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MIchael Moore, who predicted Trump would win in 2016 is now shitting himself because he thinks Trump is on track to win again

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Can't even walk around in broad daylight in PUBLIC spaces without the risk of being assaulted and nearly raped.     Guess defunding the police wasn't exactly the smartest choice after all...

You don't even know what rape is, shut the fuck up.

Sure, but you're talking hundreds of thousands in a city of 8.4 million. If 400,000 left it would be a 5% decrease. Does that shift the total major crimes per capita? Of course, but not far enough for

Just now, Liquid said:

I'm sure this gaslighting works on the highschool girls you date but come on. 

Says the guy with 15+ only fans subs. LOL. 

Are you saying crime increased while under trump?


you two got played by @Twinblade, get over it 

Edited by ghostz life matters
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3 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

Says the guy with 15+ only fans subs. LOL. 

Are you saying crime increased while under trump?


you two got played by @Twinblade, get over it 

I say this honestly and for the record not as an attempt to flame or insult anyone but  you really should get tested or seek therapy or something. 

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Hot sauce made a fair point, but people have started leaving the city even before covid. It’s obvious they’ve been unhappy with DeBlasio’s leadership overall even if the overall crime stats haven’t changed much.

It will be interesting to see where things go in the next few months though....once the effects of the reduced police budget really start to show. The increased shootings are already evidence of that, I remember hearing about the Brooklyn incident where some dude was paralyzed by a stray bullet. One of the witnesses/residents of the area said that they used to see more police vehicles patrolling the streets, but it sounds like they’ve had no choice but to reduce their presence in those communities because of the decrease in funding.

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22 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

It will be interesting to see where things go in the next few months though....once the effects of the reduced police budget really start to show.

Honestly, they might already be starting to show. The same comparison I made earlier but for April had a 28.5% reduction and May had a 21.2% reduction, so we've gone from 20+% reductions to mid-single digits since the protesting kicked off in late May/early June.


NYC was a much different place in April and May, obviously, so I'd expect a good chunk of that to be people being more active in the city once again, but New York's YTD and June/July drops are significantly smaller than the same ones in Chicago, a city that has balked at police spending cuts. Different cities, different levels of impact from the pandemic but the trend might be there.

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1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:

Honestly, they might already be starting to show. The same comparison I made earlier but for April had a 28.5% reduction and May had a 21.2% reduction, so we've gone from 20+% reductions to mid-single digits since the protesting kicked off in late May/early June.


NYC was a much different place in April and May, obviously, so I'd expect a good chunk of that to be people being more active in the city once again, but New York's YTD and June/July drops are significantly smaller than the same ones in Chicago, a city that has balked at police spending cuts. Different cities, different levels of impact from the pandemic but the trend might be there.

I just heard on NPR that 20% of the Portland PD just up and retired in the last month too.

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