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Watch Dogs Legion GS review - 8.0

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The Good

  • Powerful anti-fascist and hopeful message about unity and perseverance in the face of adversity
  • Fantastic hacking and recruitment gameplay that rewards flexibility and curiosity
  • Fun operatives that offer some needed comic relief, but also make for interesting playable characters in the ope world
  • Well-realized London that shows off a diverse culture and art scene

The Bad

  • Overall game structure can be somewhat inconsistent, which doesn't do enough to highlight its main story and the sense of urgency
  • Repetitive missions and characters that often have you revisit locations and objectives on a repeated basis 



I completely forgot about this game

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1 hour ago, ghostz life matters said:

Sorry, no politics on the main board. Gonna have to lock this one up, @Twinblade  


I also had no idea they were still making these trash games 

There’s lots of other parts to the game besides it’s political message, you don’t have to focus on that when discussing it.

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Not only that, but from the very Watch Dogs, it has a very in your face "Big Brother is watching" "who are the powers behind this?" type of message.


Aiden Pearce and T-Bone are very prototypical off-the-grid anti-fascist type of characters. I mean look at how Aiden Pearce dresses.


I played the shit out of Watch Dogs 1 on PC just this March. Must have poured in like 80 hours or something like that. I added mods to make the game look very pretty, adding the reshade mod to make it look like its doing alot of reflections and weather effects.


I think its a hell of a game when its not being repetitive. The open world is every bit as slick and big as GTA5. Haven't gotten around to playing Watch Dogs 2 yet, but I definitely will especially since T-Bone makes an appearance, and I think so does Aiden Pearce in a quick cameo.

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1 hour ago, madmaltese said:

About what I expected. Cyberpunk delay might give this game a shot but Ubi killing it themselves with AC coming out soon too. 

While they're also advertising Far Cry 6 more and more.


Ubisoft really is stupid sometimes.

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