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Sony: "we are building data structures essential to faster ray tracing & developing libraries to offer game creators"

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Just like with any other rendering technology.. the more devs you have working with it, the more optimized and integrated it becomes.  Major game engines are incorporating the functionality at a base level and developers can build off that.  That's what Sony is going to do for PS5 developers too.  Build libraries which improve the functionality and performance of ray-tracing, while making it as easy as possible for developers to implement.  Nvidia does this for their hardware through their SDKs, AMD will do it as well for RDNA2, and MS has been doing this with DXR as well. 

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PS5 Pro should be interesting. AMD should have RDNA4 or something ready by then. The RT improvements should give a huge result. That's when devs can hit 60fps with RT enabled. RDNA2 is amds first shot at RT. 


Pro will probably a butterfly design with double CUs. Not even sure they will clock them beyond what we have now. 

Edited by Team 2019
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Sony did pour $250 million to epic games to optimize UE5 for PS5 just a few weeks ago. Sony gonna drive the industry forward in terms of graphical fidelity and are actually investing and making the right moves to do it. Compare that to what MS is doing. :drake:

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1 hour ago, Ike said:

Sony did pour $250 million to epic games to optimize UE5 for PS5 just a few weeks ago. Sony gonna drive the industry forward in terms of graphical fidelity and are actually investing and making the right moves to do it. Compare that to what MS is doing. :drake:

lol...  MS literally just pushed the industry forward with Flight Sim 2020.. their cloud streaming technology is the beginning of some next level shit.  This stuff can be scaled.. so you can imagine huge data sets being scanned and textures streamed in over the internet while you play.  Azure can also be scaled up or down to suit their needs.  They have physics streaming technology as well.  Crackdown 3 was a disappointing game for sure, but the tech despite not being scaled very high for that particular game is absolutely real and already working.  Now take a game like flight sim but combat oriented where the terrain is generated and streamed in over the internet, and apply physics calculated on the servers which actually remembers buildings you've destroyed.  Asobo isn't even a AAA studio and look at the results they are managing to get by leveraging MS technologies.


A lot... and I mean a LOT of the features in UE4 and upcoming in UE5 were actually precipitated by MS and the work The Coalition has been doing with UE4.  You probably wont believe me, but it's true.  I've watched the dev talks lol.  A lot of the physics systems that's implemented now in their Chaos physics engine were brought over from the work The Coalition did with Gears 5.


MS has also been working on DXR for a long time now and is undoubtedly ahead of Sony in this regard.  MS is actually on the forefront of technology, despite their games not being great.


I know you guys will never admit it... but MS really is pushing this industry forward lol.. They're on the forefront of Ray-tracing, Streaming, Physics, AI.. all that shit.. and they have to be.. no so much on the console side, but on the PC side they do :shrug: 

Edited by Remij
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2 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

PS5 Pro should be interesting. AMD should have RDNA4 or something ready by then. The RT improvements should give a huge result. That's when devs can hit 60fps with RT enabled. RDNA2 is amds first shot at RT. 


Pro will probably a butterfly design with double CUs. Not even sure they will clock them beyond what we have now. 

I'm very interested in seeing how Sony will handle a potential PS5 Pro.  I have so many thoughts right now based on how RT is implemented in the PS5, but I'm going to wait until we see RDNA2 on PC before I draw any conclusions.  PS5 Pro could simply be a case of doubling cores and calling it a day, or it could be something quite a bit more interesting than that.  I want to see if RDNA2 on the PC side can give any clues :)

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4 hours ago, Remij said:

I'm very interested in seeing how Sony will handle a potential PS5 Pro.  I have so many thoughts right now based on how RT is implemented in the PS5, but I'm going to wait until we see RDNA2 on PC before I draw any conclusions.  PS5 Pro could simply be a case of doubling cores and calling it a day, or it could be something quite a bit more interesting than that.  I want to see if RDNA2 on the PC side can give any clues :)

Rhe big question is if their RT solutions will be backed into the CUs or they'll eventually use die space for seperate RT accelerators like Nvidia. Even if they so the acceleration approach at the cost of die space I can't see Sony adapting. Too expensive for a feature not all devs will use. 


I think 3 years after PS5 is a good time to launch the Pro, 4 years in is way too late IMO. But first we need to see the PS5 price. Pro came out 3 years later and was only 100 bucks more expensive than PS4 Slim. They did a fantastic job with less than a 100 dollars to work with. Pro had a higher profit average over the Slim, so they were working with a very low margin to improve the hardware. 


Ram bandwidth is a good question. OG leaks suggested 500+ gaps, but we got 448gbps. Probably 256 bit bus again for Pro to save on costs and won't mix and match RAM setup like X. 


I probably won't get a Pro since PS5 looks good enough, but still interesting to see what a revision and the higher end model will do.  Should also see a decent IPCs upgrade over the Zen2 CPU as well. The path to a PS5 Pro this time around seems more balanced than PS4 Pro and a clearer all around upgrade path for all parts.  Zen 3 from what I'm reading has a 20 percent IPC improvement. We'// past Zen 3 in 3 years. 

Edited by Team 2019
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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

Rhe big question is if their RT solutions will be backed into the CUs or they'll eventually use die space for seperate RT accelerators like Nvidia. Even if they so the acceleration approach at the cost of die space I can't see Sony adapting. Too expensive for a feature not all devs will use. 

Yep.  This is one of my questions.  I can't see Sony investing die space specifically for something that would not improve games in all aspects.  Which is what leads me to believe that they'll simply double the amount of cores and call it a day.  It also works to an advantage with their RT implementation IMO.  I still don't think we know enough about RDNA2 or PS5's implementation yet to be sure, but it stands to reason from what we know that doubling the CUs will give devs access to 2x the GPU resources to work with in any way they choose.  For older PS5 games, they could easily double performance or boost resolution... but for NEW games made to take advantage of the PRO after the fact... they could really divide those resources up however they see fit and put a larger amount dedicated to specifically improving RT if they so choose.  So that could mean just SOME RT effects on the original PS5, but much more effects on the PRO.


By the time PRO comes, RT will be well integrated and should be seeing use in just about everything from visual effects to sound effects, and even the one most people aren't really thinking of too much... but enemy AI.  Using RT to simulate enemy AI line of sight and hearing.. and possibly even physics.. it will all be coming.

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