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Watch dogs Legion can't be finished on X

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People burning their hands when touching the expandable storage.


And now a very common multiplatform is causing overheating issues, seemingly on all the people who are currently reviewing the game?


What patch can ubisoft make that fixes that? What exactly is the software doing that can be remedied?


The only thing I can think of is that the developers are aware that if you "push" the system for extended periods of time, then you have to introduce some sort of throttling?


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3 minutes ago, JonB said:

Yeah I have an alt account with the same name lol 


Youre alt account will prob leak out like your name and address did haha

well i didn't really need you to tell me that you had an alt-account.


i knew it was you when you just avoided direct-quoting me in traditional "jonb-isn't-man-enough-to-step-up" fashion


I'm asking you to tell us what my alt-account is?


Are you saying you were making it all up this entire time?

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