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Operation "Warp Speed" is now failing and leading to a slow vaccine rollout. Because, apparently, the plan only got so far as your State's Health Department, and they just dropped off the vaccines like a half-assed Fedex delivery driver.

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The state of Texas was supposedly given 1.1 million doses of the vaccine, last week.


As of now, only about 205,000 doses have been administered.


The state of Texas created a map and said "here is where we gave vaccines to local city health clinics, hospitals, or local pharmacies". They didn't give stats on how many vaccines are available on that map. The state of Texas is basically saying "call those places in your local area"


Those local places are saying "don't call us, we don't know."


Oh, and the federal government, who originally paid for MAJOR TESTING hub sites within major cities (and they did a half-assed job, and wanted to stop paying after May)......didn't do that for the actual administering of the fucking vaccine.


Why should the federal government pay for such a thing? Let me show you:




Because, along similar lines of poorer sections of major cities being "food deserts", there are no major pharmacies in poor parts of major counties.


They are also "pharmacy deserts". The southern half of Dallas county has very little places that received vaccines. Guess where poor people live in Dallas County.


I'm try to see if I can get my folks vaccinated, and I called their local city health clinic, and they actually shut down for the rest of the week, because they seem to be preparing for "Phase 1B" people beginning next Monday.


Oh, and we just ran out of ICU beds in Dallas County. I am literally telling them that they have to lay low in order to get to next week to get that vaccine.

Edited by jehurey
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