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Still amazed at Control's physics

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This game has low key the best physics of last gen and this gen so far. Been replaying the ultimate edition


Also if we ever get a superman game I hope it has similar particle effects when your character levitates




It sucks it's so slow with generic story and hard to get into but once it gets going gameplay wise god damn it's good


Edited by Vini
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They are good but also too loose. If you gently bush against a desk or chair they go flying. Also the controls are... weird? I stopped playing after an hour or so because the deadzone and tracking don't feel right in the game for some reason. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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5 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

They are good but also too loose. If you gently bush again a desk or chair they go flying. Also the controls are... weird? I stopped playing after an hour or so because the deadzone and tracking don't feel right in the game for some reason. 


Yea it's like gravity on objects are so loose in the game 

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20 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

I love women but hate third wave feminism.

Most men who hate women say that. The fact that you take a female lead character simply to make feminist happy shows that. They are over 50% of the world population. It's not some form of tokenism. 

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30 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

I love women but hate third wave feminism.

You're a fucking moron.


There's a movie from almost 50 years ago about somebody who had telekenetic powers, and it starred a woman.


And you are trying to give us a lecture here thinking this is some new forced feminist bullshit.


I love watching idiots who talk as if they think they know stuff.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Most men who hate women say that. The fact that you take a female lead character simply to make feminist happy shows that. They are over 50% of the world population. It's not some form of tokenism. 

Ok, keep thinking that.

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

You're a fucking moron.


There's a movie from almost 50 years ago about somebody who had telekenetic powers, and it starred a woman.


And you are trying to give us a lecture here thinking this is some new forced feminist bullshit.


I love watching idiots who talk as if they think they know stuff.

Lmfao show me where in my post I am trying to lecture you, you insufferable little bitch.


You are so fucking extra.

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4 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

Lmfao show me where in my post I am trying to lecture you, you insufferable little bitch.


You are so fucking extra.

LOL, its hilarious when its obvious that this guy just got done listening to a podcast, and starts using the terms he learned on there.


You started lecturing us, and also apparently thought you were flexing, when you were bringing up "third wave feminism."


Don't get mad because you look like a pathetic follower.


Get mad because you ARE a pathetic follower. At least start following less pathetic things.

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

LOL, its hilarious when its obvious that this guy just got done listening to a podcast, and starts using the terms he learned on there.


You started lecturing us, and also apparently thought you were flexing, when you were bringing up "third wave feminism."


Don't get mad because you look like a pathetic follower.


Get mad because you ARE a pathetic follower. At least start following less pathetic things.

Dude you are so insecure and pushy that everytime someone says something you don't like, you have the need to post big ass paragraphs about something nobody requested.

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35 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

Dude you are so insecure and pushy that everytime someone says something you don't like, you have the need to post big ass paragraphs about something nobody requested.

too late to attempt projection.


you know you've run out of ideas when you go back to the 2008-era "jerrygraphs" routine.

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