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PC vs XBox which will you use to get into MS's ecosystem

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i won't be getting into Microsoft's ecosystem ever again.


I have 0 interest in anything they produce. Only the ill-gotten Bethesda/tango gameworks, but then again those studios will continue to produce for PlayStation 5, so I won't have to. 


I'll never give them one dime until they restructure the Xbox brand away from the SJW lifestyle brand they've turned it into. Xbox is the enemy of everything I stand for on a moral level, then there's the shady business practices, the complete lack of exclusives, and the shitty first party output in general.


Phil would also need to be removed, not one cent of mine will go to paying that clown's salary.


Fuck Xbox.

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9 hours ago, Bodycount N.S said:

i won't be getting into Microsoft's ecosystem ever again.


I have 0 interest in anything they produce. Only the ill-gotten Bethesda/tango gameworks, but then again those studios will continue to produce for PlayStation 5, so I won't have to. 


I'll never give them one dime until they restructure the Xbox brand away from the SJW lifestyle brand they've turned it into. Xbox is the enemy of everything I stand for on a moral level, then there's the shady business practices, the complete lack of exclusives, and the shitty first party output in general.


Phil would also need to be removed, not one cent of mine will go to paying that clown's salary.


Fuck Xbox.

The problem is that when Xbox ultimately starts to dominate and COD once again uses MS Xbox as lead platform guys like you will want to come back.. Stay where you are you filthy sheep

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Just now, Spicalicious said:

The problem is that when Xbox ultimately starts to dominate and COD once again uses MS Xbox as lead platform guys like you will want to come back.. Stay where you are you filthy sheep

Cod's dead, essentially a F2P game at this point


MS would need to lead in marketshare to get deals like that again. won't happen this gen. maybe in 10 years, next gen when we're 45 years old :D 


it's over

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When Nintendo and Sony are putting out this much quality content there really is no space for a 3rd place competitor. PC and Xbox just need to go awy and stop wasting everyone's time.


2 successful platforms is enough, there was never space for 3. Thankfully Xbox has failed out of the marketplace and PC simply exists as a poor person's alternative to console. If you can't afford games or don't really care enough about the hobby to buy physical games, or games at all for that matter, then i can see why you'd get a PC just to pirate games as a side-distraction on your office equipment machine.


PC in reality offers the least, even though it has more games than Xbox. I mean look at how excited hermits are to get pathetic scrap trash hand me downs from Xbox. These guys celebrate over stuff like State of decay 2 and gears of war 2 remastered. They've been starved for so long. :D 

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