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He should have an easy time with this since it’s using last gen tech 

lmfao Gynomite Cuck: That's how the engine works, the game is supposed to look bad.   

Says the one who mains a Switch.

13 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Well apparently that is like a 5 1/2 month old build running on the PC, we'll have to see where things land. 


This trailer here looks better, more up to date and shows different gameplay than what was seen in that video.



Well we will see.  People are bagging the lighting but it looks natural in motion so I have no gripes with it.  Halo is not my thing but the open world aspect with what seems like a day night cycle will be a great addition to the franchise.  MS really did drop the ball with this presentation.  I am still getting a Series X because I really do not like the dual shock and I prefer Microsoft's UI.  

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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

The reality is that 343i just isn't a very good developer at the end of the day. Many more studios could have made a better looking and playing Halo game with their time frame and budget. 

They could have thrown this on a modified Unreal 4.5 engine and had it look current gen.



Instead, they're trying to market Halo: Infinitely Awful, as some Game as a Service, from the 360 gen. 

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"While this is just a section of the final game, it took a herculean effort to make sure this little corner of our Ringworld was polished and pretty enough for its premiere! The art, lighting, design, environment, graphics, production and engineering teams involved in carving out and curating this little slice, are nervous and excited to show people a glimpse of what we’re building."

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4 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

"While this is just a section of the final game, it took a herculean effort to make sure this little corner of our Ringworld was polished and pretty enough for its premiere! The art, lighting, design, environment, graphics, production and engineering teams involved in carving out and curating this little slice, are nervous and excited to show people a glimpse of what we’re building."

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuut @DynamiteCop!  said it was an old unpolished build of the game :bena:

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Do you think this is going to be episodic?  Like Master chief has to walk across the entire ring, a section at a time?


In the trailers, its a broken Halo ring, and I imagine that the bad guys are trying to repair it in order to use it?


This is how they would do their games as a service. On launch, they will give you Multiplayer, and an initial area.

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Just now, jehurey said:

Do you think this is going to be episodic?  Like Master chief has to walk across the entire ring, a section at a time?


In the trailers, its a broken Halo ring, and I imagine that the bad guys are trying to repair it in order to use it?


This is how they would do their games as a service. On launch, they will give you Multiplayer, and an initial area.

lmao no... it's not that.. at all.

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