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Denmark culling 17 million Minks because they are carrying a mutated COVID-19

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I wonder if Trump was notified of a new COVID strain months before we're just now learning about this.


So, we're seeing a nation take action.............shouldn't the use be sending some people to gather intelligence, and maybe try to start investigation if we have any such animals here that could potentially have such a strain of the virus.


That would require coordination with animal rights services across many states, maybe farmers. They could take animal population samples.


Because if Trump's White House doesn't do this, JUST FOR THE SAKE OF BEING CAUTIOUS..........then he is going to doom us to losing another year or two.


It may get to the point where Joe Biden needs to give orders to Trump's department of health and the CDC during his press conferences, because Trump isn't doing anything right now but crying and snorting adderall in a corner.

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