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RTX saved the PC

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Mutliplats designed for consoles at slightly higher resolutions and framerates is nothing to get too excited about. What PC needs is more games like MS Flight Simulator, that push technology in whole new directions. Its unfortunate that it gets one of those games every 10 or so years.

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13 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Mutliplats designed for consoles at slightly higher resolutions and framerates is nothing to get too excited about. What PC needs is more games like MS Flight Simulator, that push technology in whole new directions. Its unfortunate that it gets one of those games every 10 or so years.

That's funny... since I distinctly remember people here shitting on me for talking about how MS' cloud computing would allow for never before done things in gaming... and people said it was bullshit and wouldn't work because a game like Crackdown didn't push it far.


The fact is... that it's people like that who delay tech from truly progressing.  "It gets one of those games every 10 or so years"... yea, it's almost like pushing technology in new directions is difficult.  You have to be in a position where you can target a small fraction of the overall gaming market, and build an expensive technologically impressive game utilizing new technology in new ways... and not tank your studio in the process...


And you wonder why it doesn't happen all that often.... :roll:  It's not a PC issue... it's a "reality of game development" issue..  Things cost money.


PCs ALWAYS push technology.. that's just how it is.  The budgets are what's important for taking advantage of that tech... which is what Sony has, and puts into their games.


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1 minute ago, The Mother Fucker said:

Seems like a lot of hype. I'll believe it when I see the real game benchmarks roll in from reviewers. 

I want someone to put that 3080 under the gun of MS Flight Simulator 2020 at 4K resolution . The 3070 at 1440p resolution, and the 3060 at 1080p ultimate quality.

Flight Sim could REALLY get some help from DirectStorage and RTX I/O.  The load times are incredibly long.  Hopefully we see an update in the future for it.


It's mostly CPU bound anyway though.  I'm not sure exactly how well it will scale, but I'm interested in finding out.

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Thank goodness I accurately predicted which year several pieces of important tech milestones were going to align.


  • Significant GPU upgrade in 2020.
  • Which can only be taken advantage of with a significant HDMI standard that doesn't start arriving on tv's until 2020.
  • Combined with a next-gen of video games in which multiplats will see significant improvements on PC because they finally are designing them with decent CPUs coming from the consoles.

And then other stuff, like another refresh of AMD's CPUs, a potential new standard for loading data on PC, and improvements to DLSS.

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1 hour ago, JONBpc said:

RTX flopped once and will flop again. THHBO



nah, its not going to flop again.


these 30xx series GPU are going to sell gangbusters.


Many people are making the parallel with how nVIdia introduced tesselation.


their first video cards that did tesselation were immediately improved upon by the line of video cards that released after that, and were greatly successful.


not only that, just based on pure shader processing, these video cards are at least 40% more powerful at the same price, which higher than usual refreshes.


I've been looking at the nVidia subreddit, and there's alot of new people spilling in there asking a whole bunch of questions, because they're gonna be buying.


These cards, especially the Founder's Editions, are going to sell out.

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1 hour ago, JONBpc said:

RTX flopped once and will flop again. THHBO



10.5% of Steam users polled are RTX owners... :reg: 


"No one"  :mj: 


Tech Jesus isn't usually wrong about much, but he is this time.  And those 10-series gamers are going to be flocking to the 30-series... with this launch RTX is going to take over Steam :whew: 


I was right about RTX :blessed: 

I was right about DLSS :blessed: 

I was right that these GPUs would be more than 40% faster than the previous gen :blessed: 

I was right that the prices would come down :blessed: 

I was right that Series X would be a mid range PC by launch :blessed: 


And I'm going to be right with the 3060 that Nvidia will have a $350 GPU that beats the Series X :blessed: 

Edited by Remij
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8 minutes ago, Remij said:

10.5% of Steam users polled are RTX owners... :reg: 


"No one"  :mj: 


Tech Jesus isn't usually wrong about much, but he is this time.  And those 10-series gamers are going to be flocking to the 30-series... with this launch RTX is going to take over Steam :whew: 


I was right about RTX :blessed: 

I was right about DLSS :blessed: 

I was right that these GPUs would be more than 40% faster than the previous gen :blessed: 

I was right that the prices would come down :blessed: 

I was right that Series X would be a mid range PC by launch :blessed: 


And I'm going to be right with the 3060 that Nvidia will have a $350 GPU that beats the Series X :blessed: 

You were also right about Halo Infinite.



















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I knew this stuff is a pretty niche market.

Only reason I bought a RTX 2080 last year was to see Call of Duty and Minecraft in Ray-Tracing.

I'm back to messing with my other GPUs.   I'm not surprised to see that 1080p is still the large majority of gamers. Lessening the need further of the new RTX 30 cards that clearly targeting the 4K niche crowd.

Big NAVI too. The whole point of Big Navi is suppose to be AMD's high-end GPUs (i.e. 4K) as oppose to the RX 5700XT which is a pretty decent mid-range GPU (1080p / 1440p).

Edited by The Mother Fucker
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I'm just here with my ghetto watercooled 5700 thinking it was good bang for the buck but I don't even use it that much. Still nice to get to play Flight Simulator and not having to worry about shit performance. I don't see any real reason to upgrade and most people are probably fine with their 4 and 580s

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