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Facebook (Oculus) is getting in on the AI-assisted neural supersampling train

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Facebook developing an AI-assisted supersampling technique for real-time rendered content






Facebook has developed an AI-assisted method for supersampling real-time rendered content, something that could become an integral addition to games coming to future generations of high-resolution VR headsets.

There’s an ongoing arms race between display technology and GPUs, and adding VR into the mix only underscores the disparity. It’s not so much a question of putting higher-resolution displays in VR headsets; those panels are out there, and there’s a reason many manufacturers aren’t throwing in the latest and greatest in their headsets. It’s really more about hitting a smart balance between the display resolution and the end user’s ability to adequately render that VR content and have it look good. That’s the basics anyway.


That’s why Facebook is researching AI-assisted supersampling in a recently published paper, dubbed ‘Neural Supersampling for Real-time Rendering’. Using neural networks, Facebook researchers have developed a system capable of inputting low-resolution images and obtaining high-resolution output suitable for real-time rendering. This, they say, restores sharp details while saving computational overhead.


Comparison images:











The samples are 1/16th resolution.... so for an output resolution of 4K, they would only be rendering 960×540.  There's a link to a video showing it in action, and while it doesn't look as perfect as the reference, it looks absolutely incredible being 1/16th of the resolution...  You can imagine how good it would look at 1/4, or 1/2 resolution.  I'd love to see it compared to DLSS at the same input to output resolutions.


PDF link to paper describing how it works:


Direct Link to video of technique in action:

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