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The Granby Bulldozer man strikes again

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according to the youtube comments, this excavator was angry because he wasn't paid.


but it turns out that he didn't check his bank account that morning, or else he would've discovered that he was in fact paid.


is that correct?

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Even better is the Reddit story from a british guy who tells the story of his bar-mate, who is a very, very specialized construction worker that deals with working on special projects for historically protected buildings within the country.


And such a building was being renovated, and the contractor doing the renovation job had an absolute mega-prick boss who tried to treat the specialized free-lance worker like an errand boy, and then proceeds to walk off from the job, and then everything turns into shit really bad for that whole project.


Genuinely some of the best reading I've seen in quite some time.  Unfortunately, the ending to that story has not been provided yet because of the biggest twist yet that occurs when reading the reddit threads and the updates.


Absolute must-read, tho.

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