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Halo Infinite designer leaves 343 to join the Darksiders 3 studio

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i remember hearing on a podcast that this entire shitshow of a game is built on contract work, so you'll basically get news every few weeks that someone is leaving.


each person is responsible for a little piece of the game and then they're promptly forced out the door. this is how 343 works and why every project they stamp their name on is a disaster.


Most people pass through, get 'Halo' on their resume, and then fuck off to do other things.


It's another example of poor management on MS's part.

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2 hours ago, bhytre said:

Still in a better state than TLOU2 :tom:

No it isn't.


Explain to us how your comment remotely makes sense?

1 hour ago, Bodycount N.S said:

i remember hearing on a podcast that this entire shitshow of a game is built on contract work, so you'll basically get news every few weeks that someone is leaving.


each person is responsible for a little piece of the game and then they're promptly forced out the door. this is how 343 works and why every project they stamp their name on is a disaster.


Most people pass through, get 'Halo' on their resume, and then fuck off to do other things.


It's another example of poor management on MS's part.

Ugh, can you imagine working in a Malaysian sweatshop, making Halo.:imageproxy:

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They also said the problems 343i are facing are exacerbated due to the fact that everyone is working from home. imagine what a shitshow a team of 300 contract workers working from home must be :dead: Nothing is getting done right now.


then of course MS has a strict 'No crunch' policy to appease the SJW sensibilities, so this game will basically be shit guaranteed. 

Edited by Bodycount N.S
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