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VGTech: Call of Duty Cold War PS5 vs Series X - uh oh part 2

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

I never said across the board ffs :tom: 

lmao there's never any such thing as across the board in game development...



Except you clearly are insinuating it because you know that if you highlight "multiple devs" it implies that the problems with the dev kit are so prevalent, that its a hindrance for all devs.


Dude............I already said this.  You're not going to retcon BASIC ENGLISH LANGUAGE composition. We clearly know what you were trying to say. And you know exactly the message you were trying to say months ago.


Little to late to rely on semantics. If you do, its just proof that you are backpeddling.

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Ohhh it was sarcasm now was it? 🤣    

I didn't say it.    Oh wait I did.... see I think I was right.    no wait.. I did say it.    Lmfao LemiJ the waffle king.. lmfao  

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Well, then his claims lose credibility when whatever devs he's quoting clearly do not make multiplats on the level of Ubisoft and Activision.


Congratulations on assisting me with destroying your source.


Sorry...........you don't get to dictate which games are good for comparisons.

No... his claims don't.  The devs he's quoting.... CAPCOM... clearly DO make multiplats on that level.  RE... Monster Hunter... and literally everything else :drake: 


But JUST because it's CAPCOM... doesn't mean every team inside Capcom is having issues... 


It's like you idiots don't understand that each of these teams and games tailor the engines to their game design... are constantly adding and changing things.. are utilizing different aspects of the hardware in different ways...


And Jerry... I do get to dictate which games are good for comparisons... just as much as you.  You're literally trying to do that with 2 games that are out now... and claiming that they represent the greater whole... :lawl: 



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Just now, jehurey said:

Except you clearly are insinuating it because you know that if you highlight "multiple devs" it implies that the problems with the dev kit are so prevalent, that its a hindrance for all devs.


Dude............I already said this.  You're not going to retcon BASIC ENGLISH LANGUAGE composition. We clearly know what you were trying to say. And you know exactly the message you were trying to say months ago.


Little to late to rely on semantics. If you do, its just proof that you are backpeddling.



Look... if you're using the work "insinuating"... it's because you can't provide an instance where I ACTUALLY SAY those words.


That's on you... because you two are butthurt bitches about me anytime I say anything negative about PS5... because again.. you take it as me saying Xbox is the opposite.


That's the english language for you Jerry... you assume a lot of things... because you're a butthurt bitch.

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4 minutes ago, Remij said:

No... his claims don't.  The devs he's quoting.... CAPCOM... clearly DO make multiplats on that level.  RE... Monster Hunter... and literally everything else :drake: 


But JUST because it's CAPCOM... doesn't mean every team inside Capcom is having issues... 



No, Capcom doesn't churn out multiplats as quickly and consistently as Ubisoft and Activision.


Which is also hilarious because you just said that cross-gen games are not good for comparison..........and you then proceeded to use a cross-gen game to cling onto Dust Golem being correct about PS5's development being in trouble.


LOL...............:drake:I swear, boy, you really don't do yourself any favors.

Edited by jehurey
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Just now, Remij said:



Look... if you're using the work "insinuating"... it's because you can't provide an instance where I ACTUALLY SAY those words.



Sweetie.............if you are clinging onto a SEMANTICS argument.


You've lost.


You know what you were trying to say.


We know what you were trying to say.


Congrats on looking like a desperate fanboy, more now than ever, by attempting a super-desperate semantics argument at this point.

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Just now, jehurey said:

No, Capcom doesn't churn out multiplats as quickly and consistently as Ubisoft and Activision.


Which is also hilarious because you just said that cross-gen games are good for comparison..........and you then proceeded to use a cross-gen game to cling onto Dust Golem being correct about PS5's development being in trouble.


LOL...............:drake:I swear, boy, you really don't do yourself any favors.

The fact that you use the phrase "churn out multiplats" speaks volumes of how terrible Ubisoft games are known for their ports.. .because that's what they do... they shit the same stuff out with the same issues throughout the gen.




And again... 2 games with proprietary engines don't even come close to speaking for everyone... The fact that you're LITERALLY trying to claim this in a thread where I'm defending not making blanket statements about development is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS TO ME... 

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

The fact that you use the phrase "churn out multiplats" speaks volumes of how terrible Ubisoft games are known for their ports.. .

No, it doesn't.


Its standardized development, and they throw more people and resources at each next-gen port than any other studio.

AND they would be the third-party developers who would A.) Speak and Consult with Sony and MS on their next-gen hardware and be briefed on their design specs, and B.) Get the dev kits, first in line ahead of any other third party, and C.) They're the ones who are making the biggest games, with the highest production quality.


Sorry............you're reasons simply aren't good enough.


I've already typed my reasons like three times already, and you have yet to debunked them.


because they actually do prove that Ubi's and Activision's WatchDogs/Asscreed/CoD teams are the best barometers for these types of tests.

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