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Digital Foundry - Deadly Premonition 2 Analysis

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23 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Theres some good character moments but overall the story pails in comparison to the first game's so far (after 17 or so hours). And honestly, I feel like even the gameplay is worse in a lot of ways. The 'otherworld' sections where the majority of the combat takes place are just the same 2 or 3 rooms and corridors copied and pasted over and over again. Theres also only been 2 brain dead enemy types so far that all die in 2 shots. Its just really mundane and barebones.

Jesus. Thanks for taking one for the team. 

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It's criminal to charge 50 bucks for a game that is clearly not ready for retail.  How could anyone work on this and be proud of it?  They should all be lined up and shot.  

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