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So i got the Rona

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Thankfully you have shit taste to begin with so no major loss.                   Get well soon man! Stay safe. 

TLDR:  I am feeling better.   It initially came on like I had the flu with a slight fever and I didn't suspect anything more than that until I returned home from work and realized I couldn't

Of course it is. If i do die tho, yall better make sure Jerry gets banned. Ill post my new Pc before i die if i do die. Follow thru homies.

But really if you do, get well soon. I have 2 aunts and 1 uncle (they’re 50-65) who’ve got it, and it didn’t sound pretty. My uncle says that he still feels shortness of breath and his bones ache, weeks after he thought he was over it.

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2 minutes ago, Delita said:

But really if you do, get well soon. I have 2 aunts and 1 uncle (they’re 50-65) who’ve got it, and it didn’t sound pretty. My uncle says that he still feels shortness of breath and his bones ache, weeks after he thought he was over it.

My breathing is barely affected. It just feels like when you have a chest cold. The worst part is the taste. Everything....feels like it has a wierd coating on it, that takes away the flavor lol. Its hard to explain. I believe im on the tail end of it . Ive been sick for over 2 weeks. I did have the aches for about a week.

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I'm currently staying in Montenegro hence why I didn't post much the last 3 weeks. 

This shit was nowhere around the beginning of spring here but this second wave has ravaged the place, tons of people got it and died fom it. 

Masks and all that social distancing didn't help much either, people live far apart in the rural mountain regions and still got it somehow. 

First time in my life I saw a body bag come out of a hospital to be loaded in an ambulance, you could hear a pin drop when the people around me noticed :dame:


Edited by bhytre
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12 minutes ago, JonbX said:

My breathing is barely affected. It just feels like when you have a chest cold. The worst part is the taste. Everything....feels like it has a wierd coating on it, that takes away the flavor lol. Its hard to explain. I believe im on the tail end of it . Ive been sick for over 2 weeks. I did have the aches for about a week.


It sounds like you're pretty much in the clear. Usually if it's going to get bad, it starts to go south around day seven.






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3 minutes ago, Saucer said:


It sounds like you're pretty much in the clear. Usually if it's going to get bad, it starts to go south around day seven.






Thats what im hoping. Once the symptoms started, they havent really gotten worse. They just kinda stayed the same. I was pretty nervous at first cause im a 20+ year smoker and have some other health issues but so far so good. Just an annoyance more than anything. And staying at home for what feels like forever is terrible :D


I just hope i didnt spread it to many others. All the people i work with got tested and came back good . Trying to think where i could have got it. Ive been pretty careful with everything lately. Not going out much , wearing masks, etc. I bet it was those mother fuckers at Panda Express. I just had to get that Orange Chicken that one day GRRR

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4 minutes ago, JonbX said:

Thats what im hoping. Once the symptoms started, they havent really gotten worse. They just kinda stayed the same. I was pretty nervous at first cause im a 20+ year smoker and have some other health issues but so far so good. Just an annoyance more than anything. And staying at home for what feels like forever is terrible :D


I just hope i didnt spread it to many others. All the people i work with got tested and came back good . Trying to think where i could have got it. Ive been pretty careful with everything lately. Not going out much , wearing masks, etc. I bet it was those mother fuckers at Panda Express. I just had to get that Orange Chicken that one day GRRR


I let my guard down, hung out with someone who turned out to be infected, and now I'm on day six of quarantine. I'm going crazy from boredom. I spent a half-hour this morning spinning around in my office chair seeing how dizzy I could make myself. But so far I'm symptom free.


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1 minute ago, Saucer said:


I let my guard down, hung out with someone who turned out to be infected, and now I'm on day six of quarantine. I'm going crazy from boredom. I spent a half-hour this morning spinning around in my office chair seeing how dizzy I could make myself. But so far I'm symptom free.


Its the worst just staying yo ass at home lol. May as well just go get tested and end the quarantine. They have the quick tests now that get results back fast.

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1 minute ago, JonbX said:

Its the worst just staying yo ass at home lol. May as well just go get tested and end the quarantine. They have the quick tests now that get results back fast.


That's what I'm doing tomorrow. The CDC's about to change their recommendation to that too. 7-10 days in quarantine and then get tested.

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2 minutes ago, JonbX said:

I guess ill fucking play some video games or something MEH


Thank god you have a console other than the Switch. TSHBO.


For real, though, hope you come out the other end fine. 

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3 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:


Thank god you have a console other than the Switch. TSHBO.


For real, though, hope you come out the other end fine. 

If i had a Switch id just ask my dr to Kevorkian my ass

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2 minutes ago, nitric said:

At least you had an excuse to be a lonely virgin on thanksgiving 

Obviously you cannot get the Rona because nobody wants to be around your 5foot 2 stinky ass :D You stupid goonie ROFL

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