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Cyberpunk - 13 million copies sold already (number also takes returns into consideration)

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They should have skipped the PC version entirely and just made the console ones, then a year later release a refined version for PC. PC gamers are waiting for Pikmin 3 and shit so they'd take sloppy s

https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-sells-13-million-copies-at-launch/1100-6485743/   That is fucking insane  And there are still loads of potential buyers who are just waiting

the english VO is not the best at all. I play female V and it's cool. a lot of people I know wanted to play japanese VO and subtitles for their first playthrough for style.    I bet they are

12 hours ago, kokujin said:

best games of the generation, were janks with the most personality. this thing, and FF15 (not hyping your playthruh will vary). Intersting tho. I'll pick this up when it's $35 and fixed. 


Can you change the text and menu into 日本語 from the beginning on the US version? 


i told you many times, you can. voice/text/subtitles, you can change anything the way you want. any language.

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2 hours ago, kazpunk said:


i told you many times, you can. voice/text/subtitles, you can change anything the way you want. any language.

ho shit :o no need to import then. did not knows. then I will buy this next. perhaps in January. or wait till Feb.


scheet sweeet. I'll lower expectations heavy and just play it. I did like GTA5. I hated dues ex any of em (rarely played em). so my experience my vary.

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22 minutes ago, kokujin said:

ho shit 😮 no need to import then. did not knows. then I will buy this next. perhaps in January. or wait till Feb.


scheet sweeet. I'll lower expectations heavy and just play it. I did like GTA5. I hated dues ex any of em (rarely played em). so my experience my vary.


get it on ps5 if you can't get a pc. just don't play on the base versions of ps4 and xbox one, it's unplayable. :leo:

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6 minutes ago, kazpunk said:


get it on ps5 if you can't get a pc. just don't play on the base versions of ps4 and xbox one, it's unplayable. :leo:

yah i just realized exactly that afterwards. I had a  xbox s but got stolen. this thing's a ps4 base.


was gonna make a joke that can I play it with japanese text and listen to the french boys :|  (im guessing you can you make it sound like a you can mix/match /menu/text/ all of it).  Feb if it is if they can patch the base models.  I'm not buying a PS5 for this flop lol. 

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16 minutes ago, kokujin said:

yah i just realized exactly that afterwards. I had a  xbox s but got stolen. this thing's a ps4 base.


was gonna make a joke that can I play it with japanese text and listen to the french boys :|  (im guessing you can you make it sound like a you can mix/match /menu/text/ all of it).  Feb if it is if they can patch the base models.  I'm not buying a PS5 for this flop lol. 





Yes, you can mix them up. The game will download the language if it's not installed yet. Also, if you have to try it on ps4 go for it. but I will tell you base ps4 will not be enjoyable,  I really recommend a pro at least.

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16 minutes ago, kazpunk said:





Yes, you can mix them up. The game will download the language if it's not installed yet. Also, if you have to try it on ps4 go for it. but I will tell you base ps4 will not be enjoyable,  I really recommend a pro at least.


will b orrow brothers ps4 pro then?  just for this game?


yah I figured it was a coo l  mix match doohuicker.  I am also aware the english VA is probably going to be the best quality. so i'm being kind of a nerd freak here. but I can't spent hundreds of passive hours on something and not learn my target language at this point.  thanks. looks like i'll play cyberpunk soon too. and I don't care if it got a 7 somewhere. makes me like it more. I LIKE ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS

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I guarantee you this number is BS, they haven't processed a single return yet. For example people who have physical copies and got told to kick rocks by retailers just got an email response about a process that will take weeks. 


There's no way they're counting those yet as refunds considering I changed my mind on getting a refund after all the bullshit you gotta do . Picture with a receipt and picture with proof of game code on the back picture with Keanu Reeves and fuckin notary present then I gotta mail the game in fuck outta here. I'll just keep this POS and play it in 6 months when it should've came out to begin with. 


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Think of all the revenue earned from their scheme.


Then imagine the lawsuits from consumers, console companies (SONY, MS, Google), Retailers, and investors furious over a bug fested unfinished game that causing distributors to refund and shut down the market for this game.


They will be lucky if they break even in the end.  :D

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so... now we'll see economically (yah wrong word) if it was worth releasing earlly before xmas.


I honestly think it was. I feel like only a small portion of us nerds even know how janky it is.   At least 60% of gamers must not care...

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57 minutes ago, kokujin said:

so... now we'll see economically (yah wrong word) if it was worth releasing earlly before xmas.


I honestly think it was. I feel like only a small portion of us nerds even know how janky it is.   At least 60% of gamers must not care...

It's more like a small portion of nerds defending the game saying it's best game ever made (@Kaz), a large majority of gamers realize it's trash from either owning and experiencing it first hand or just chose not to buy because they were never interested.



Think about numbers for sec 13 million copies.


How many PS4, Xbox One, PS5, XSX, and PCs are out in the wild.  13 million is a tiny blip.


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39 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

It's more like a small portion of nerds defending the game saying it's best game ever made (@Kaz), a large majority of gamers realize it's trash from either owning and experiencing it first hand or just chose not to buy because they were never interested.



Think about numbers for sec 13 million copies.


How many PS4, Xbox One, PS5, XSX, and PCs are out in the wild.  13 million is a tiny blip.


i guess if you're combining all platforms.  4-5 million is a lot of units sold for a video game.


I don't know if you think games sell 50 million copies, but they don't.


Also, we are on forums arguing about shits and tats, but 50% of gamers just go to the store and pick up what looks good too. Not everyone's on forums, so dedicated.

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45 minutes ago, kokujin said:

i guess if you're combining all platforms.  4-5 million is a lot of units sold for a video game.


I don't know if you think games sell 50 million copies, but they don't.


Also, we are on forums arguing about shits and tats, but 50% of gamers just go to the store and pick up what looks good too. Not everyone's on forums, so dedicated.

With 13 million sales, you are talking about 0.7% impact  when you combine PS4, XB1, PC gamers.

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lfmao deude



you are beyond fucking retarded. no game sells 50% or 25% of a userbase...  :|  fuck your stupid ass percentages. You think you're proving a point, but you're not. :D



4-5 milion is an acclaimed SUCCESS.







god i hate the world.   fuckin reek retard still doesn't get it too...

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