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Series S $299

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The names have been changed to protect the victims..... these are their stories 

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Just now, Goukosan said:

What games would people be running out to purchase for series S this holiday season? :mjpls:

There's some new 3rd party games that I'm sure will sell these consoles at launch.  Like I said, the price is right.  We'll see though, I could be completely wrong.

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Just now, Remij said:

There's some new 3rd party games that I'm sure will sell these consoles at launch.  Like I said, the price is right.  We'll see though, I could be completely wrong.

No one runs out to be a new system for games that are available almost everywhere:shrug:

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Imo the price is fine but at the highest end that it could've been for what this is. 

There is defs a market for this. $299 + GP and you get access to a bunch of games. Not really next gen at all but is a gateway and that's what they want. 

Very surprised by how bad it looks though. I thought the lower specs meant it could look a lot more aesthetically pleasing than what Series X and PS5 had to look like but it is by far the ugliest. 

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Just now, Goukosan said:

No one runs out to be a new system for games that are available almost everywhere:shrug:

Launch crowds do.. because there's a sizably chunk that just want the next thing.  These consoles will sell fine... at launch.  After that.. we'll see lol..

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What if they are using Brad Sams to bait Sony into a certain price point.


Brad Sams keeps on repeating $299, $299 all over the place, but its only an estimate.


Sony reacts to it. And Microsoft can say that Brad Sams was wrong after Sony already committed to a price.

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Just now, madmaltese said:

Guy is living his nightmare lol


He was predicting $399 for Series X price too :hest:

This makes Series X at least $499 if not $599.  Those are definitely the two prices they are bouncing between.. I think we can confidently say.

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Just now, Remij said:

LOL @ DynamiteCop btw.. I told him it was real :tom: 

Everyone with a brain told him it was real. 


He was convinced that One X would be the entry level cheap box that MS would keep alive next gen with cross gen games for 3 years....... instead... they discontinued One X :ovolol:

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Just now, Remij said:

This makes Series X at least $499 if not $599.  Those are definitely the two prices they are bouncing between.. I think we can confidently say.

Without any doubt. I feel both really want to price it at $599 but are worried the other will do $499 lol 

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Just now, Goukosan said:

Everyone with a brain told him it was real. 


He was convinced that One X would be the entry level cheap box that MS would keep alive next gen with cross gen games for 3 years....... instead... they discontinued One X :ovolol:

This shit has been so obvious for so damn long that it blows my mind how blind a person can be. There was no bigger open secret in the entire industry for the last 1-2 years

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Just now, Goukosan said:

Everyone with a brain told him it was real. 


He was convinced that One X would be the entry level cheap box that MS would keep alive next gen with cross gen games for 3 years....... instead... they discontinued One X :ovolol:

Yeah.  It was obvious that Series S was going to be replacing the Xbox One consoles.  They're supporting them for the market that's out there... but they're not going to be making them once these new consoles are out.


I guess now we just have to see MS' pitch for this console.  If it can offer solid 1080p/1440p next gen gaming.. it's very attractive at that price.

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

Yeah.  It was obvious that Series S was going to be replacing the Xbox One consoles.  They're supporting them for the market that's out there... but they're not going to be making them once these new consoles are out.


I guess now we just have to see MS' pitch for this console.  If it can offer solid 1080p/1440p next gen gaming.. it's very attractive at that price.

Not going to make a difference unless MS starts delivering exclusives that entice people to purchase the system.   

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There are numerous comments across all social media of people just plain confused lol many still not sure if this is real or not.

Quite possibly the worst way to reveal a console I have ever seen. WTF has happened to Microsoft's messaging in the final rundown to next gen after having been so focused prior to that. 

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