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Prime Day is the most garbage event in history

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meme math but


Bezoz made 97 billion on that day.





but can't afford to give his workers whatever they're asking for.  I dunno. As rich as he is,

shouldn't amazon pay like $20 to work their by year 3 or some shit?? lfmao.   thoughts people?

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19 minutes ago, kokujin said:

meme math but


Bezoz made 97 billion on that day.





but can't afford to give his workers whatever they're asking for.  I dunno. As rich as he is,

shouldn't amazon pay like $20 to work their by year 3 or some shit?? lfmao.   thoughts people?

My thoughts are don’t work in a Amazon warehouse lol

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14 hours ago, GeorgeW1000 said:

Never sure what to buy on a "deal day." Would rather just buy things when I need them. 

Just buying what you need is a good practice. I only ordered a portable hdd and a memory card holder. No need for FOMO on just buying shit because there's a sale. 

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11 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

My thoughts are don’t work in a Amazon warehouse lol


true lol. but you don't consider how to solve or make the world better now. You can't help that the wearhoiuse job, or rep service job is some shitty $16 an hour or $17 an hour gig.


- now[ let's try to ]move things practically


Bezoz loses 20 billion a year. At most??  Millions of hispanic families and somali families and I barely speak English families with someone working full time @ amazon make a decent living. You have a ladder for folks who do wanna work, need to work, and just don't have the skills yet.  


Probably less crime less food stamps for sure, less bitching online about being poor. 

Actually more expenditure and disposable income., guarantee you employees spend way more money back on Amazong. I doubt the economy tanks.  some argue the more the middle class makes above their means, the better anyways.




And buzzoz, proabably, at best, uses half of his PRIME DAY profits to pay for all this?  Peeps making $20 for amazon now wanna actually listen to everything you have to say on the phone. their english gets better. The stupid spanish ladies can fix a car and remember details. Moral rises.


C'mon ghosts.  Yur smartass answer of "dont' take shitty job that make man rich," has no utilitarian purpose other than it was funny for 2 seconds.

Yu kno a bit about business. I am thinking it's probably not that expensive for boozoz to pay his ants a few dollars per hour more. And those ants continue to work hard and bring him a solid profit. Like why not?



someone tell me why this utopia hasn't worked. it can be a lot more complicated. maybe. 


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Alright got my Keychron K8 keyboard.




Now this is just a nice classy keyboard. The Gatreon Brown switches are a solid replacement for the Cherry MX Brown switches on my original mechanical keyboard. The keycaps make a lighter, crisper sound. Still very similar.




So the reason why I wanted a wireless mechanical keyboard, that connects via the latest bluetooth is because its going to be placed in this lapboard I bought. This is how I will be playing the PC version of Cyberpunk with all the graphical bells and whistles turned on on my LG OLED and home theater setup.




I can just cut a couple of sturdy pieces of hard rubber material in a L-shape to put in the corners and that should hold the keyboard in place.

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3 hours ago, kokujin said:


true lol. but you don't consider how to solve or make the world better now. You can't help that the wearhoiuse job, or rep service job is some shitty $16 an hour or $17 an hour gig.


- now[ let's try to ]move things practically


Bezoz loses 20 billion a year. At most??  Millions of hispanic families and somali families and I barely speak English families with someone working full time @ amazon make a decent living. You have a ladder for folks who do wanna work, need to work, and just don't have the skills yet.  


Probably less crime less food stamps for sure, less bitching online about being poor. 

Actually more expenditure and disposable income., guarantee you employees spend way more money back on Amazong. I doubt the economy tanks.  some argue the more the middle class makes above their means, the better anyways.




And buzzoz, proabably, at best, uses half of his PRIME DAY profits to pay for all this?  Peeps making $20 for amazon now wanna actually listen to everything you have to say on the phone. their english gets better. The stupid spanish ladies can fix a car and remember details. Moral rises.


C'mon ghosts.  Yur smartass answer of "dont' take shitty job that make man rich," has no utilitarian purpose other than it was funny for 2 seconds.

Yu kno a bit about business. I am thinking it's probably not that expensive for boozoz to pay his ants a few dollars per hour more. And those ants continue to work hard and bring him a solid profit. Like why not?



someone tell me why this utopia hasn't worked. it can be a lot more complicated. maybe. 


Highly paid jobs are competitive and skilled. Warehouse jobs aren’t. They’re unskilled. 

What you should take from the warehouse job is things they do good, and things they do bad. If you want to stay in warehouse, find a new gig, apply your old knowledge at a new company, show them how to be more efficient. Soon you will be working in the office of that warehouse, and so on and so forth. 

warehouse jobs aren’t meant to be full time, long term jobs. You should be using that time at the bottom to advance in the future 

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46 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

Highly paid jobs are competitive and skilled. Warehouse jobs aren’t. They’re unskilled. 

What you should take from the warehouse job is things they do good, and things they do bad. If you want to stay in warehouse, find a new gig, apply your old knowledge at a new company, show them how to be more efficient. Soon you will be working in the office of that warehouse, and so on and so forth. 

warehouse jobs aren’t meant to be full time, long term jobs. You should be using that time at the bottom to advance in the future 


okay that's good individual advice, and I wasn't necessarily looking for wisdom for me or certain people to succeed though.  #1 not everyone is meant to manage, nor is their room for all that success anyways.  Thinking about society and 




wherehouse jobs are meant to keep a company afloat and give a lot of unskilled people a free entry level job.  -- check

I also know how successful Amazon is.  -- so check


And I know there's thousands hundred thousands that are probably depending on a full time gig @ amazon to feed their family.

Would it really hurt amazon, nor your little top-dog-man pipe dreams to pay them fucks $2 more per hour?


i'd wager there's a lot of furrin accent speaking people working @ amazon warehouse or the call center full time trying to support a family though.


How does the idea of paying people a living wage for unskilled work (you take training there... it's not exactly a fun or easy job either actually..: /),

how does that destroy the economy or your ability to boss up elsewhere?



I want to and need to see an argument against it tbh.  I get small mom and pop shops (I can argue that too), but this jeff bezzoz nigga really on the news talking about he can't

afford it but his unskilled workers are making him an easy fortune each day.   Actually I think his bloodsucker wife should be paying the extra wages of these people and she

should not have gotten half of what he owns, for sucking his dick. (and probably not being faithful??)- but another story. save that lol.


Edited by kokujin
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35 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

Highly paid jobs are competitive and skilled. Warehouse jobs aren’t. They’re unskilled. 

What you should take from the warehouse job is things they do good, and things they do bad. If you want to stay in warehouse, find a new gig, apply your old knowledge at a new company, show them how to be more efficient. Soon you will be working in the office of that warehouse, and so on and so forth. 

warehouse jobs aren’t meant to be full time, long term jobs. You should be using that time at the bottom to advance in the future 

you're still perpetuating a sucker's point of view.


if labor is important.............then labor is a skill, and the people who deliver the labor can demand better pay and better conditions.


None of those Amazon eggheads don't mean shit if that thing you buy with your money doesn't show up on your doorstep.


I would absolutely call Jeff Bezos bluff and have the warehouse workers unionize.  Make him invest $20 billion dollars to create robotics to replace those workers.


Because if you do that, then you forced Jeff Bezos to create many more engineering jobs, which will resort for demand for engineers, and schools to help churn out as many STEM jobs as possible.


But, if the United States is not built to deliver ENOUGH STEM students (which we're not) to meet Bezos' needs, then Bezos is fucked, and he has no choice but to pay for good ol' fashioned human labor.


Bezos will immediately turn into a progressive liberal and say "we need to use our taxes to establish free college for all Americans" because he'll need more engineers immediately.


Just because your job may not look glamorous doesn't mean that you aren't in a position of leverage. A person from the working class who thinks OR EXCUSES the idea that unskilled labor should be treated like crap is perpetuating a sucker's point of view.

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