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Justice League Snyder cut

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2 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

That was freaking awesome! The last 2 hours just flew by. It’s far from perfect, but the pros heavily outweigh the cons. Oh, and I actually liked Ben Affleck as Wayne/Batman. 

I have read about how there are movie directors that are devestated because they didn't have final cut of their movie, and there's like 10 minutes of footage that, according to them, CHANGES how the whole movie works.


Apparently a movie that I just saw last night, The Current War (The Director's Edition), was one such case in which the movie was rushed for the 2017 Toronto Film festival, and the director was already saying "there's 10 minutes of footage there that Harvey Weinstein forced to put in, and the movie is a mess and its too long and boring."


And that movie was actually affected by Weinstein's criminal trial, and Martin Scorcese helped the director (one of his protege's) and blocked the release of the movie and told the new movie rights owners that he needs a little bit more budget and production time to finish the movie.


And that's what happened, and its a pretty good movie.


So, from what I understand Whedon only kept 30 minutes of Snyder's footage. So Snyder throws away like 70 minutes of Whedon's footage, and then reinserts the rest of his footage, and then adds more new footage on top of that.


This movie was absolutely going to be significantly different.

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7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

I have read about how there are movie directors that are devestated because they didn't have final cut of their movie, and there's like 10 minutes of footage that, according to them, CHANGES how the whole movie works.


Apparently a movie that I just saw last night, The Current War (The Director's Edition), was one such case in which the movie was rushed for the 2017 Toronto Film festival, and the director was already saying "there's 10 minutes of footage there that Harvey Weinstein forced to put in, and the movie is a mess and its too long and boring."


And that movie was actually affected by Weinstein's criminal trial, and Martin Scorcese helped the director (one of his protege's) and blocked the release of the movie and told the new movie rights owners that he needs a little bit more budget and production time to finish the movie.


And that's what happened, and its a pretty good movie.


So, from what I understand Whedon only kept 30 minutes of Snyder's footage. So Snyder throws away like 70 minutes of Whedon's footage, and then reinserts the rest of his footage, and then adds more new footage on top of that.


This movie was absolutely going to be significantly different.

I didn’t like what I saw in the original (the little bit I watched). This flick totally surpassed my expectations. 

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i just read online a few minutes ago about how Ridley Scott's director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven is like a "completely different" movie than the original theatrical version.


so i want to go see that now.


the most crazy example i ever heard was that HBO documentary show where Ben Affleck and Matt Damon pick a writer's script and they have him film his movie, Project Greenlight.


That movie was supposed to be a coming of age drama, and it was supposed to be serious. And apparently the movie just sucked. It just didn't work.


So they re-edited the movie to be more like a comedy. Not raunchy or anything, but definitely more light-hearted. And it turned out to be a decent, watchable movie.  The Battle of Shaker Heights, starring Shia Labouf and Amy Smart.

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4 hours ago, jehurey said:

i just read online a few minutes ago about how Ridley Scott's director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven is like a "completely different" movie than the original theatrical version.


so i want to go see that now.


the most crazy example i ever heard was that HBO documentary show where Ben Affleck and Matt Damon pick a writer's script and they have him film his movie, Project Greenlight.


That movie was supposed to be a coming of age drama, and it was supposed to be serious. And apparently the movie just sucked. It just didn't work.


So they re-edited the movie to be more like a comedy. Not raunchy or anything, but definitely more light-hearted. And it turned out to be a decent, watchable movie.  The Battle of Shaker Heights, starring Shia Labouf and Amy Smart.


Kingdom of Heaven after the new cut went from his worst movie to maybe his best movie. It's insane. 

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It's better than the the theatrical, but that's not saying much. However one vision is better than two conflicting ones. It's brutally long for no reason. 90 minutes could have been cut with absolutely nothing lost. Snyder is truly one of the worst A-list directors in Hollywood. 

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1 minute ago, Vini said:

Saw it finally. 9/10 for me. I pretty much echo everyone's sentiments, awesome trilogy overall. 

Yeah, I give it a 8.5


i wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did. 

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I like how they open at the relevant points of the last movie. BvS starts with Batman's perspective of Superman causing havoc, JL opens with Superman's death screams activating those boxes

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26 minutes ago, Substatic said:

Meanwhile Black and White Jesus at 97%


The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 - Rotten Tomatoes


Lmao DC can spend $400 million total and a cheaty do-over knowing exactly what to do the second time over and still can't come close to beating a random cobbled together brain storm idea from Marvel.

LOL "random"


its a PG-13 comic book version of "buddy cop" show with one white guy and one black guy. I appreciate the nice graphics, makes it look like an action movie, but shit it wouldn't surprise me if they had un-used Iron Man footage in which they just replace the Iron Man CGI with the Falcon character model.


The only Disney show that feels like its got genuine excitement and interest is Loki.  And even then, the payoffs for these shows is "its setting something up for a future movie!!!"


You play that trick too many times, it starts to backfire.

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45 minutes ago, Substatic said:

Meanwhile Black and White Jesus at 97%


The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 - Rotten Tomatoes


Lmao DC can spend $400 million total and a cheaty do-over knowing exactly what to do the second time over and still can't come close to beating a random cobbled together brain storm idea from Marvel.

They are operating on different wave lengths. Which is why Marvel is mostly solid and DC is mostly a mess. Which sucks because Batman, Wonder Woman and Darkseid are some of my favorite comic character.


Wonder Woman is 1 for 1, so there's plenty of life left in the character. 

One of the things I appreciate about the the extended JL is they did the Amazon parts a bit better than before. 


Hope the next Wonder Woman movie they can do something forward thinking. I've got high hopes for the new Batman movie despite the mess of getting Pattenson to play Batman. Reeves seems really on point so far tho. 

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56 minutes ago, Substatic said:

Meanwhile Black and White Jesus at 97%


The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 - Rotten Tomatoes


Lmao DC can spend $400 million total and a cheaty do-over knowing exactly what to do the second time over and still can't come close to beating a random cobbled together brain storm idea from Marvel.


The DC animated shows are leagues better than the Marvel TV shows. 

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2 hours ago, Substatic said:

Meanwhile Black and White Jesus at 97%


The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 - Rotten Tomatoes


Lmao DC can spend $400 million total and a cheaty do-over knowing exactly what to do the second time over and still can't come close to beating a random cobbled together brain storm idea from Marvel.


That audience score tho. Snyder cut at 97%. just saying 

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3 hours ago, -GD-X said:

Yeah, I give it a 8.5


i wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did. 


7.5 for me, good flick... I still have issues with the team up being rushed and characters not having full origin stories. 

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8 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


7.5 for me, good flick... I still have issues with the team up being rushed and characters not having full origin stories. 

Origins can be tricky in that situation. I think they gave Barry too much back story. His dad part makes sense as it shows his motivation. The part with the girl was a waste of time. 


I'm still scratching my head about that stupid terrorist scene where the plan was to set off a bomb that would level a couple of blocks yet set Europe in to the "dark ages" . 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Origins can be tricky in that situation. I think they gave Barry too much back story. His dad part makes sense as it shows his motivation. The part with the girl was a waste of time. 


I'm still scratching my head about that stupid terrorist scene where the plan was to set off a bomb that would level a couple of blocks yet set Europe in to the "dark ages" . 


I guess it's a way to show terrorists without connecting them to any modern day ideology


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4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Origins can be tricky in that situation. I think they gave Barry too much back story. His dad part makes sense as it shows his motivation. The part with the girl was a waste of time. 


I'm still scratching my head about that stupid terrorist scene where the plan was to set off a bomb that would level a couple of blocks yet set Europe in to the "dark ages" . 


It was simply a set piece for wonder woman to do something solo. 


Origin stories as in movies.  If flash, cyborg and Aquaman had their origin movies before teaming up in Justice League... there would be no need to rush and shoe horn 3 to 4 Origins into one movie. 

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