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Florida Governor lifts all covid-19 restrictions for resteraunts, bars

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So here's the thing. Rumor has it that Fauci, and CDC director Robert Redfield, and Dr. Birx have all been blocked out from informing the President on how the handle the virus.


Donald Trump is now listening to some guy who is a Nueroradiologist. So he's not even an epidemiologist or have any expertise with infectious disease or public safety in handling such virus outbreaks. NONE. But he's a "medical advisor" on Trump's "task force" for the coronavirus.


This guy's name is Scott Atlas.


And it is rumored that this guy is straight-up advocating for "herd immunity."


If you remember, Trump mumbled like a fucking idiot on ABC when he was doing the townhall last week, and he was talking the virus going away because of "herd mentality". He was really talking about herd immunity.


CDC guidelines that came from the Federal government just 2-3 weeks ago, have now been reversed. Especially guidelines for schools. People are confused, because clearly the numbers haven't changed in order to merit the guidelines being rescinded. They're simply undoing their recommendations with no explanation at all.


And now have Republican governors like Greg Abbot and this shithead from Florida who are straight-up opening up the floodgates.


The fear is that they are trying to actively spread infection in order to speed up to get to "herd immunity". That is their gameplan, and the White House simply isn't telling anybody.


The concept of Herd Immunity is advocated by NOBODY in the American medical community. All epidemiologist and public health officials consider the ATTEMPT to achieve herd immunity to be a profound mistake.


We are talking about purposely trying to get at least 65% of America's 340 million people infected with covid. And if you infect enough people with covid, the infection stops spreading.


The problem with that is, under the best case scenario, like say a 1% death rate. And that would be our medical community overachieving to have the death rate end up being that low. 65% of all Americans is over 220 million Americans. And a one percent death rate for intentionally trying to achieve herd immunity is 2.2 million Americans dead.


And this is assuming that the massive increase in infections does not overwhelm out hospital system, because if it does, then plenty of studies have shown that many other people die because we run out of hospital beds and can't treat other people who have other emergency medical ailments.

Edited by jehurey
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On 2020-09-25 at 11:08 PM, -GD-X said:

How so?

I know it's recent "news" that the deputy attorneys and mayors have taken soros/globalist money/investment/campaign promises to enforce all these stupid mandates but it wasn't hard to make the connection months back.


Corrupt-ass Miami politicians would sell their mother for money and it's been that way forever. There is no way they would give up the tourism and business money if they didn't get paid elsewhere. 


Gimenez and Suarez are still crying about it

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