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Gamespot: PlayStation 5 vs Xbox Series X Load Times Comparison

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  • Tears of the Cows changed the title to Gamespot: PlayStation 5 vs Xbox Series X Load Times Comparison
12 minutes ago, Remij said:

My fucking GOD the cows and dickriding sheep are avoiding this thread like the plague :tom:


Using old BC games as a benchmark for anything is retarded. Wait until actual next gen multiplats, then I have a feeling you'll be eating those words :reg: 

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This might seriously be the worst 24 hours a faction has ever had on SW. Overheating issues despite the console being the size of a city block, first party games flopping left, right, and centre, even worse battery life than the putrid dualshock 4, substantially less internal storage with no internal expandable storage for years, and now the whole reason the console gave up the graphics war has turned out to INCREASE loading times.


Like come the fuck on Sony, this place is so boring when the console war is a one console race.

  • Ben 1
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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


Using old BC games as a benchmark for anything is retarded. Wait until actual next gen multiplats, then I have a feeling you'll be eating those words :reg: 

I never said that newer games would load slower too lmao.. there's no words to eat there.  Series X is faster in BC game loading... which is surprising really.


Next gen games will at best load a few seconds faster on PS5.

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33 minutes ago, Remij said:

I never said that newer games would load slower too lmao.. there's no words to eat there.  Series X is faster in BC game loading... which is surprising really.


Next gen games will at best load a few seconds faster on PS5.

I dunno why that’s surprising though? It’s in line with both of their strategies. 

Sony is focused on new games that take full advantage of the new hardware. Their strength is their first party lineup and big budget exclusives. They’ve said that they’re not interested in compromising PS5 exclusives so that they can work on outdated hardware. 


Microsoft’s focused on having their entire library available on every piece of hardware they produce. 


the trade off for Sony is that 10 year old games aren’t that impressive on PS5. The trade off for MS is that new games aren’t that impressive on XSX. 

Edited by Casual
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48 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:

This might seriously be the worst 24 hours a faction has ever had on SW. Overheating issues despite the console being the size of a city block, first party games flopping left, right, and centre, even worse battery life than the putrid dualshock 4, substantially less internal storage with no internal expandable storage for years, and now the whole reason the console gave up the graphics war has turned out to INCREASE loading times.


Like come the fuck on Sony, this place is so boring when the console war is a one console race.


Watch them run to sales to claim victory Sheep style

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1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:

This might seriously be the worst 24 hours a faction has ever had on SW. Overheating issues despite the console being the size of a city block, first party games flopping left, right, and centre, even worse battery life than the putrid dualshock 4, substantially less internal storage with no internal expandable storage for years, and now the whole reason the console gave up the graphics war has turned out to INCREASE loading times.


Like come the fuck on Sony, this place is so boring when the console war is a one console race.

You forgot.. Sony blocked external HDDs for cold storage. :D 

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Series X  seems to generally loads faster for BC titles but I think it differs from game to game. One video shows Witcher 3 loads in 10 secs on PS5 while Series X took 26 secs. 


PS5 also have a lot more BC titles running at locked 60fps while Series X runs at higher resolution.


Overall I'm happy with how BC turns out on both consoles. Still a pity though how they couldn't get BC to work like on PC. 


Edited by Pureis
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