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Biden national primetime address: Announcing that he will mandate that all states open up eligibility for all adults by May 1st. His original plan to administer 100 Million shots in his first 100 days already met on Day 51

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He even pulled out a small paper to show that he writes down the total death tool from the virus every day. Pulls out his daily schedule where he writes the number down, and announces it during his own speech.


He could've avoided saying the death tool, but he went out of his way to acknowledge it up front in his speech.

Edited by jehurey
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  • jehurey changed the title to Biden national primetime address: Announcing that he will mandate that all states open up eligibility for all adults by May 1st. His original plan to administer 100 Million shots in his first 100 days already met on Day 51

You can taste the absolute bitterness everywhere on Fox News. This literally were showing this headline.





And they had a small window in the bottom right showing live reaction from Tucker Carlson.



And then Tucker tries to spin Biden's word about people should be able to have small gatherings with their loved ones to celebrate July 4th, and says that Joe Biden is trying to "dictate" every American's July 4th holiday.


"how dare you tell me how I celebrate my July 4th"


Oh man. They couldn't look more limp-dicked if they tried.


Tucker reminds me of uh........."certain" people on this forum. LOL

Edited by jehurey
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5 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Just as predicted, fox and the right wing Media have reverted to Obama era "scandals" with President Biden. 

and you can tell that they are forcing and acting increasingly angrier because they know its not working, and Joe Biden has pretty much got them totally beat on promises and policy.


75% approval of the $1.9 Trillion Dollar relief bill.


67% approval on his handling of the virus.


They don't know what the fuck to do, because Biden has clearly.............CLEARLY succeeded on some major promises during his first 100 days.


We need to seriously appreciate Stacey Abrams has absolutely BUTTFUCKED all right-wing all-white male limp-dicked losers, hard.


None of this happens without Stacey Abrams administering the most effective revenge plan of all time for getting screwed out of her gubernatorial election back in 2018, by being almost entirely responsible for getting the votes to win Georgia, and then winning not ONE, but BOTH Senate seats that were necessary to get this $1.9 Trillion dollar bill.


To say that Stacey Abrams has the last laugh is a massive, massive understatement.


This is "changing the timeline" type of stuff that happened.

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10 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Just as predicted, fox and the right wing Media have reverted to Obama era "scandals" with President Biden. 

It’s either that or the knobs all keep whining about this mysterious “they” who’s canceling everyone and everything. :mj: 

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100 million Americans Vaccinated in 51 days.  Might as well call this project light speed. 


His first bill passed in about the same time (compared to Trump who took over 300 days to get his first bill passed).... 


0 days golfing compared that to the orange clown who lived at the golf course. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Biden Administration is now vaccinating over 3 million Americans PER DAY. :blessed:


That's what competency looks like, that's what the federal government can do on a national scale. 


Not some bullshit plan to have states and localities (who are already broke from lack of federal assistance during a global pandemic) to handle it themselves. 


Some fools on this board actually believed that it was impossible for the federal government to do this on that scale and so effectively. 

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:

The Biden Administration is now vaccinating over 3 million Americans PER DAY. :blessed:


That's what competency looks like, that's what the federal government can do on a national scale. 


Not some bullshit plan to have states and localities (who are already broke from lack of federal assistance during a global pandemic) to handle it themselves. 


Some fools on this board actually believed that it was impossible for the federal government to do this on that scale and so effectively. 

So here's the things.


Back in April and May of 2020, people were saying "we need to do MASS TESTING"


We need to find where the virus is at in the community  and do contact tracing.


And the excuses we heard is "we can't do that" "we testing like 5,000 people a day, that's already good enough"


South Korea ramped up to test 20,000 a day by mid-March.


If we can administer 3 MILLION shots into 3 million arms in one day........we sure as hell could've stuck 3 million q-tips up 3 million noses in one day.


We could've warned people who had virus to stay at home, and they would've been more compliant because they were told that they tested positive.


It would've had a big effect on suppressing the infection rate early during April and May.

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