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Beggar PC asshole Cheeto suckers who support MS Multiplat Xflop Strategy

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On 2020-10-31 at 7:18 PM, Bodycount V said:



PC will get SKIPPED yet again on all games that matter! FUCK YOU! :rofl: 


PC got the most AAA titles last gen due to this strategy of sucking everyone's games in. It is the platform where the biggest MP games and Esports are played on, by exponential margins.  It also won GS and MC for aaa/aa count with around 100 games over the second best system.


It gets every xbox exclusive, many PS ones, while getting every major 3rd party game on top of it's own exclusive. Many with extra features, and almost always the by far superior version.


The hell are you on about. It's THE premiere gaming system. 

Edited by Substatic
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What bugs me about shitrosoft (aside from the fact it's cancer and full of scum and human garbage) is the fact that they put all their irrelevant trash on PC, that shitty game from the alan pancake devs, sunset overflop, that sjw fighting game....I cant even remember the names but you get the point. However the one game on xflop that matters - Rare Replay - no that doesn't get ported does it :trump2:

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