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The Last of Us Part II is absolute dog shit

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6 hours ago, Remij_ said:

LOL.... I'm gonna be making a thread... don't you worry... and I don't think ya'll are going to like what I have to say :francis:

Bought the game at launch at full price because you hate it so much.... Amirite? :mj:

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Kidding, it's an excellent game.    The first one didn't grasp me, maybe it has to do with missing its window of relevance but it just didn't capture very much of my interest. The way I look

LOL.... I'm gonna be making a thread... don't you worry... and I don't think ya'll are going to like what I have to say

2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Bought the game at launch at full price because you hate it so much.... Amirite? :mj:

God you're dumb as fuck :tom: 


-Can't wait for the game, hugely anticipated

-Pre-orders game

-see's spoilers for the game

-I don't like the direction they went

(this is where you start acting like an idiot and think that I wouldn't give what was one of my most anticipated games a chance despite not liking what I've seen)

-I play the game and give the game a chance

-don't like what they did and have lots to say about

and here's you "durr you baht da gaem at fuwl prize cucuz u h8 it soh muzh righ??? :lemming:"


dumbass :roll: 

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7 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

God you're dumb as fuck :tom: 


-Can't wait for the game, hugely anticipated

-Pre-orders game

-see's spoilers for the game

-I don't like the direction they went

(this is where you start acting like an idiot and think that I wouldn't give what was one of my most anticipated games a chance despite not liking what I've seen)

-I play the game and give the game a chance

-don't like what they did and have lots to say about

and here's you "durr you baht da gaem at fuwl prize cucuz u h8 it soh muzh righ??? :lemming:"


dumbass :roll: 

You could have easily canceled your pre-order. 


You hate it so much you paid $70 Canadian at launch to play it. :tom:

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:

You could have easily canceled your pre-order. 


You hate it so much you paid $70 Canadian at launch to play it. :tom:

Why would I do that?  I already told you... you think I'm NOT going to give what was my most anticipated game a chance?  You REALLY think that I wouldn't actually PLAY it?


That's some stupid shit and goes to show just how seriously you take this stuff.  I knew I wasn't going to like large parts about it... but that doesn't mean that I don't want to see just how much they fuck it up :drake: 


I like how you keep posting $70 like as if it's a lot.... or like I couldn't just trade this shit in if I wanted to.. :drake: 


Basically...you're trying REALLY hard to argue with me.. and "get me" with something... Pretty sad :tom: 

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Just now, Remij_ said:

Why would I do that?  I already told you... you think I'm NOT going to give what was my most anticipated game a chance?  You REALLY think that I wouldn't actually PLAY it?


That's some stupid shit and goes to show just how seriously you take this stuff.  I knew I wasn't going to like large parts about it... but that doesn't mean that I don't want to see just how much they fuck it up :drake: 


I like how you keep posting $70 like as if it's a lot.... or like I couldn't just trade this shit in if I wanted to.. :drake: 


Basically...you're trying REALLY hard to argue with me.. and "get me" with something... Pretty sad :tom: 

Hey dumbass... I'm not arguing with you.


Im laughing at you :lawl:


Let me guess... you hated it so much you played the game to completion over the past week when you were banned :cmpunk1:

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:

Hey dumbass... I'm not arguing with you.


Im laughing at you :lawl:


Let me guess... you hated it so much you played the game to completion over the past week when you were banned :cmpunk1:

You're trying to start one.... look... you keep trying :drake: 


And no... I'm the one laughing at you.  You think me playing the game is some kind of ownage... lmao fucking STUPID :drake: 


Yea I played the game... because that's what I do to form a complete opinion on something.  Again, it shows just how serious you take a lot of what is said here. :tom: 

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4 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

You're trying to start one.... look... you keep trying :drake: 


And no... I'm the one laughing at you.  You think me playing the game is some kind of ownage... lmao fucking STUPID :drake: 


Yea I played the game... because that's what I do to form a complete opinion on something.  Again, it shows just how serious you take a lot of what is said here. :tom: 

Remij is literally begging me argue with him.... Bbbut please setup stop laughing and argue with me...pretty please :awww:


Hey Naughty Dog.. I hate your game so much I pre-ordered it, I bought it at full price at launch and I played it for hours upon hours to completion in the first week of release because I hate it!!!!! .    That will show you. 


Oh yea.. Im going to OWN YOU on System Wars ND..... you're owned Naughty Dog OWNED!!!! :jonb:






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4 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Remij is literally begging me argue with him.... Bbbut please setup stop laughing and argue with me...pretty please :awww:


Hey Naughty Dog.. I hate your game so much I pre-ordered it, I bought it at full price at launch and I played it for hours upon hours to completion in the first week of release because I hate it!!!!! .    That will show you. 


Oh yea.. Im going to OWN YOU on System Wars ND..... you're owned Naughty Dog OWNED!!!! :jonb:






Hey, do you only buy games you like?  Have you ever bought a game you thought you'd like and then hated it? :drake: 


Have you ever had a game you anticipated greatly, which is the sequel to a game that you really like and then decided you didn't like the direction it went but because you anticipated it so much, you gave the game a chance anyway? :drake: 


No?  Oh yea that's right, you gobble up any shit Nintendo shovels on your plate.... :hest: 

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12 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Hey, do you only buy games you like?  Have you ever bought a game you thought you'd like and then hated it? :drake: 


Have you ever had a game you anticipated greatly, which is the sequel to a game that you really like and then decided you didn't like the direction it went but because you anticipated it so much, you gave the game a chance anyway? :drake: 


No?  Oh yea that's right, you gobble up any shit Nintendo shovels on your plate.... :hest: 

If I don't like where a game is going and I know this before releasing I don't purchase it. 


If I'm Lukewarm on it.... I don't purchase it at launch. 


If do get it and I hate it... I don't play it to completion. 




You were taking your hate train so seriously you actually got banned for a week, like a pathetic fan boi:tom:




Then turned around bought the game full price at launch and played it to completion within a week :mroff:


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13 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

If I don't like where a game is going and I know this before releasing I don't purchase it. 


If I'm Lukewarm on it.... I don't purchase it at launch. 


If do get it and I hate it... I don't play it to completion. 




You were taking your hate train so seriously you actually got banned for a week, like a pathetic fan boi:tom:




Then turned around bought the game full price at launch and played it to completion within a week :mroff:


For what it's worth, I too didn't like the story but still beat the game over the weekend. I have avoided watching any video spoilers going into it but did accidentally read some text spoilers on Twitter. I still gave it a chance thinking that with the right context, it could turn out great.

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38 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

If I don't like where a game is going and I know this before releasing I don't purchase it. 


If I'm Lukewarm on it.... I don't purchase it at launch. 


If do get it and I hate it... I don't play it to completion. 




You were taking your hate train so seriously you actually got banned for a week, like a pathetic fan boi:tom:




Then turned around bought the game full price at launch and played it to completion within a week :mroff:


lmao you're so dumb.


It's not just SOME game... it was one of my most anticipated games...

I saw leaks which strongly suggested where things were going...

I didn't see the entire game... or play it for myself...

Why wouldn't I give the game a chance to redeem itself?

Why wouldn't I give the game a chance to give context to what I saw?



It's more like YOU took my hateful comments so seriously that you actually thought I wasn't going to play one of my most anticipated games of all time and give it the chance it deserved...


LMAO... and you're trying to "own" me over it because I did give it a chance... :tom: 


And ROFL I was banned for 3 whole days and unbanned because presumably people wanted to hear my opinion on it ROFL....  Seems like YOU were the only one taking all this so seriously :rofl: 

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

lmao you're so dumb.


It's not just SOME game... it was one of my most anticipated games...

I saw leaks which strongly suggested where things were going...

I didn't see the entire game... or play it for myself...

Why wouldn't I give the game a chance to redeem itself?

Why wouldn't I give the game a chance to give context to what I saw?



It's more like YOU took my hateful comments so seriously that you actually thought I wasn't going to play one of my most anticipated games of all time and give it the chance it deserved...


LMAO... and you're trying to "own" me over it because I did give it a chance... :tom: 


And ROFL I was banned for 3 whole days and unbanned because presumably people wanted to hear my opinion on it ROFL....  Seems like YOU were the only one taking all this so seriously :rofl: 

You took it so seriously that you got banned. :kaz:


Wait you finished the game in three days?  you hated it so much you couldn't put it down :mroff:

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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

You took it so seriously that you got banned. :kaz:


Wait you finished the game in three days?  you hated it so much you couldn't put it down :mroff:

I correctly predicted IGN and GS scores :mj: And I called for a ban... that those in charge couldn't even see through :rofl: 


Yea, I finished the game.  Foreign concept to you I'm sure :rofls: 

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3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

I correctly predicted IGN and GS scores :mj: And I called for a ban... that those in charge couldn't even see through :rofl: 


Yea, I finished the game.  Foreign concept to you I'm sure :rofls: 

Bbbut I called for a ban :awww:

... you called for the ban yet you were trying to talk your way out of the ban like a lil bitch? :tom:




you "hated" it so much that you:


pre-ordered it. 


Saw the spoilers that you "HATED" but still bought it day 1, full price. 


couldn't put it down and played it for three days straight to completion:lawl:

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Just now, Goukosan said:

Bbbut I called for a ban :awww:

... you called for the ban yet you were trying to talk your way out of the ban like a lil bitch? :tom:




you "hated" it so much that you:


pre-ordered it. 


Saw the spoilers that you "HATED" but still bought it day 1, full price. 


couldn't put it down and played it for three days straight to completion:lawl:

Post where I tried to talk my way out of my ban.... lmao.  I want to see that LOL


Yea, I preordered it, because it's the sequel to one of my favorite Playstation games... :drake: 

Yea, I played it, because I give games a chance if I feel they warrent it... :drake: 


Yea, I played it through... because I wanted to know what they would do and how it would end :drake: 


OMFG Rem OWNED :adhd: 

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Just now, Twinblade said:

I unbanned you remij cause i felt sorry for you and was hoping you would see the light thats being cast down by our prophet, Neil Druckmann :trump:

Oh yea? :tom: 

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16 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Post where I tried to talk my way out of my ban.... lmao.  I want to see that LOL


Yea, I preordered it, because it's the sequel to one of my favorite Playstation games... :drake: 

Yea, I played it, because I give games a chance if I feel they warrent it... :drake: 


Yea, I played it through... because I wanted to know what they would do and how it would end :drake: 


OMFG Rem OWNED :adhd: 


On 2020-06-12 at 10:49 AM, Remij_ said:

Do whatever you want.... as long as the people who said 10 or perm and requoted that get permanently banned. :mjgrin: 

Bbbut I'll take my ONE WEEK ban as long as everyone who was being facetious and wasn't actually a part of a ban gets PERMED :awww:


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11 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Bbbut I'll take my ONE WEEK ban as long as everyone who was being facetious and wasn't actually a part of a ban gets PERMED :awww:


So... uh.... are you going to post a quote where I say I shouldn't be banned or what? :drake:  



And look how SERIOUSLY you took that post :mj: 


How many of these :mjgrin: do I need to put? :danylol:

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