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How do you possibly forget to program this in the game?

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1 minute ago, Vini said:



I mean the jump out of the car rag doll is like a hallmark of any open world driving game. How is it possible they forgot to put this in


This game release continues to boggle the mind :mindblown:

Yeah, it's pretty jarring but it's also sort of unnecessary. It's NOT a good look for cdp.

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yeah, it's pretty jarring but it's also sort of unnecessary. It's NOT a good look for cdp.


It's just one of those things everyone will try at some point and be like WTF??

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12 minutes ago, Vini said:


It's just one of those things everyone will try at some point and be like WTF??

It happened to me by accident as CDP in their stupidly laid out i/o for the game have different buttons for entering and exiting vehicles... Which as much as I like the game is retarded and an overall problem with how the game is designed. 


I thought the game glitched then tried it again and realized it was intentional. 

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Is it really that necessary though. The game obviously wasnt meant to be played like some GTA game. Like I keep saying, they shouldnt even have cars in this game. 


I knew it would hurt the game the very first time I saw that they were going that route.

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6 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Is it really that necessary though. The game obviously wasnt meant to be played like some GTA game. Like I keep saying, they shouldnt even have cars in this game. 


I knew it would hurt the game the very first time I saw that they were going that route.

Yes its necessary


Its basic ass shit and been standardised by its contemporaries. 


They should have stayed out of the genre entirely if they were going to half ass it

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3 minutes ago, Remij said:

That video is how I imagine XO and PS4 owners getting out of their cars when driving back to Gamestop/EBGames to return their copies of CP2077 :smilecry: 

thank goodness i was able to get my digital version refunded :smoke:

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35 minutes ago, Voidler said:

Yes its necessary


Its basic ass shit and been standardised by its contemporaries. 


They should have stayed out of the genre entirely if they were going to half ass it


You guys are being too harsh. You have to remember that no other game has even attempted to merge a complex RPG with a GTA style open world. 


I see all the GTA5 comparisons and they're laughable considering Rockstar has had nearly 2 decades to build that formula and refine it.

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59 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Is it really that necessary though. The game obviously wasnt meant to be played like some GTA game. Like I keep saying, they shouldnt even have cars in this game. 


I knew it would hurt the game the very first time I saw that they were going that route.

I thought that but the motorcycles are great to ride around in and when you get your special car, it's a dream to drive as well. 

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22 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I thought that but the motorcycles are great to ride around in and when you get your special car, it's a dream to drive as well. 

Glad you're enjoying it, but it's a fact that %80 of the issues with this game comes with it's open ended design and GTA like gameplay. If it was like Deus Ex the game would be super highly praised right now instead of being the hot topic to bash and hate in gaming. CDP really shot themselves in the foot here by aiming a bit too high.

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25 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Glad you're enjoying it, but it's a fact that %80 of the issues with this game comes with it's open ended design and GTA like gameplay. If it was like Deus Ex the game would be super highly praised right now instead of being the hot topic to bash and hate in gaming. CDP really shot themselves in the foot here by aiming a bit too high.

It's a give and take. It doesn't do stealth as well as MGS, open world as good as GTA, or resource & mission management as well as Horizon but as a package it can be a blast with what it does right. 

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1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:

It's a give and take. It doesn't do stealth as well as MGS, open world as good as GTA, or resource & mission management as well as Horizon but as a package it can be a blast with what it does right. 

Honestly I think it would be more fair to compare it to other first person RPG like Fallout 4 and The Outer Worlds. And in that regard, it's definitely a superior game.

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