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Remember when Xbox?

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Sony and Nintendo both recognised that we live in an era where quality is king and they've had huge success based on first party appeal


MS gutted their first party at the same time and then realised they fucked up more than half a decade later


Now they are trying to buy their way off the bottom, but really only have bottom of the barrel devs to bolster their lineup. They won't be in a different position, quality wins and having a greater quantity of shit won't help MS

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3 hours ago, Voidler said:

Sony and Nintendo both recognised that we live in an era where quality is king and they've had huge success based on first party appeal


MS gutted their first party at the same time and then realised they fucked up more than half a decade later


Now they are trying to buy their way off the bottom, but really only have bottom of the barrel devs to bolster their lineup. They won't be in a different position, quality wins and having a greater quantity of shit won't help MS

It has nothing to do with quality, they abandoned the idea of selling hardware with exclusives, it's why all their newest studios acquisition are still making multiplat games available to all the platforms possible. All they want now is to make their first party as profitable as they can be (like a third party) and get as many consumers as possible subscribed to gamepass, which is also available on more than just the Xbox platform.


I wouldn't even be surprised if gamepass makes it's way on Nintendo or Sony platform at some point. They are a third party basically but with their own little hardware box, which they might abandon after this gen.

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