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XBox and ray tracing....

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Also, Aza specifically mentioned that 'Aside from Forza', and the lemmings reply with:     WhAt AbOuT FoRZa!!!1        

buh buh buh - malacries in every thread lol 

39 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

no it didn't say im game footage.  It said "in engine"  big difference. 


Another Lemming who doesn't know the difference between in game and in engine :ANYWORD:

Wanna bet it will look like that in-game?

Who knows, it might even look better.

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2 hours ago, nitric said:

Damn you’re a dumbass that had lost his mind too :lul:

he really has, poor guy.


if you notice, he can't actually make an argument anymore.............he's just on this forum telling people to shutup and calling them stupid.


he's basically turned into a karen in this forum.


his screenname should be changed to karen.

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4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

he really has, poor guy.


if you notice, he can't actually make an argument anymore.............he's just on this forum telling people to shutup and calling them stupid.


he's basically turned into a karen in this forum.


his screenname should be changed to karen.

Are you gonna call the manager? :mj: 


Remij on your mind 24/7 like Xbox and Phil :rofl: 

Edited by HALOmij
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Just now, jehurey said:

he actually admitted to being karen.


we're already doing what people do when they see a karen, karen.:tom:

So you already called the manager? :rofl: 



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3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

karen is even attempting to project herself onto others.


classic karen. hands on her hips.

Say it with more authority Jehuren.. you can do it... I'm not intimidated :rofl: 

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Just now, -GD- said:

i'm the manger. how can i be of assistance? 

this annoying karen came into a thread with a specific discussion and subject.............and he immediately proceeded to just start screaming, almost as if to intentionally derail the thread.


and when we pointed it out to her, she just started getting more abrasive and saying that she doesn't care.


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Just now, jehurey said:

this annoying karen came into a thread with a specific discussion and subject.............and he immediately proceeded to just start screaming, almost as if to intentionally derail the thread.


and when we pointed it out to her, she just started getting more abrasive and saying that she doesn't care.


i see. i will submit your complaint to headquarters. 

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10 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

All lemmings where saying how much better it would be on XBox. Forza aside where is it... 

Why are you spreading bullshit?


  • Bright Memory: Infinite
  • ExoMecha
  • The Medium
  • Forza Motorsport
  • Gears 5
  • Hellblade II
  • Halo Infinite

I'm sure there's more. This right here is the strongest use of RT I've frankly seen in any game period.



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Just now, lynux3 said:

ExoMecha looks a shit ton better than Halo Infinite.

I agree, it looks better than basically anything. In regards to Infinite I'm not going to harshly criticize it, it wasn't an impressive showing but there's a lot of moving parts and it was just a vertical slice that I feel shouldn't have been what they showed. 


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