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Phil Spencer needs to be fired imo

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The Halo Infinite fuck up is on him. 5 years in development, a ridiculous budget, a key launch title game. It's upto him to make sure this title delivers. The fact they have to emergency hire a new fucking story and lore writer is on him. He used to be the first party studios head. 


Rare has put out one half finished game this gen, and their next game, they haven't even decided how it will play. 


No Forza for launch when the last main Forza came out God knows when. 


Buying a bunch of studios still committed to releasing games on PS4, Peychonauts 2 is coming in 2021 for PS4, Wasteland 3 PS4 etc. Obsidian is still busy making DLC for a multiplat game. God knows when they'll commit XBox only, I even suspect stuff like Hellblade 2 will eventually end up on PS5 due to install base and existing fanbase that bought the OG. They showed a bunch of CGI trailers while having released shit for X since 2017.



The next gen XBox is positioned so badly that people are flat out asking how long this circus can go on where MS plays console wars without actually properly committing to their console like OG XBox and 360. We're legit at the point where games might start coming to PS5. Steam sales prove their is a huge market for 60 dollar games no matter how hard you push for game pass. 


Honestly XBox brand saving should have started in 2014. Now it's just too damn late. Half a decade and nothing to show for it. 


Edited by Team 2019
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look at mike ybarra's tweets, he literally rubs salt in the wound every time Phuck Sphincter fucks up. he was the VP of Xbox, and he hated every second of his job. he's also let it slip that Phil makes all of the decisions and no one else has a say.


he was abused and harassed into quitting.


he now prefers his playstation over the console he helped create. He outs MS failures every chance he gets. HE'S BITTER.


Phil has absolutely single handedly steered xbox into this new failed exclusiveless, gameless direction. he's appointed SJW quota hires like Bonnie ross and Rod Ferguson who had no talent and sunk their respective franchises.


Phil Spencer is an evil, hateful man and once his regime falls maybe Xbox can be taken seriously. Series X manages to now be launching even worse off than Xbox One, it's a Phil Spencer creation from the ground up and its DOOMED as such.


get ready for a massacre. 10:1 PS5 is incoming.

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I love Phil for bringing Xbox back  around to the PC.  Even if it was out of necessity for them to keep Xbox afloat within the company.  But there's no denying that he fucks up a lot.  You're right... Halo Infinite is completely his fuck up.  There's NO WAY any of this should have happened.. This new engine, all the extra years of development.. that should have all been to ensure that the game was as spectacular as possible.  He should have had his entire focus on this game.  Bonnie Ross should have been fired on the spot.  But it seems like Phil's too scared to fire a woman these days.


And if he's going around thinking that what they showed "showed off the power of next gen" then yea... he's the problem.  The Xbox One generation sucking shit for the last few years, would be understandable.... IF they had a stacked next gen launch to show for it... but right now things see FARRR out, and a lot of it isn't looking impressive.

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The 343i dev photo shows like 20 percent working on the game are literally trannies. That sounds like garbage hiring, not actual search of talent for the best the game could be. It's obvious a Halo game would be 99 percent males developing  cause these guys are the target audience. This isn't Minecraft or some other bullshit franchise. This isn't even an anti sjw post. It's just terrible management. 

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The last 3 years on big forums has been "Phil is making all the right moves". Then he launches a console with no big exclusive and we don't have shit for launch window outside of The Medium that's confirmed for PS5. 


That Halo delay is going to do monstirous damage to XBox momentum. Sony is planning to make 10 million  PS5s by March when  the original plan was 6 million. And they'll get away with it. 

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Mattrick gave XBox Forza Horizon, mainline Forza Ryse, Killer Instinct, Dead Rising 3 and Titan fall for launch window. Ohh and COD exclusivity. He also fucked Sony by making Insomniac make their first next gen game for XBox. 


Phil... Gave us the Medium and CGI trailers. 

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XBox launch window - Halo, Jet Set Radio Future, Sega GT, Shenmue 2, Gun Valkyrie, Splinter Cell sure there was trash like Nightcaster and Azurik but it was their first console launch. 


360 - Kameo, Perfect Dark, Dead Rising, Lost Planet. Promise of Ninja Gaiden 2, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect. We also saw Gears early gameplay footage. 

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8 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

Phil killed Dynamite. I will never forgive him.

damn you might be the only one who liked that dude, but I can see why. 2 autistic retards :D  


I admit though even if Phil killed DC I still hate Phil. :D 

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