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Destruction All Stars GS review - 5.0

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The Good

Smooth, arcade-style driving controls feel precise for both chasing and crashing cars
Impressive visuals dazzle and sell the spectacle of the experience

The Bad

Out-of-car mechanics detract from core car combat experience
Multiplayer modes all feel very similar, so the gameplay gets repetitive across all modes
Lots of time spent chasing and setting up crashes for only small payoffs
Poorly fleshed out, microtransaction-based Challenge Series is a single-player afterthought




Actually managed to score lower than Bleeding Edge :lawl:

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3 hours ago, Goukosan said:

worse than bleeding edge :lawl:


uhh, that's not possible, more people already played this destruction trash. :jordan3:

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So i forgot I had a PSN+ sub so I went ahead and downloaded this. Played the tutorial and I actually kind of like the car combat though I can already tell it would get old fast.


Tried to get into multiplayer but it couldn't find a match. Is this shit dead already? :D 

  • Haha 1
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Just now, Twinblade said:

So i forgot I had a PSN+ sub so I went ahead and downloaded this. Played the tutorial and I actually kind of like the car combat though I can already tell it would get old fast.


Tried to get into multiplayer but it couldn't find a match. Is this shit dead already? :D 

i didn't even bother downloading it :D 

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