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This gen feels like more of a jump than the last one imo (for PS5 at least)

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So having approached nearly a week with the PS5 now, the biggest surprise is probably just how wrong my expectations of this gen being another step in the seemingly iterative jumps we are going to see in hardware moving forward.


Imo this PS5 jump from PS4 is wayyyyy more noticeable than PS4 from PS3. The main reason for this is that it no longer is just a graphical boost (although that is clearly there also). 


The SSD has made load times an absolute game changer. There is no way I could even imagine going back to last gen after being use to 3-4 sec load times in Demon Souls and the snappy-ness of the UI and everything about the console.


Next, the DualSense. This is simply put the best controller ever. This controller is so damn good that if multi plat games used any of it's features, it nearly instantly makes the PS5 version the superior version. I played COD Cold War for the first time with it yesterday and I never want to play a FPS without adaptive triggers ever again. It has a legitimate impact on the gameplay and makes it so much more immersive. 


Then on top of all that we get the usual graphical boosts, including ray tracing. But more importantly we are now getting proper performance boosts too. Last gen didn't really offer that in any wide scale way. We mostly stuck with 30fps.



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I feel like it's more QoL than anything else right now.


But that will change.  I haven't experienced the haptics on the controller yet, so that's one way where it can definitely feel like more of a jump on PS5.

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2 minutes ago, Remij said:

I feel like it's more QoL than anything else right now.


But that will change.  I haven't experienced the haptics on the controller yet, so that's one way where it can definitely feel like more of a jump on PS5.

Yeah a lot is QoL but the thing with QoL stuff is that it sounds small in theory but when you get them they are some of the hardest things to go back from. Making a gen feel like much bigger a jump than say just higher resolution games, which last gen basically was. Last gen we got HDR and '4k' but outside of that it was practically the same. Most games still 30 fps, load times longer than ever due to giant game sizes, etc. 


you gotta try Astrobot or the adaptive triggers in a shooter some time man. 

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The PS3 to PS4 jump was huge too.   


We tend to forget how terribly games ran on 360 and PS3 with tons of screen tearing, washed out brown colors, bloom out the ass, Sub 720p and terrible frame rates. 


last Gen basically got rid of all of that and now we consider a few drops in frames to be bad.. standards improved alot act gen.. that's a huge improvement to when PS3 games with stutter from start to finish. 

Edited by Goukosan
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Just now, Goukosan said:

The PS3 to PS4 jump was huge too.   


We tend to forget how terribly games ran on 360 and PS3 with tons of screen tearing, washed out brown colors, bloom out the ass, Sub 720p and terrible frame rates. 

Yeah it was big too, but those are all graphical jumps. I think the point I'm trying to make is that the jumps this gen go beyond just graphical boosts. 

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One kind of interesting thing I'll comment on is that during John's interview with the developers at Bluepoint.. they mentioned that Demon's Souls can stream in at 2-3GB/s at times.  When you think about that... it's incredible.  They mention that they keep a smaller footprint of the level in memory at any given time since they can obviously stream in the next chunks of the level at super high speeds.. that allows them the ability to up the quality and visual fidelity of the "chunk" of level that's actually in memory.  This is of course what Epic has said about their Unreal Engine 5 tech as well and what next gen systems with SSDs can allow for.


I bring it up, because yesterday I was playing AC: Valhalla on PC.  Playing the game maxed out at 4K was using about 6-7GB of VRAM.  But I also recently learned how to display storage bandwidth utilization as well.. so I could see what speeds AC: Valhalla was working with.  On my 970 Evo Plus, when the game loads from the menu or when fast travelling, it reaches speeds of 360MB/s.  During gameplay, it streams in at about 30-50MB/s.  I thought this was really interesting.  The Spider-man devs talked about something like 25MB/s on the PS4 was what they could count on.  It shows that these games are built and designed around 25-50MB/s of streaming.  Now just think about 2-3GB/s... or 5-10GB/s...  AC:V is a beautiful game maxed out on PC.  You can just imagine next gen games with textures that are much higher res than current games.. even far off in the distance.. with far more geometry, and AI and everything streaming in.  It's a MASSIVE leap.  Horizon ZD was like 15MB/s.


Of course.. on current gen consoles they aren't swapping textures in and out all the time like they plan on doing for next gen games.. so they keep a lot of the textures in memory and thus don't necessarily NEED to stream at crazy rates.. but it's just one of the exciting capabilities the new consoles will allow for.


I just thought that was ineresting.

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11 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Yeah a lot is QoL but the thing with QoL stuff is that it sounds small in theory but when you get them they are some of the hardest things to go back from. Making a gen feel like much bigger a jump than say just higher resolution games, which last gen basically was. Last gen we got HDR and '4k' but outside of that it was practically the same. Most games still 30 fps, load times longer than ever due to giant game sizes, etc. 


you gotta try Astrobot or the adaptive triggers in a shooter some time man. 

Yea honestly, the amount of 60fps games even now is a huge jump.  It seems like a lot of devs are going to be offering performance modes like that, so that's a big jump right there.


It all adds up for sure.


I'm gonna try it as soon as I can.  My province is on lockdown due to out Covid numbers skyrocketing.. so we haven't been able to visit our friends who have a PS5 yet.  I'll definitely be giving some impressions after I try it.

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5 minutes ago, Remij said:

One kind of interesting thing I'll comment on is that during John's interview with the developers at Bluepoint.. they mentioned that Demon's Souls can stream in at 2-3GB/s at times.  When you think about that... it's incredible.  They mention that they keep a smaller footprint of the level in memory at any given time since they can obviously stream in the next chunks of the level at super high speeds.. that allows them the ability to up the quality and visual fidelity of the "chunk" of level that's actually in memory.  This is of course what Epic has said about their Unreal Engine 5 tech as well and what next gen systems with SSDs can allow for.


I bring it up, because yesterday I was playing AC: Valhalla on PC.  Playing the game maxed out at 4K was using about 6-7GB of VRAM.  But I also recently learned how to display storage bandwidth utilization as well.. so I could see what speeds AC: Valhalla was working with.  On my 970 Evo Plus, when the game loads from the menu or when fast travelling, it reaches speeds of 360MB/s.  During gameplay, it streams in at about 30-50MB/s.  I thought this was really interesting.  The Spider-man devs talked about something like 25MB/s on the PS4 was what they could count on.  It shows that these games are built and designed around 25-50MB/s of streaming.  Now just think about 2-3GB/s... or 5-10GB/s...  AC:V is a beautiful game maxed out on PC.  You can just imagine next gen games with textures that are much higher res than current games.. even far off in the distance.. with far more geometry, and AI and everything streaming in.  It's a MASSIVE leap.  Horizon ZD was like 15MB/s.


Of course.. on current gen consoles they aren't swapping textures in and out all the time like they plan on doing for next gen games.. so they keep a lot of the textures in memory and thus don't necessarily NEED to stream at crazy rates.. but it's just one of the exciting capabilities the new consoles will allow for.


I just thought that was ineresting.

Bluepoint are wizards at this shit too. I don't know if it's because they don't need to worry about so many elements of game creation like actual game design since they just do remakes atm, but the level of technical prowess they have and the speed at which they churn these games out is very impressive. Sony need to hurry up and buy them, they'd be an amazing addition to the first party even in terms of sharing knowledge and techniques with the other teams. 

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1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

Bluepoint are wizards at this shit too. I don't know if it's because they don't need to worry about so many elements of game creation like actual game design since they just do remakes atm, but the level of technical prowess they have and the speed at which they churn these games out is very impressive. Sony need to hurry up and buy them, they'd be an amazing addition to the first party even in terms of sharing knowledge and techniques with the other teams. 

Yea.. I have a feeling Sony has already bought them.  They probably just haven't announced anything yet.  It'll come for sure.


And yea they're technical ability is impressive.  The ONLY thing I would ask them to improve.. is some of their animation work.  I know I'm being picky, but there's instances where certain animations (not all!) are stiff and not quite as expressive as I'd like them to be.  But for things like cinematics and stuff, they really nail it.  But you can look at a team like Naughty Dog, and easily say they are on another level from Bluepoint as far as animation is concerned.


But I'm sure that's something that they'll address as they continue to grow and start gaining new talent.  As nice as it would be to have them remaster Sony's titles... I feel like they deserve a shot to create an original IP, so hopefully that's the direction Sony goes with them if they acquire them.

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17 minutes ago, Remij said:

Yea.. I have a feeling Sony has already bought them.  They probably just haven't announced anything yet.  It'll come for sure.


And yea they're technical ability is impressive.  The ONLY thing I would ask them to improve.. is some of their animation work.  I know I'm being picky, but there's instances where certain animations (not all!) are stiff and not quite as expressive as I'd like them to be.  But for things like cinematics and stuff, they really nail it.  But you can look at a team like Naughty Dog, and easily say they are on another level from Bluepoint as far as animation is concerned.


But I'm sure that's something that they'll address as they continue to grow and start gaining new talent.  As nice as it would be to have them remaster Sony's titles... I feel like they deserve a shot to create an original IP, so hopefully that's the direction Sony goes with them if they acquire them.

When it comes to animation then ND is just on a whole different level to pretty much anyone else. I don't have too much of an issue with BP animations, they aren't anything special but they are more than good enough imo. 


If Sony buys them I'm pretty sure they will be given the opportunity to make an original IP. Don't know how much of a sure thing quality wise that would be though. We haven't really seen their ability in terms of game design. 

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