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spiritual warfare... duality,.. [ever] presence of good vs. functionality of evil.

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cosmictangob.jpg*standard pic for the visually ADHD. welcome alah

used to laugh @ folk who talked about it.  i'm agnostic/believing enough though, that it's a cool idea. 





but lately (months ago) had a trip on some dmt aco, and the entire trip was theme'd spiritual warfare actually.  this whole nice guys finish last + popularity of toxic badass culture, really sadly speaks to that shit, and I think there's truth to it. At least on the immediate surface.



as well as America actually becoming a parody of itself, not realizing the satire in being so badass., it's really ironic.



the fact the most popular thing here, is making fun of each other,


but also I know deep down inside we all want and need LOVE, even chimp, whatever he's hiding.



kinda makes me start to believe in spiritual warfare.  /Why is God a silent foe though? He must be formidable one however, to keep the universe going this long.


Who's fucked with this idea? Who believes it? What's your take on it?  I think.. there is some real good truth, to the duality of good and bad, the popularity and instant gratification of bad,


the sacrilegious treatment of good, [we sacrificed jesus in our own fucking love story ffs], but I gotta believe good has to win. In the end of the day, evil and toxicity is unsustainable,

but good doesn't get you pussy??



so why do it?  :D




because it's the only way, we can calm our hearts. that's the irony of it all.


therefore, spiritual warfare continues.



no? :whoa::fella:

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1 hour ago, bhytre said:

My peepee is the universe 

well, that's what your peepe wants you to believe. go achieve that goal.






? i am guessing you meant deep thoughts. 

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I'll just say one thing you learn in life, Dudes who say shit like "Nice guys finish last" are usually not nice guys at all and just pretend to be nice expecting something in return. I assume since you're always talking about shit like this and you probably try to guilt women into relationships and shit because you were "nice" to them. 


As for "hiding", not sure what exactly you're trying to infer? I'm currently 1 year into a very happy relationship. (which I've talked about in here before) I've have multiple LTRs, and when I'm single I keep a healthy dating life. Relationships aren't easy, but they're not that hard either. 

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32 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I'll just say one thing you learn in life, Dudes who say shit like "Nice guys finish last" are usually not nice guys at all and just pretend to be nice expecting something in return. I assume since you're always talking about shit like this and you probably try to guilt women into relationships and shit because you were "nice" to them. 


As for "hiding", not sure what exactly you're trying to infer? I'm currently 1 year into a very happy relationship. (which I've talked about in here before) I've have multiple LTRs, and when I'm single I keep a healthy dating life. Relationships aren't easy, but they're not that hard either. 


Breh you're simplifying a point we have read 11 years ago.  I don't do that. But I've also have/had to think about "am i being too nice/obvious?," and honestly, that is trash and toxic. & overly perpetuated here. 


As for hiding, your asshole 24/7 aura, leads me to believe something is wrong. You've been here 15 years, and I haven't seen you be "nice" to anyone. I don't think you're any more happy than any other human.  But if that's how you wanna present yourself, by all means. There's something/missing and it comes from insecurity tho, IMO.


balance like all things.  Nice  has become synonymous with poison and people run from being it, in this country, and IMO America has taken it so far it's a freaking parody of itself.  I've never had to split so many hairs, just to try n be "a goofy" and not be hailed on. That's retarded thinking in my opinion. And I'm showing an example outside of even dating where this toxicity has seeped.



"A goofy" , typically in hood culture, is someone who overly trusts and is nice. .. Why is that bad for us? If we thought commune-ly, and not with our need to appear tough or fit in, some of us would have the vulnerable hart to admit it's a good thing.  If the entire world was 'goofies,'.. the entire world would be better off... like what the fuck. 



shit is different in Japan and Ethiopia by the way. This is not the norm nor the only way.  I am sure if I delved deeper into both cultures, there are aggressive assholes with some power, but PEOPLE AREN'T AFRAID TO FREAKING SMILE and just be NICE.  MALE or female.  And women aren't attracted trash, literally trash. This country has taken it too far. I.E. I've been trash and attracted bitches. it's .. i dono. fucked up. 




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29 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I'll just say one thing you learn in life, Dudes who say shit like "Nice guys finish last" are usually not nice guys at all and just pretend to be nice expecting something in return. I assume since you're always talking about shit like this and you probably try to guilt women into relationships and shit because you were "nice" to them. 


As for "hiding", not sure what exactly you're trying to infer? I'm currently 1 year into a very happy relationship. (which I've talked about in here before) I've have multiple LTRs, and when I'm single I keep a healthy dating life. Relationships aren't easy, but they're not that hard either. 

nah I've been FRIENDS with some real genuine as hell nice guys, and I have seen them struggle to the core. There's truth to it. Are assholes getting bullied in school? Who's self esteem is being crushed the most?


And sorry, there's something wired with women where nice dependable and responsive does not seem to be the best approach at all. Almost fucks you over. I could still just be imagining things, but I know 99% of everyone else's experience at least on the surface, unless you've cracked some code, will agree to a large extent. 

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31 minutes ago, kokujin said:

nah I've been FRIENDS with some real genuine as hell nice guys, and I have seen them struggle to the core. There's truth to it. Are assholes getting bullied in school? Who's self esteem is being crushed the most?


And sorry, there's something wired with women where nice dependable and responsive does not seem to be the best approach at all. Almost fucks you over. I could still just be imagining things, but I know 99% of everyone else's experience at least on the surface, unless you've cracked some code, will agree to a large extent. 

lol I'll skip your last post as you just doubled down and basically confirmed what I said before. At the end of the day a woman has to be attracted to a guy first and foremost. Too many movies and TV shows tell men that if they are persistent enough they can win a woman over. It rarely ever works that way. A woman might fall for her best friend at some point, but more than likely not if she was never attracted in the first place. For you to put this solely on women without any consideration of their points of view shows that you're manipulative and selfish. 


As for me "being nice to people", Please miss me with that stupid shit. I fully admit I dont go out of my way to try to befriend people on here, but I am fair. I can talk shit to and about people openly and ultimately no hard feelings.  I go back and forth with Remi, and we'll both laugh it off at some point. You on the other hand, are toxic AF, which deep down you know since you keep talking about "toxicity" so much.  Yes, you kiss ass in here and beg for friends but you also have a long history of angry AF drunking tantrums in here. It was only this summer you were attacking like five people at once in the photo album. 


This is how I know you're a shit dude. When people are e-flirting with you, you're happier than a fly on shit.  The second you feel you're not getting the love you want you turn into a rabid animal. 

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lmfao my very first post in SW until now you've been a leech on my cock Chimp. I make posts and you quote them and lose your shit for insecurity and attention. and now you wanna pretend like "you are fair.?"


yah, I will LOSE my shit, online, on a forum meant for entertainment.  There's definitely an approach to women, and you pretend like SW is a pick up bar actually, and that's what makes you sick. "PSP in the club"  You don't even drop your act. 


everybody but you seems to "e flirt" here, actually. I see it all the time.


you have a problem being nice kind or whatever. You got your dick tucked in trying to act hardass on a forum full of men.  That's a problem. 

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duuude, I can't read this thread rn and the cunt responses, but I will later. every word, I promise, like a complete faget. :obama:

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1 hour ago, kokujin said:


lmfao my very first post in SW until now you've been a leech on my cock Chimp. I make posts and you quote them and lose your shit for insecurity and attention. and now you wanna pretend like "you are fair.?"


yah, I will LOSE my shit, online, on a forum meant for entertainment.  There's definitely an approach to women, and you pretend like SW is a pick up bar actually, and that's what makes you sick. "PSP in the club"  You don't even drop your act. 


everybody but you seems to "e flirt" here, actually. I see it all the time.


you have a problem being nice kind or whatever. You got your dick tucked in trying to act hardass on a forum full of men.  That's a problem. 

Lol nice revisionist history you got going there. You get mad at people not being mad at me, claim that when others make fun of you (all the time) are doing it to please me or whatever and I left this place for like five years and come back and you were still talking about me all the time. 


Remember when you were a mod and after three days of your psycho shit they had to remove you? Lol chill nice guy couldn't even be a mod for 72 hours. That's still a record. 

  • Geese 1
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lfmao.  revisionitist history. Hell yeah I remember. It was was worth it. This place has been an example of being a cesspool, and you are one of them. You act like I treat people IRL the way you do here. Nah.. you're the only one that brings your Chimp act online, so it surprises you the reverse that everone else here IS Nicer in real life. Niggah go fuck yourself., first and only.



you called out TwinBlade about DATING 3 weeks ago, you insecure hero.

You've made threads calling our Robsta, when he was in high school and you were 40 years old.

You've literally crawled and stalked me for a decade over your bitter formula of being "important."



:fella: :kaz:




happy ass relationship, but somehow, you just don't get off here. Doesn't your lesbian partner who's using you as a straight scapegoat have any respnosibility, to take your musty ass off our hands?  

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59 minutes ago, kazpunk said:

duuude, I can't read this thread rn and the cunt responses, but I will later. every word, I promise, like a complete faget. :obama:


oh look. Chimp was incorrect. :D


this place is toxic AF and it's for entertainment. & I'm not the first nor last to behave this way.

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1 hour ago, kokujin said:

lfmao.  revisionitist history. Hell yeah I remember. It was was worth it. This place has been an example of being a cesspool, and you are one of them. You act like I treat people IRL the way you do here. Nah.. you're the only one that brings your Chimp act online, so it surprises you the reverse that everone else here IS Nicer in real life. Niggah go fuck yourself., first and only.



you called out TwinBlade about DATING 3 weeks ago, you insecure hero.

You've made threads calling our Robsta, when he was in high school and you were 40 years old.

You've literally crawled and stalked me for a decade over your bitter formula of being "important."



:fella: :kaz:




happy ass relationship, but somehow, you just don't get off here. Doesn't your lesbian partner who's using you as a straight scapegoat have any respnosibility, to take your musty ass off our hands?  

Lol you're a lunatic bro. No one from this site has ever stalked or doxxed you like you claim and the only people who could would be someone you blow kisses when they aren't laughing at you for sucking dick for fun.  


Anyone who wants a peek into your lunacy needs only check the photo album for the past year to witness your bipolar mood swings. 

  • Geese 1
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^ you are such a lousy bitch. Keep watching asian imports after calling me lowtom for 10 years, you fucking dumbass clown. :D


for someone who finds peg-me 3rd party relationship, you sure could use some company. :}  you're not fooling me. Something is heavily wrong with your soul. BE the change the wanna be, not the fgt you've been. project all that hate some more. We know where it comes from. Control your ego you big bitch. 

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On 2020-12-30 at 2:44 AM, kokujin said:

^ you are such a lousy bitch. Keep watching asian imports after calling me lowtom for 10 years, you fucking dumbass clown. :D


for someone who finds peg-me 3rd party relationship, you sure could use some company. :}  you're not fooling me. Something is heavily wrong with your soul. BE the change the wanna be, not the fgt you've been. project all that hate some more. We know where it comes from. Control your ego you big bitch. 

Lol this is the gayest argument I've had all year. Congrats. Keep projecting your insecurities bro. We all see it. 

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On 2020-12-29 at 12:05 PM, kokujin said:

cosmictangob.jpg*standard pic for the visually ADHD. welcome alah

used to laugh @ folk who talked about it.  i'm agnostic/believing enough though, that it's a cool idea. 





but lately (months ago) had a trip on some dmt aco, and the entire trip was theme'd spiritual warfare actually.  this whole nice guys finish last + popularity of toxic badass culture, really sadly speaks to that shit, and I think there's truth to it. At least on the immediate surface.



as well as America actually becoming a parody of itself, not realizing the satire in being so badass., it's really ironic.



the fact the most popular thing here, is making fun of each other,


but also I know deep down inside we all want and need LOVE, even chimp, whatever he's hiding.



kinda makes me start to believe in spiritual warfare.  /Why is God a silent foe though? He must be formidable one however, to keep the universe going this long.


Who's fucked with this idea? Who believes it? What's your take on it?  I think.. there is some real good truth, to the duality of good and bad, the popularity and instant gratification of bad,


the sacrilegious treatment of good, [we sacrificed jesus in our own fucking love story ffs], but I gotta believe good has to win. In the end of the day, evil and toxicity is unsustainable,

but good doesn't get you pussy??



so why do it?  :D




because it's the only way, we can calm our hearts. that's the irony of it all.


therefore, spiritual warfare continues.



no? :whoa::fella:

I'm going to zero on this and say evil gives you pussy alright, it gives you pussy that ends in either std, child-support, or divorce.   :sam:

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On 2020-12-29 at 12:05 PM, kokujin said:

cosmictangob.jpg*standard pic for the visually ADHD. welcome alah

used to laugh @ folk who talked about it.  i'm agnostic/believing enough though, that it's a cool idea. 





but lately (months ago) had a trip on some dmt aco, and the entire trip was theme'd spiritual warfare actually.  this whole nice guys finish last + popularity of toxic badass culture, really sadly speaks to that shit, and I think there's truth to it. At least on the immediate surface.



as well as America actually becoming a parody of itself, not realizing the satire in being so badass., it's really ironic.



the fact the most popular thing here, is making fun of each other,


but also I know deep down inside we all want and need LOVE, even chimp, whatever he's hiding.



kinda makes me start to believe in spiritual warfare.  /Why is God a silent foe though? He must be formidable one however, to keep the universe going this long.


Who's fucked with this idea? Who believes it? What's your take on it?  I think.. there is some real good truth, to the duality of good and bad, the popularity and instant gratification of bad,


the sacrilegious treatment of good, [we sacrificed jesus in our own fucking love story ffs], but I gotta believe good has to win. In the end of the day, evil and toxicity is unsustainable,

but good doesn't get you pussy??



so why do it?  :D




because it's the only way, we can calm our hearts. that's the irony of it all.


therefore, spiritual warfare continues.



no? :whoa::fella:

I am not going to take spiritual tips from some fucker who has lived all of his life in the US.

You have never experienced necessity or fear, so fuck off.

Love when these fucking gringos come back to my house to try to teach us some shit.

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7 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

I am not going to take spiritual tips from some fucker who has lived all of his life in the US.

You have never experienced necessity or fear, so fuck off.

Love when these fucking gringos come back to my house to try to teach us some shit.


Europe Africa Asia and US so... what are you even talking about. I'm also black and I know my african roots lol.

but thanks, looks like you actually dropped zero information. *golf claps* 



edit: i'll give you tiny credit for adding//talking about neccesity and fear, but you didn't expound on shit, and you got your posters f'd up, haji.



I've experienced some shits. But why don't you tell us how surviving on 2 bananas a weekend made you become the woke human you are now? Cuz you're right, I don't have that experience. 

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