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Looks like Sony might have their own take on DLSS after all

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An information processing device for acquiring a plurality of reference images obtained by imaging an object that is to be reproduced, acquiring a plurality of converted images obtained by enlarging or shrinking each of the plurality of reference images, executing machine learning using a plurality of images to be learned, as teaching data, that include the plurality of converted images, and generating pre-learned data that is used for generating a reproduction image that represents the appearance of the object.


It's gonna be interesting to see how all these techniques compare to each other in the future.  Nvidia obviously has theirs, MS we know has been working on theirs, and now it seems likely Sony will have something using ML on PS5 as well... and then there's still AMD in the PC space to come with something.  Maybe Sony and AMD will share something?  Hard to say.. but it will be interesting to see how they compare considering Nvidia has built in cores specifically designed for this task which doesn't take away any processing power from the GPU.


My guess though, is that they'll all do a good enough job that rendering in native 4K won't even be considered once were half way through the gen.  Not to mention that if both consoles make use of ML techniques, then there won't be a "native" image to compare it to... so the game will just look as it does.

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There had been rumors of nVidia creating a "traversal co-processor" that basically serves as a ray-tracing accelerator, but not only that have that available for older nvidia cards to get ray-tracing.


I can only imagine that Nintendo is 100% okay with the idea of a Switch 2 only being capable of producing 1080p rendering for modern games while in handheld mode, and then having the dock be a DLSS/ray-tracing accelerator so that it could bump up the imagery to 4K, and that way they can sell you both things one at a time.

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3 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

If it does happen probably the ICE team that works with all Sony studios is working on it. 


Though Horizon 2 was just plain old checker boarding 

It's likely still in development so yea, first round of games or whatever may not use it... or it may just be a patent for stuff that they're working on for the future, such as PS5 Pro.  Hard to say at this point.

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