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GameStop will get downstream revenue (from digital downloads/content) on each Xbox sold

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why would MS agree to this? :D I mean I guess they’re trying to be “good guys” by helping GameStop but wtf. What an awful business decision, GameStop’s are basically going to be pushing Xbox’s down people’s throats moving forward... but I mean, who goes to GameStop anymore to begin with?




Edited by ghostz life matters
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I wonder if that means a percentage from Gamepass subscriptions.


Now Gamestop employees are going to be pushing Xbox on you like the way they used to push Game Informer subscriptions on you back in the mid-90's.

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

I wonder if that means a percentage from Gamepass subscriptions.


Now Gamestop employees are going to be pushing Xbox on you like the way they used to push Game Informer subscriptions on you back in the mid-90's.

I can only assume yes, it says all downstream revenue... Game pass is a form of downstream revenue 

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