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An embargo was lifted for Ampere GPUs today, new slides and information

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The new SM with 32 FP32 cores, 16 of which can perform FP32 and INT32 concurrently (This GPU really does have double the single precision FP32 compute power than Turing)









New RT and Tensor Cores.  This slide shows how Nvidia's RT implementation is completely hardware based without reliance on precious shader core resources 





New RT motion blur acceleration built into the hardware with an interpolation unit built into the core.









New Tensor cores optimized for Sparsity.  This is a HUGE improvement lmao.. we're talking at least 2-4x improvement with half the cores per SM.







New and improved DLSS 2.1 with 9x super resolution 8K support using a 2560x1440 input resolution






HDMI 2.1





RTX I/O shows some incredible I/O performance, but we have no idea what their "demo" consisted of. 







Nvidia Reflex reducing system latency














Lots of nice technological improvements coming with Ampere.  There's also all the creator stuff too with RTX voice and Nvidia Broadcast.  RTX is fucking awesome :whew: 

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Good news for Corsair PSU owners who want their cables to look nice. THey are making their own adapter cable from two 8-pin to one 12-pin that works with their module cable power supplies.




They'll sell it soon after the cards launch.  This should work with my RMx 850 and make it look clean.

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6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

So what the deal with them implement motion blur at a hardware level, does that have to do with making it easier to create certain ray tracing effects ?

Yea it would seem so.  By having logic in the RT core that essentially keeps a time scale of triangle positions, it would allow them to do better motion blur effects while having less of a performance hit.  I'm wondering if this couldn't be also used to improve performance for things like contact hardening soft shadows where it becomes more diffused the farther away from the object.  Maybe instead of having to calculate against every triangle every frame, they could possibly interpolate between two different triangle positions on the time scale to create those effects?  It could also allow them to reduce the amount of tests that they need to perform when the positioning of objects hasn't changed much.  They could basically just call up the previous ray-triangle intersection hit that was successful and not have to process them over and over again.


Could be more performance benefits to it than they are leading on.

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GamerNexus and other tech sites have put up videos in which they expand on the general idea of the cooling solution for the founder's edition cards.


Its not actual benchmarking.


Reviews for the Founder's Edition cards are supposed to go up three days before release, Sept. 14th.


The aftermarket card reviews will go up on launch day.

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Apparently the "demo" for their RTX I/O tech was the RTX Marbles demo.  With RTX I/O the demo loaded in just 1.62 seconds, whereas the traditional method using the CPU was 5.25 seconds.  That's a 3.25x increase in speed.  Meanwhile the HDD has been loading for 16.57 seconds and is no where even close to being even half done lol.




Damn.. games really will be instant loading in the future.


I wonder if it will be possible for applications like Steam, Epic Game Store, and others to utilize this technology to improve install speeds and decrypting in the future?  It will be interesting to see how this technology evolves to traditional applications within Windows itself.. because you know eventually it will.


Also, it's unclear yet whether the decompression is being done on the shader cores, or the tensor cores.  It appears to be an RTX only feature, and it's possible that the decompression is being done on the tensor cores... which would explain Nvidia saying it has a miniscule performance hit.  And people thought those tensor cores would be useless lmao

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3 hours ago, Substatic said:

I tried a blower version of 5700xt only time I ever tried a blower, it was like a damn jet engine and wasn't even that cold.

The blower apologists on this forum in shambles.

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Nvidia is also going pretty crazy with their analysis tools.  Reviewers have FCAT for frames, now they'll have PCAT for power, and there's that new Reflex Latency analyzer being built into their new Gsync monitors which can measure input latency super precisely without the need of having a high speed camera set up and counting the frames individually.



This all helps reviewers bring us more accurate information and results.  Good shit. B) 

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6 hours ago, Substatic said:

I tried a blower version of 5700xt only time I ever tried a blower, it was like a damn jet engine and wasn't even that cold.

no they stay on the warm side because AMD keeps very low fan profile for them at default. Perhaps so they don't spin fast and get really loud. 

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Blower cards are really great for small form factor builds.


They have their place.  But yes, there's obviously better options out there assuming you have the right setup.


The 30-series cards though have a hybrid solution which is part blower and part open air.  It's going to be really interesting seeing how these perform compared to the 20-series as well as the open air AIB partner cards.

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