most gaming software and gaming hardware revenue than any other system (2-3x more than each). It now gets special treatment, being given the most high scoring and big budget games than it ever received in history. Many of these are not ports, the ones that are have special features and are significantly better on it. 


According to Digital Foundry these games are not identical most of the time. This is a flat out lie, and I can only imagine you have eye problems. 


There is no soul to console gaming. I remember when XB had exclusives. I remember when more than 5% of PS library was exclusive. Now they all go to PC and are MUCH better played on PC. All while PC retains it's own awesome exclusives in near exclusive genres while being THE bastion for online gaming, with the best gfx and performance.  Consoles are just cheaper shittier PCs with much smaller libraries and laughable online, and low frames with poor gfx for most of the gen. 

You want the best you pay more.  

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16 minutes ago, kaz said:

make a game bruh, i would play it.

Thats the plan, i have some ideas that might be a bit too ambitious from a coding standpoint so Im probably gonna start small.


1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:



The PC version was the red headed step-child for most AAA studios and it was a roll of the dice whether or not you'd get some FPS capped, buggy, non-widescreen support atrocity. Dark Souls? Arkham Knight? Rockstar pre-GTAV? Resident Evil 4 didn't even have mouse support for fuck's sake. :D


One of the biggest criticisms of PC a decade ago was that you missed out on so many great console games that either didn't get a PC port (but were on both PS3 and 360) or had one so bad it wasn't even worth playing. Everything comes to PC now, day and date with the console version is the norm, and a bad port is a rarity. 

They're good ports in the sense that they're optimized and will at least run on par with console counterparts on mid range hardware but thats par for the course nowadays. PC versions used to actually attempt to make use of the better hardware to have more rendering techniques or other features.


BF3 is as easy example. It had a measly 24 players on smaller maps on consoles, but supported 64 players with larger one that contained more bases and capture points on PC. The BF games since then have stuck to the 64 player cap because thats the best limit for consoles, which have become the primary development platform. If not we would have been up to 100-128 player battles for now.

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8 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

 PC versions used to actually attempt to make use of the better hardware to have more rendering techniques or other features.



Metro Exodus: a vision for the future of graphics technology



The PC version of Metro Exodus is a genuine game-changer for graphics technology - a vision of the way in which developers can take real-time rendering to the next level. In some respects, it is this generation's Crysis moment - where the current state of the art is pushed to its limits, and where we see an aggressive push to deliver a taste - and maybe more - of next generation graphics.



TB stop moving goal posts and being wrong at each new turn. PC ports used to be broken as fuck, now they are almost always better going by human eyes and DF if you want more official citation.  Now go run along with your 30 fps on low/med night which is a day difference.


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