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Tin foil hat time: Most rioters are right wingers trying to sabotage the protests.

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hey remember this guy?  from the minnesota protests?




remember the right-wingers on here trying to use this as proof and claiming that he's ANTIFA???????????


guess what. they identified him.


guess what he was?


[by this point, the right-wingers of this forum have now clicked the back button to exit this thread]







Minneapolis police say 'Umbrella Man' was a white supremacist trying to incite George Floyd rioting

By Libor Jany Star Tribune
July 28, 2020 — 8:18pm

A masked man who was seen in a viral video smashing the windows of a south Minneapolis auto parts store during the George Floyd protests, earning him the moniker "Umbrella Man," is suspected of ties with a white supremacist group and sought to incite racial tension, police said.

A Minneapolis police arson investigator said the act of vandalism at the AutoZone on E. Lake Street helped spark a chain reaction that led to days of looting and rioting. The store was among dozens of buildings across the city that burned to the ground in the days that followed.

"This was the first fire that set off a string of fires and looting throughout the precinct and the rest of the city," Sgt. Erika Christensen wrote in a search warrant affidavit filed in court this week. "Until the actions of the person your affiant has been calling 'Umbrella Man,' the protests had been relatively peaceful. The actions of this person created an atmosphere of hostility and tension. Your affiant believes that this individual's sole aim was to incite violence."

Police identified "Umbrella Man" thanks to a tip that came via e-mail last week, Christensen said.

The Star Tribune could not independently verify the police account, which has so far only surfaced in the search warrant, and isn't naming the man because so far he has not been charged with a crime. The man, who has a criminal history that includes convictions of domestic violence and assault, did not respond to messages seeking comment. Spokespersons for the Minneapolis Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is also involved in the investigation, declined to comment.



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3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

hey remember this guy?  from the minnesota protests?




remember the right-wingers on here trying to use this as proof and claiming that he's ANTIFA???????????


guess what. they identified him.


guess what he was?


[by this point, the right-wingers of this forum have now clicked the back button to exit this thread]






links and facts? 



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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

You guys do know that conspiracy theories aren’t allowed right? Especially when they aren’t backed up by any credible evidence. It says that in the rules right at the top of the forum....

Except we have provided actual proof.


@-GD-@Alphonse can't you see that this biased mod is trying to shut down this thread?

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15 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Except we have provided actual proof.


@-GD-@Alphonse can't you see that this biased mod is trying to shut down this thread?

A single person being a white supremacist isn’t proof. Either provide better evidence, or this is still nothing than a baseless conspiracy theory. 

The thread title says MOST rioters are ring wingers, so you need to prove that.

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4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

A single person being a white supremacist isn’t proof. Either provide better evidence, or this is still nothing than a baseless conspiracy theory.

No, it is proof.


Its verified by that local police department. And its also the SECOND piece of evidence in this thread.


Actually there's more.............there are the people who got busted with weapons


The Boogaloo movement:





Gun-toting members of the Boogaloo movement are showing up at protests

By Robert Kuznia, Drew Griffin and Curt Devin

Benjamin Ryan Teeter was at his home in Hampstead, N.C., when the call to action came. It was an alert from the heart of the raging protests in Minneapolis, posted on an online forum by a fellow member of the Boogaloo movement, a loosely knit group of heavily armed, anti-government extremists.

The "alert" was from a man who had a run-in with the Minneapolis police while on the frontline of the police-brutality protests set off by the death of George Floyd.
"He caught mace to the face," said Teeter, and "put out a national notice to our network."
After Teeter -- who goes by Ryan -- said he saw the online posting, he and a handful of other Boogaloo friends in the area mobilized.
They grabbed their guns -- mostly assault rifles -- hopped into their vehicles, and made the 18-hour trek to Minneapolis.
The Boogaloos are an emerging incarnation of extremism that seems to defy easy categorization. They are yet another confounding factor in the ongoing effort among local, state and federal officials to puzzle out the political sympathies of the agitators showing up to the mostly peaceful George Floyd rallies who have destroyed property, looted businesses, or -- in the case of the Boogaloos who descended on Minneapolis -- walked around the streets with assault rifles.
Boogaloo members appear to hold conflicting ideological views with some identifying as anarchists and others rejecting formal titles. Some pockets of the group have espoused white supremacy while others reject it. But they have at least two things in common: an affinity for toting around guns in public



In Nevada, federal prosecutors this week charged three men who allegedly identify with the Boogaloo movement with possessing a "Molotov cocktail" explosive and conspiring to "cause destruction during protests in Las Vegas," according to a press release from the US Attorney's Office.




Gun-toting Boogaloo members also have appeared at George Floyd protests in Minneapolis, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Atlanta and elsewhere, according to The Washington Post.


Notice how I've provided more hard information that you have in any of your thread.
Actual descriptions of what they were trying to do, and specific names of the individuals BY FEDERAL PROSECUTORS.
And confirmation of their appearances at multiple protests by an actual reputable source.
And you have nothing but Daily Mail articles.
Edited by jehurey
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This isn't a tin-foil hate conspiracy............because its going to become the OFFICIAL POSITION of the United State Government, and the Department of Homeland Security.


This story just went up less than 24 hours ago.






DHS to label white supremacists as the 'most persistent and lethal threat' to the US: report

By Tal Axelrod - 09/04/20 11:02 PM EDT


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is set to label white supremacists as the most serious terror threat facing the United States. 


In three draft reports reviewed by Politico, DHS says the threat posed by white supremacists is more significant than the immediate danger from foreign terrorists.


“Foreign terrorist organizations will continue to call for Homeland attacks but probably will remain constrained in their ability to direct such plots over the next year,” all three documents say.


Russia “probably will be the primary covert foreign influence actor and purveyor of disinformation and misinformation in the Homeland,” the documents add.


DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.


Kevin McAleenan, the former acting DHS secretary, ordered the agency last year to start crafting annual homeland threat assessments. The three draft documents use varying language to describe the threat posed by white supremacists, but all of them say they pose the most significant threat, according to Politico.


“Lone offenders and small cells of individuals motivated by a diverse array of social, ideological, and personal factors will pose the primary terrorist threat to the United States,” the earliest draft reads. “Among these groups, we assess that white supremacist extremists – who increasingly are networking with likeminded persons abroad – will pose the most persistent and lethal threat.


It doesn't get much more official than that.

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12 minutes ago, jehurey said:

No, it is proof.


Its verified by that local police department. And its also the SECOND piece of evidence in this thread.


Actually there's more.............there are the people who got busted with weapons


The Boogaloo movement:





Notice how I've provided more hard information that you have in any of your thread.
Actual descriptions of what they were trying to do, and specific names of the individuals BY FEDERAL PROSECUTORS.
And confirmation of their appearances at multiple protests by an actual reputable source.
And you have nothing but Daily Mail articles.

So you went from a single person to a few people.


That STILL doesn't prove that most rioters are protesters. This thread is making a HUGE claim that has yet to be backed up.


Ill give you some more time to find actual evidence, even though this thread already warrants a lock (but im way too forgiving for this sub forum). 

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Just now, Twinblade said:

So you went from a single person to a few people.


That STILL doesn't prove that most rioters are protesters. This thread is making a HUGE claim that has yet to be backed up.


Ill give you some more time to find actual evidence, even though this thread already warrants a lock (but im way too forgiving for this sub forum). 

Except I have a direct quote that the police in minnesota are saying that the right-winger is responsible for the FIRST ACT OF VANDLAISM that "set of a string"


THey are literally blaming him for incitement, and YES the entire blame for the violence can be laid at the one who incites the violence.


I already found the actual evidence.


@-GD-@Alphonse you need to get control of your right-wing mod who is pretty much instigating the ENTIRE political forum, and making threat.


And i provided MORE evidence...........and he just dismisses and makes more threats.


You guys need to take care of him. Now.

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11 minutes ago, jehurey said:

This isn't a tin-foil hate conspiracy............because its going to become the OFFICIAL POSITION of the United State Government, and the Department of Homeland Security.


This story just went up less than 24 hours ago.




It doesn't get much more official than that.

So you've not only failed to prove your point but you're now pivoting and going off topic. Groups that may or may not pose a threat to the U.S have nothing to do with the claim being made in this thread. NONE of this offers proof that MOST rioters are white supremacists. And this has nothing to do with me being on the left or right, its just simply enforcing the rules of the forum.


I have no choice but to lock this. If you really feel like you've been wronged then go ahead and complain to the other mods, i don't care.

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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

So you've not only failed to prove your point but you're now pivoting and going off topic. Groups that may or may not pose a threat to the U.S have nothing to do with the claim being made in this thread.


Im sorry, but I have no choice but to lock this.

yes it is.


because they are performing their attacks right now. In these protests.

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