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LMAO consoles

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35 minutes ago, Substatic said:


That seems highly subjective based off of nothing but internet fanboyism. You aren't the CEO.  It doesn't matter if you system had 3-4 more "cutting edge" AAA exclusives when PC  had dozens of more cutting edge AAAs in general including almost every major release and substantially better version of almost every single major release.  "Oh no, my cult leader CEO isnt' going to get as rich!".   Having the most AAAs and AAs to play is still having the most AAAs and AAs to play on a single system.    Most of the biggest games each gen are on PC and much better on it. 


And I don't know why you keep saying consoles plural, all XBOX and most Nintendo ones are on PC. Just say a handful of PS4 movie games - that's literally all you're really talking about.   Hell even some of the best of those are on PC now. But much better.


list all of the cutting-edge pc exclusives released since crysis 1




list all of the massively transformative pc multiplats since the release of the xbox 360




if you respond with anything other than curated lists of games, you'll have conceded these points.


ok ill just say sony. sony - since the middle to late ps3 era - produces more cutting edge AAA exclusives in an average year than pc has in over a decade. the latest greatest graphical showpiece video game is routinely the last sony game, not the last pc exclusive. happy?



46 minutes ago, Substatic said:

And PC gets the most cutting edge AAAs total.  Again, we aren't CEOs. It doesn't matter that another system has them. PC has the most and plays them substantially better. PC is the best.


i as a CONSUMER value content i cant get anywhere else i.e. exclusives. a platform that has more of those AAA-level exclusives is better to me than a platform that has less. lmao at this CEO shit youre trying out here



50 minutes ago, Substatic said:

I'd rather play over 100 fps on ultra than 30 fps on pretend ultra.  You can go on, but PC still won last gen at MC (triple digits) and GS  (triple digits) and DF (Digital Foundry).  That's a numerical fact.


you can go on, but no real gamer is going to sacrifice whole entire exclusive games to upres dirt 5.

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All his posts are filled to the brim with “teenage girl-level insecurity” about spending ridiculous amounts of money on PeeCee crap that he needs constant reassurance on this forum with  cherry picked

list all of the cutting-edge pc exclusives released since crysis 1   go   list all of the massively transformative pc multiplats since the release of the xbox 360   go

Lmfao quad fromage got decimated by robohobo, grated 

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6 hours ago, Quad Damage said:

20 years ago I was playing deus ex, diablo 2, quake 3, and no one lives forever on pc


today I can play a sharper version of dirt 5


lmao pc


pc still has better exclusive games than can'tsoles, if you like it or not. 

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1 hour ago, Quad Damage said:


list all of the cutting-edge pc exclusives released since crysis 1




Arbitrary qualifier for value.  




System 1: 200 AAA big budget games (and all play much better on it)

System 2: 150 AAA  big budget games (but 10 of those are exclusive, most play either 2nd or 3rd worst. Much lower FPS and usually lower visuals).


I know the better system in that scenario.

1 hour ago, Quad Damage said:




list all of the massively transformative pc multiplats since the release of the xbox 360




Subjective. What does this even mean. Most multiplats are on PC. I know that PC multiplats like WoW, CS, Overwatch, Dota, and PubG change the industry. Those are the most profitable and most played genres now. What did movie games transform? The biggest and most played genres are always from PC and currently on PC.

I know you aren't sitting here telling me PS movie games are transformative. 


1 hour ago, Quad Damage said:






i as a CONSUMER value content i cant get anywhere else i.e. exclusives. a platform that has more of those AAA-level exclusives is better to me than a platform that has less. lmao at this CEO shit youre trying out here



As a consumer I value content as well.


Which is why I play PC. It has the most AAA games each gen/year. Also the best gfx and best performance and best online. 

PC Number One.


1 hour ago, Quad Damage said:





 , but no real gamer is going to sacrifice whole entire exclusive games to upres dirt 5.


So a real gamer mean some  casual 14 year old who plays and beats Uncharted/Gow/TLOU in one weekend? He's a real gamer because he played a tiny handful of exclusive casual games? Even though he missed out on far more AAAs in general (PC), or barely has any competitive gaming (PC), or can't play high end gfx/fps (PC)?

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1 hour ago, Substatic said:


Arbitrary qualifier for value.  




System 1: 200 AAA big budget games (and all play much better on it)

System 2: 150 AAA  big budget games (but 10 of those are exclusive, most play either 2nd or 3rd worst. Much lower FPS and usually lower visuals).


I know the better system in that scenario.


"list all of the cutting-edge pc exclusives released since crysis 1





if you respond with anything other than curated lists of games, you'll have conceded these points."



as i thought.



1 hour ago, Substatic said:

Subjective. What does this even mean. Most multiplats are on PC. I know that PC multiplats like WoW, CS, Overwatch, Dota, and PubG change the industry. Those are the most profitable and most played genres now. What did movie games transform? The biggest and most played genres are always from PC and currently on PC.

I know you aren't sitting here telling me PS movie games are transformative.


massively transformative MULTIPLATS as in pc versions were transformative compared to the console versions.


so ill repeat


list all of the massively transformative pc multiplats since the release of the xbox 360





1 hour ago, Substatic said:

As a consumer I value content as well.


Which is why I play PC. It has the most AAA games each gen/year. Also the best gfx and best performance and best online. 

PC Number One.



i value BOTH content and exclusive experiences - the kinds of exclusive experiences that have been sorely lacking since crysis 1.


also, "as well"? so you care about exclusives or nah?  i thought exclusives were for CEOs. lmao



1 hour ago, Substatic said:

So a real gamer mean some  casual 14 year old who plays and beats Uncharted/Gow/TLOU in one weekend? He's a real gamer because he played a tiny handful of exclusive casual games? Even though he missed out on far more AAAs in general (PC), or barely has any competitive gaming (PC), or can't play high end gfx/fps (PC)?


uh yeah? more cutting edge AAA exclusives > less cutting edge AAA exclusives. why would someone sacrifice whole entire games to play dirt 5 in boost mode and a bunch of indie/early access junk?

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48 minutes ago, Delita said:

It’s like Substatic thinks it’s still 2004 lmfao


17 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

he hasn’t put any effort into trying to change  his outdated and irrelevant argument since those days. It’s quite a sight to see.



Indeed. Having the most AAAs, AAs, best graphics, best performance, and best online is so stupid.  Winning in all major facets, very irrelevant. 

What an outdated viewpoint. We've gotta look at what system has a handful of more short singleplayer exclusives. Not if they lose in those above categories.



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1 hour ago, Quad Damage said:

Subjective Statements 



I don't have to follow your straw-man argument and opinions.  I follow the facts.


PC gets almost every single major release known to man, on top of all XB exclusives and a few PS exclusives and a few of it's own Exclusive Genres. The result is an AAA library that fucks PS or XB (individually) up the ass.  Oh, and they are all far better on it. In the "golden age" you describe it got far less of these. The trade off was not worth it, a few exclusives (those get made anyway, who cares if they go to XB or PS).  A better question would by, why shouldn't I play 99% of major releases (which do not go to all other systems, PC is where they pool) on PC and suffer low fps and low settings of consoles?

First place is first place. PC PC Number One.


You care about a handful of "cutting edge" movie games over the span of 7-8 years. I care about dozens of more "cutting edge" games period and total.  (as well as online, gfx, frames, etc. lol PS4)






 why would someone sacrifice whole entire games to play dirt 5 in boost mode and a bunch of indie/early access junk?



Why would someone want far less entire games, less gfx, less fps, and worse online? Oh that's right, it's mostly a cost thing. Consoles are cheaper. Lets not pretend they are better, that's dumb. 


PC = Ferrari


PS = Civic


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1 hour ago, Substatic said:


I don't have to follow your straw-man argument and opinions.  I follow the facts.



shut down my subjective statements/opinions with a curated list of games. actually back up your rebuttal. oh wait you cant.:patpatpat:



1 hour ago, Substatic said:


PC gets almost every single major release known to man, on top of all XB exclusives and a few PS exclusives and a few of it's own Exclusive Genres. The result is an AAA library that fucks PS or XB (individually) up the ass.  Oh, and they are all far better on it.



pc gets almost none of the cutting-edge AAA exclusives nor the transformative multiplats it used to. meanwhile consoles regularly get the latest and greatest graphical showpieces and to add insult to injury, multiplats are by and large designed/optimized for consoles too. you go ahead and actually post that pc AAA library that fucks up consoles when youre feeling confident.



1 hour ago, Substatic said:


In the "golden age" you describe it got far less of these. The trade off was not worth it, a few exclusives (those get made anyway, who cares if they go to XB or PS).



whats that? :D dont put it in parentheses - say that with your chest :


"who cares about exclusives anyway?" :tom: 


thats another thing you dont get. you think "those games get made anyway" when they actually dont. when those games were pc exclusive, they were often so advanced that they were impossible to achieve on console. you dont care about games that were actually utilizing pc's full power? you dont miss getting multiple crysis 1 level games every year? dirt 5 at 100fps is good enuff.



1 hour ago, Substatic said:

First place is first place. PC PC Number One.



okay, spicoli.


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13 hours ago, Quad Damage said:


shut down my subjective statements/opinions with a curated list of games.






Games search feature. Narrow 2012-2020 for PS4 andPC, take out PSN PS3 BC titles.  PC has almost a triple digit lead of high scoring games over PS4 last gen. PC won last gen, by a large margin. 


I'm not sure why this is even a mystery. It gets literally every major release other than 3 or 4 Sony Movie games on top of every XB exclusive on top of a few PS exclusives on top of a few exclusive genres. If you know how math works, it's impossible that PC will ever lose a library count ever again with how it gets funneled titles from almost every major studio including ones that don't give it to each consoles (PS/MS exclusives). And this is STRICTLY discussing AAA budget titles. Not indy.

Thank you come again.


13 hours ago, Quad Damage said:






pc gets almost none of the cutting-edge AAA exclusives nor the transformative multiplats it used to.  





PC gets the most cutting edge video games.

PC gets the most transformative games that change the industry.  Take note of how the biggest and most played genres that everyone tries to copy are on PC or from PC.


13 hours ago, Quad Damage said:


 meanwhile consoles regularly get the latest and greatest graphical showpieces and to add insult to injury, 





What do you mean. PC is gfx king every gen.  Da fuck.


13 hours ago, Quad Damage said:


 meanwhile consoles regularly get the latest and greatest graphical showpieces and to add insult to injury, multiplats are by and large designed/optimized for consoles too.  




What do you mean. According to Digital Foundry almost every multiplat was better on PC last gen.


You gonna play the shit version of Cyberpunk bro? :qbad:


13 hours ago, Quad Damage said:




thats another thing you dont get. you think  



You get a lot less AAA/AAs, less gfx, less fps, and less online. PC is the best.



Cows are the worst. Trade everything winning facet for a handful of movie games designed specifically for tranny game reviewers who are trying to move into Cinema reviews because those are seen actual careers. 




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1 hour ago, Substatic said:





Games search feature. Narrow 2012-2020 for PS4 andPC, take out PSN PS3 BC titles.  PC has almost a triple digit lead of high scoring games over PS4 last gen. PC won last gen, by a large margin.



just did the search


the only cutting-edge AAA pc exclusive in the last 8 years is halflife alyx. and it requires a $1000 entry fee  :D


yeah thats muchhhhh better than getting multiple big budget AAA exclusives every year like consoles do now and like pc did 20 years ago. :npc:



1 hour ago, Substatic said:


PC gets the most cutting edge video games.

PC gets the most transformative games that change the industry.  Take note of how the biggest and most played genres that everyone tries to copy are on PC or from PC.



make no mistake: while pc gets the occasional cutting-edge AAA exclusive once every 13 years like halflife alyx, it gets absolutely NO massively transformative multiplats anymore. if anything, consoles have closed the gap more than ever now with decreased loading times.



1 hour ago, Substatic said:


What do you mean. PC is gfx king every gen.  Da fuck.



the latest and greatest graphical showpiece video game si routinely the last sony developed/published game. what are you talking about ?



1 hour ago, Substatic said:



What do you mean. According to Digital Foundry almost every multiplat was better on PC last gen.


You gonna play the shit version of Cyberpunk bro? :qbad:



you mean a 7.0 thats not even exclusive?


pc gaming in 2020 :sabu:



1 hour ago, Substatic said:

You get a lot less AAA/AAs, less gfx, less fps, and less online. PC is the best.



Cows are the worst. Trade everything winning facet for a handful of movie games designed specifically for tranny game reviewers who are trying to move into Cinema reviews because those are seen actual careers. 



you're the worst. youre a hardcore pc gamer that convinced himself that cutting-edge AAA pc exclusive graphical showpieces dont matter, and that exclusives dont matter - like a bottom feeding lemming. you've become what you hate.

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53 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:





yeah thats muchhhhh better than getting multiple big budget AAA






PC gets the most big budget AAA titles.


First place is first place.


53 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:





the latest and greatest graphical showpiece video game si routinely the last sony developed/published game. what are you talking about ?






PC is gfx king every year. Even DF is hesitant to give the award to Sony games due to PC titles.  Cows here are nuts. Now go play the shitty version of Cyberpunk and all other major releases. If you care about gfx you buy a brand new GPU, not PS5. You don't care about gfx. 


And lets not even discuss performance lmao. Worse Experience Station.


53 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:




you're the worst. 


PC vs PS4 for last gen:


PC won in AAA/AA total by a lot. (you know, the main thing SW competition was always about).

PC won in gfx, performance and hardware by a lot

PC won in online, competitive gaming, and esports.

PC had the significantly  better version of almost every game on most systems.




PS4 won in exclusives, although it had less great/amazing games tota. So I can buy a PS4 to play those handful of games over 9 years, while I use my real gaming machine  PC to actually play the rest of 99.9% of games as well as way better online gaming.


It's a give and take. I'll take PC's list.

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2 minutes ago, Substatic said:


PC gets the most big budget AAA titles.


First place is first place.



PC is gfx king every year.  Cows here are nuts. Now go play the shitty version of Cyberpunk.



PC vs PS4 for last gen:


PC won in AAA/AA total by a lot. (you know, the main thing SW competition was always about).

PC won in gfx, performance and hardware by a lot

PC won in online, competitive gaming, and esports.

PC had the significantly  better version of almost every game on most systems.





PC has 1 cutting-edge AAA exclusive showpiece in the last 13 years, and it requires a $1000 entry fee.


PC has ZERO massively transformative multiplats today.


pc pc numba 1 :npc:



9 minutes ago, Substatic said:


PS4 won in exclusives,



good day.


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1 minute ago, Quad Damage said:



PC has 1  



PC has more big budget AAA titles than PS4. 




1 minute ago, Quad Damage said:





good day.



PS4 has its perks. If I liked movie games I would buy one to play those 3 or 4 titles over the coarse of  8 years. While I play literally everything else on PC heh (and online).

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