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Igor's Lab seems to think Big Navi is a dud

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- Actual "big navi" has 275W and just above a 3070 performance (if the Nvidia charts are true)
- Possibility that AMD pushed the TDP to +-300W to get around 3080 performance but that would be really bad for the efficiency
- Board partners don't yet have chips or even BOM (bill of materials) what will lead to only reference design to be available this year


Damn... barely better than a 2080ti two years later.  And consuming more power on a smaller process node... OUCH if true! :scared:

Edited by Remij
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4 minutes ago, Ike said:

And you'll still probably drop the $1400 and act smugly superior over it :drake:

Post any post of me acting smug about my PC.  I dont even talk about my PC unless I'm buying new parts or someone asks me.


Where the fuck does that shit even come from?  You mad about something?


Oh, are you referring to how I talk about consoles vs PC?  Lmao miss me with that shit homie... it's system wars.. :reg:

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