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Trump administration attempted to use $250 million on an ad campaign saying everything is well with COVID to help Trump be reelected

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In case the alt-right'ers here pretend to play stupid and not understand what the problem is, here.


This is EMERGENCY funds granted by congress for the government to spend that $250 million on resources to help fight covid. like PPE, medical equipment, and awarding money for businesses to help in aiding that effort.


Instead, he was trying to give the money to an ad agency to run a television marketing campaign that CLEARLY makes it look like a Trump Re-Election campaign commercial by lying and saying that they have successfully defeated COVID and thanking Trump.


So he was trying to use emergency TAXPAYER money, $250 million dollars of it................to directly help his re-election campaign. And we now know why..........he had already blown upwards of a billion dollars of donations that were made to his re-election campaign fund, and he wasn't going to have much money in these final months to run tv ads.


Suffice it to say.......it was pretty illegal.

Edited by jehurey
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Just to provide EVEN MORE CONTEXT, to put this in perspective.


This is a scandal in which:

-Breaks obvious campaign laws

-Is clearly a mis-appropriation of taxpayer money

-Is clearly a case of CORRUPTION, because the elected official who was appointed with the responsibility to use that money to help the American people, as was mandated by the bill that authorized the money, was DIRECTED TO SOMETHING THAT SOLELY BENEFITS JUST HIM, and nobody else.


And lastly...........this ain't no "help a rich guy out, possibly award him a government contract, and then the rich guy ends up donating $50,000 to the politician's election campaign".


This ain't no "spend $60,000 in taxpayer money for vacation trips, or expensive furniture to redesign his public office."


This is a QUARTER OF A BILLION DOLLARS that he tried to outright steal from taxpayers for his benefit.


There is no "recent scandal" that is of this size, from any Democrat, ever. Not even attempted.


There is no 1-to-1 equivalent, here.


And we all know that this isn't even Trump's biggest scandal from his first term. We usually about something like this every 3-4 months, for the past 3.5 years.

Edited by jehurey
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