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The Last of Us 2 is a masterpiece

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I enjoyed my time with it but the concept was garbage...


"How can we make another game? Oh I know, that random nobody doctor that Joel killed at the end of the game, we'll make him into someone important to fuel a revenge vendetta by his daughter who we just made up."


Really deep stuff there...

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34 minutes ago, Vini said:

Fuck outta here. 7/10 at best. Stop dick riding. 


50/50 split in 2  stories was a disasterous decision. 


The story split is what made it into a masterpiece. When the two stories are sewn in together towards the end. FUCK :lupe:

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Tranny normalization propaganda disguised as a videogame, Neil Druckmann should honestly be exiled for making this travesty 

Imagine walking in on your son playing this filth when that sex scene happens with those pancake man boobs on that she-beast :kaz:

"You dun get it dad, itsh a mashtewpeesh trannIGN.com shaid sho!" 🤓

Beyond embarrassing :kaz:



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Its absolutely incredible


I think they should have left Joel and Ellie out of it though


The game would have been stronger and less divisive if it was exactly the same but Joel and Ellie were new characters with a father daughter dynamic

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29 minutes ago, Voidler said:

Its absolutely incredible


I think they should have left Joel and Ellie out of it though


The game would have been stronger and less divisive if it was exactly the same but Joel and Ellie were new characters with a father daughter dynamic


I don't get what you're trying to say how do you leave Joel and Ellie out of their own franchise? Or reintroduce them as new characters???


I didn't mind how Joel and Ellie developed in this game, I thought Joel's end was fitting considering how much he pissed a lot of people off. What I had a problem with is all the other terrible characters that got in the way of Joel and Ellie's story. Totally killed any momentu


There's 2 ways to do this right. 


a 90/10 or maybe 80/20 split in the story where new characters are introduced sporadically and in quick bits, not a whole separate god damn game within a game. 




Keep it 50/50 but have a definitive resolution to the Joel and Ellie story first and then be clear about moving on to another story, even if you interweave later it would've been a nice surprise. 


What they ended up doing was a messy mishmash of tonally inconsistent storytelling that dragged on and on to the point that I put the game down and had to watch the ending on YouTube. This coming from someone who thought the first game was a 10/10 SP and MP. 

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30 minutes ago, Vini said:


I don't get what you're trying to say how do you leave Joel and Ellie out of their own franchise? Or reintroduce them as new characters???


I didn't mind how Joel and Ellie developed in this game, I thought Joel's end was fitting considering how much he pissed a lot of people off. What I had a problem with is all the other terrible characters that got in the way of Joel and Ellie's story. Totally killed any momentu


There's 2 ways to do this right. 


a 90/10 or maybe 80/20 split in the story where new characters are introduced sporadically and in quick bits, not a whole separate god damn game within a game. 




Keep it 50/50 but have a definitive resolution to the Joel and Ellie story first and then be clear about moving on to another story, even if you interweave later it would've been a nice surprise. 


What they ended up doing was a messy mishmash of tonally inconsistent storytelling that dragged on and on to the point that I put the game down and had to watch the ending on YouTube. This coming from someone who thought the first game was a 10/10 SP and MP. 

You can leave Joel and Ellie out because it never HAD to be a franchise about Joel and Ellie. The first game had a great if open ended resolution. 


It could have essentially been stories of people within the world of The Last of Us for each game


Instead of being a continuation of Joel and Ellie, you are using new characters. Why? Because then you have a blank slate, people preconceived notions of what they think these characters are (eg so many thinking Joel was a good guy) are left out of the picture. Instead you are only judging the narrative on where it takes you. The "Joel" death scene still carries a similar emotional weight to what Sarah did in the first, except this time you play as the daughter figure in a tale of two sides revenge narrative 


The change in characters isn't as jarring because you aren't so wholly attached to the concept of only playing as Joel or Ellie, and it helps empathise more with Abby. You don't even need to change the structure for this reason, and it doesn't need the relatively tenuous connections to the first game


Abbys story on its own merits is actually really great. But its always clashing with the fact people wanted to play as Ellie


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