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Scale of possible acquisitions in comparison to Zenimax/Bethesda

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Thought it would be interesting to see what everyone thinks of how other possible acquisitions scale compared to Bethesda. This doesn't mean Sony acquisitions, but also in terms of possible future MS acquisitions.


I'm leaving out impossible shit like Take Two, Activision/Blizzard and EA.


For me there are 3 acquisitions that are all bigger/better than Bethesda:

- Capcom (the biggest possible acquisition imo, much bigger than Bethesda imo. They are at their absolute peak form atm with nearly every franchise on fire both critically and commercially. MHW is literally a juggernaut and you get a huge Japanese market too)

- Square Enix (the range and quantity of titles and games they make is so far beyond what Bethesda does)

- Ubisoft (will never happen, they just fought against a takeover but they would be probably the biggest get from a financial pov. They have top sellers that they pump out at an extraordinary rate.)



Cool acquisitions but smaller in scope to Bethesda:

- Kodokawa 

- Sega

- Konami

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Capcom will never be acquired. Bethesda was acquired because every project they made bombed and fallout 76 was a disaster. They’re also light years behind in tech. Something was very wrong at Bethesda and ms once again went dumpster diving for troubled studios.


On the other hand, insomniac was acquired by Sony solely because every ip they used to make money, ratchet and Spider-Man, are Sony’s. insomniac had nothing but flops everywhere else, they probably begged Sony to buy them. They literally secured their future by selling themselves to PlayStation.


i don’t think we’ll see any high profile acquisitions for a while after this



Edited by Bodycount N
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