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Halo Infinite July 23rd build was only weeks old.

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Based on our learnings from Halo 4, Halo 5, and Halo Wars 2 – along with strong community feedback – we decided to shift back towards the legacy aesthetics that defined the original trilogy. With Halo Infinite, we’re returning to a more ‘classic’ art style which was a key message going back to the very first reveal that garnered enthusiastic and positive responses. This translates to a more vibrant palette, “cleaner” models and objects with less “noise”, though it doesn’t mean less detail. While we appreciate this may not be everyone’s personal preference, we stand by this decision and are happy to see it resonating with so many fans around the world.


The second theme being discussed involves visual fidelity. Negative feedback in this area includes comments around characters and objects appearing flat, simplistic and plastic-like, lighting feeling dull and flat, and object pop-in. We’ve read your comments, we’ve seen the homemade examples of retouched content, and yes we’ve heard the Digital Foundry assessments. In many ways we are in agreement here – we do have work to do to address some of these areas and raise the level of fidelity and overall presentation for the final game. The build used to run the campaign demo was work-in-progress from several weeks ago with a variety of graphical elements and game systems still being finished and polished. While some of the feedback was expected and speaks to areas already in progress, other aspects of the feedback have brought new opportunities and considerations to light that the team is taking very seriously and working to assess. We don’t have firm answers or outcomes to share yet but the team is working as quickly as possible on plans to address some of the feedback around detail, clarity, and overall fidelity. The team is committed and focused on making sure we have a beautiful world for players to explore when we launch.




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7 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

This might very well be the first main series Halo game to end up in the 70s on MC. Im not even joking, its not just the tech but the direction they're heading in with the gameplay design just seems bad.

Heading in the direction of like... an open world game?  You mean, with a map and objectives?  You mean, like most of Sony's first party games this gen? :wonder: 




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3 minutes ago, HALOmij said:

Heading in the direction of like... an open world game?  You mean, with a map and objectives?  You mean, like most of Sony's first party games this gen? :wonder: 







Edited by lynux3
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35 minutes ago, HALOmij said:

Heading in the direction of like... an open world game?  You mean, with a map and objectives?  You mean, like most of Sony's first party games this gen? :wonder: 




They revealed the game with a filler open world mission. You can bet its going to be filled with more of them, and I wouldn't be surprised if the campaign pacing and intensity suffered because of that bloat.

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3 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

They should delay this but they won't cause it's so important to the XSX launch. 

Its hardly a killer launch title though. The fact that its cross gen is one thing, but it looks so weak on Series X that the Xbone version will probably be almost identical graphically.


This definitely won't have anywhere near the impact the Halo 3 and 5 launches had.

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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

Its hardly a killer launch title though. The fact that its cross gen is one thing, but it looks so weak on Series X that the Xbone version will probably be almost identical graphically.


This definitely won't have anywhere near the impact the Halo 3 and 5 launches had.

It's still Halo man and it's been a long time without Halo. Name alone makes this the biggest launch title MS can provide, regardless of quality. Ppl also really want this to be good, they want halo to succeed and will give it a shot. 

Nothing will ever be Halo 3 launch levels again but this will be bigger than Halo 5 imo. 

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Just now, madmaltese said:

They should delay this but they won't cause it's so important to the XSX launch. 

I honestly don't think it's that bad..  There are some issues with things like pop-in and the way the lighting updates going in and out of the menu... so it doesn't look quite as polished as you'd expect.. especially considering how much they touted the game being a showcase... but that's honestly stuff that can be tweaked as the game goes through final optimization phases.  I honestly think outside of that the game is good to go.  I like the art direction, although there should be movement in the grass and trees ect..  I think there's lots of detail in the models but like DF said, it's a lot of specular detail, so it gets lost when those details aren't in the light.


I think the pilot character model looks perfectly fine.  It's a Halo character, not attempting to be as realistic as possible... it doesn't need to have the skin shaders and all the other stuff that goes into making believable characters... not every game has to be that shit.  The pilot has more "character" than most Halo characters, so I'm not concerned.


I think that we saw a tiny slice of a game that maybe wasn't as impressive as they thought it was going to be, but that there's going to be moments of crazy fire fights and all sorts of shit happening.  I like the fact that there's a day/night cycle now, and that there's objectives and upgrades and things to find.  Is it generic?  Eh, possibly... a LOT of other games do this and people seem to enjoy exploring.. so it's probably a good addition regardless.



If people really feel that strongly about it... which I suspect it's just a vocal minority and fanboys... and if it's just completely unacceptable... then release the MP at launch so people have Halo to play, and then add the campaign after it's been improved or whatever. 


But I don't think it's necessary.  The game will be good and it will sell extremely well.

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4 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

It's still Halo man and it's been a long time without Halo. Name alone makes this the biggest launch title MS can provide, regardless of quality. Ppl also really want this to be good, they want halo to succeed and will give it a shot. 

Nothing will ever be Halo 3 launch levels again but this will be bigger than Halo 5 imo. 

yeah but between the Xbone and PC versions existing I doubt its going to be much a system seller like in the past.

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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

yeah but between the Xbone and PC versions existing I doubt its going to be much a system seller like in the past.

You have NO idea man... this game is going to sell consoles.. it's going to sell like crazy on XO... and it's going to do crazy on Steam.....  and that's all despite being on Gamepass.

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17 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

They should delay this but they won't cause it's so important to the XSX launch. 

I agree. The game doesn't look ready at all. The build was "several" weeks old and it look unpolished even though they said that particular area was polished for this gameplay reveal. You can almost certainly tell it's being rushed out the door with no ray tracing implemented.

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46 minutes ago, HALOmij said:

The gameplay looked fine... and yes, it looks fun.

No, it looked old, outdated and certainly didn't look fun. They better show off something else before they release this game.

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16 minutes ago, HALOmij said:

I honestly don't think it's that bad..  There are some issues with things like pop-in and the way the lighting updates going in and out of the menu... so it doesn't look quite as polished as you'd expect.. especially considering how much they touted the game being a showcase... but that's honestly stuff that can be tweaked as the game goes through final optimization phases.  I honestly think outside of that the game is good to go.  I like the art direction, although there should be movement in the grass and trees ect..  I think there's lots of detail in the models but like DF said, it's a lot of specular detail, so it gets lost when those details aren't in the light.


I think the pilot character model looks perfectly fine.  It's a Halo character, not attempting to be as realistic as possible... it doesn't need to have the skin shaders and all the other stuff that goes into making believable characters... not every game has to be that shit.  The pilot has more "character" than most Halo characters, so I'm not concerned.


I think that we saw a tiny slice of a game that maybe wasn't as impressive as they thought it was going to be, but that there's going to be moments of crazy fire fights and all sorts of shit happening.  I like the fact that there's a day/night cycle now, and that there's objectives and upgrades and things to find.  Is it generic?  Eh, possibly... a LOT of other games do this and people seem to enjoy exploring.. so it's probably a good addition regardless.



If people really feel that strongly about it... which I suspect it's just a vocal minority and fanboys... and if it's just completely unacceptable... then release the MP at launch so people have Halo to play, and then add the campaign after it's been improved or whatever. 


But I don't think it's necessary.  The game will be good and it will sell extremely well.

I think the fact they are already talking about how Ray Tracing is coming later and that it is sort of a staggered launch with features being added outside of release already shows that they should delay but obviously have to hit that launch date. You also hear stories from devs who delayed games and just how beneficial it was. One of the most known is how the original TLOU was apparently an absolute mess just months out and that even the small delay it had really took it from a 7 to a 10. Polish is truly what differentiates the top tier games from everything else and this definitely isn't going to have that top level of polish we see from major Ninty or Sony games. 


I don't think it's 'bad' per se, it's not gonna be like a 6 or even a 7 but it's also not the old Halo in terms of when a new Halo was coming out it was going to move the genre forward. Sort of how Sony major first parties do now. It seems like it's gonna be like a Far Cry. Which is fine I guess, but Halo, especially this which was a reboot and a launch game, really should be more. I want Halo to be the FPS king again, not another 8 in a sea of '8' FPS games. Especially now that formula and gameplay wise it is literally entering the massively crowded open world shooter market. 


I have no doubt it is going to sell well regardless of quality. 

16 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

yeah but between the Xbone and PC versions existing I doubt its going to be much a system seller like in the past.

I disagree man, in fact I'd say Halo is the only real system seller MS has. We'll see though.

9 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

I agree. The game doesn't look ready at all. The build was "several" weeks old and it look unpolished even though they said that particular area was polished for this gameplay reveal. You can almost certainly tell it's being rushed out the door with no ray tracing implemented.

Yeah exactly. But I also understand that from a business perspective they really need this at launch. I guess the fact that the game is basically a GaaS helps. Both Destiny and Destiny 2 were improved dramatically after release. 

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1 minute ago, lynux3 said:

No, it looked old, outdated and certainly didn't look fun. They better show off something else before they release this game.

Looked great.  Looks like more Halo.  Looks fun.  Haters :shrug: 



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