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Xbox titles continue to sell well in the middle of Steam's Summer Sale

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It's honestly incredible that Sea of Thieves is at the top of the list this long after launch with no discount on price at all... while also being on GamePass.  MS also keeping MCC consistent with the rollout over time.  Still ODST and Halo 4 to go too.

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4 minutes ago, DynamitCop! ALM said:

Sharing their games with PC was the right move, it only serves to benefit them and allow more money to be reinvested. 

Undoubtedly.  I mean, Windows is their platform... it was stupid that they focused on solely console for so long in the first place.  Back in the day it made sense to push the "box in every livingroom" strategy, but MS has always had an advantage that they never really took advantage of.. and unfortunately it had to wait until they stumbled on the console side to really see it... but now it's crystal clear that the goal should be to have multiple platforms where they can now reach literally every type of gamer out there with their products (console, PC, and mobile) 


They fucked up with the Windows store, but recognizing that they can reach a huge audience with Steam and accepting that fact is a great call on Phil's leadership.  And honestly a lot of the different kinds of games MS has been making generally do well on PC to begin with.  Games like State of Decay, while I'm not saying it's been a hit on PC, is the type of game that can create a decent community on PC and they will play those games for YEARS.  I think we're seeing that with Sea of Thieves... there's a BIG dedicated player-base that will play that game for years to come.


It's always far more important that a publisher can be successful and those funds generated can be redirected back into funding more games and new IP, than it is to keep some "exclusivity" to a certain box or whatever.

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its only because nobody bought their trash games on pc before. acting like its something special lol. 

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10 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

That list is actually pretty sad when you look at it. PC gamers are so starved for games that they have no choice but to look forward to console ports.

What even on that list is a console port.... ?Halo and RDR2.... lmao WOW.... no choice eh :drake:


And yeah how terrible that people look forward to console games... lmao.. you say that like they suck or something :mj:



Lmao wait though... this is a shit tier bait post...  you play more PC than console :hest:



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Just now, Remij_ said:

What even on that list is a console port.... ?Halo and RDR2.... lmao WOW.... no choice eh :drake:


And yeah how terrible that people look forward to console games... lmao.. you say that like they suck or something :mj:



Lmao wait though... this is a shit tier bait post...  you play more PC than console :hest:



The only PC game im playing right now is Valorant, which looks like it could run on the original xbox :lul:

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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

The only PC game im playing right now is Valorant, which looks like it could run on the original xbox :lul:

bubut what kind of PC parts should I buy guiz? :awww:



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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

PC gaming in a nutshell: Buying $2000 worth of equipment to play 3 year old hand me downs :mj:

Playing the best versions of all games..... now featuring your favorite console's games... :rofls:

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4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Why does that game look so familiar....oh yeah thats right, its because I played it 3 years ago and have moved on to other games since then.

like Valorant? :mj:


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