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Oddworld Soulstorm releases today - free for PSN+ members

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15 minutes ago, Ike said:

I’ve got Bugsnax, Maneater, and now this all PS5 versions for free plus the pack-in Astro Bot game owns. Not bad for $35 for a year of PS Plus. Plus just got a ton of free PSVR games too. Sony’s been giving away of lot of free games within the last month. Giving everyone FFVIIR only a year after release is nice too. 


you should've stopped at godsnaxx cause it's the only game that matters this gen. :aitch: 

Edited by kaz
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Just now, Ike said:

PAC-Man 99 :sam:

Sorry, but I said higher end titles :francis: 


Can you imagine if Nintendo was like "ok everyone your free game this month is Zelda BOTW" at some point before BOTW 2 launches?


Sony gave away HZD... they're giving away FF7R... both titles which have upcoming sequels.


This is Zelda's 35th anniversary year... imagine if Nintendo was like ok... every month we're giving all the Zelda games up to BOTW away to celebrate.  You have to be an online sub for the month to get your game, but then it's yours to keep forever. 


Jan = Zelda 1 + 2

Feb = A Link to the Past + Link's Awakening (Original)

March = Ocarina of Time

April = Majora's Mask

May = Oracle of Seasons + Oracle of Ages

June = Four Swords + The Minish Cap

July = Twilight Princess HD

August = Phantom Hourglass + Spirit Tracks

September = Skyward Sword HD

October = A Link Between Worlds

November = Triforce Heroes

December = Breath of the Wild 



Can you fucking IMAGINE how hype that would be?!  THAT is how you celebrate one of the greatest franchises in gaming history.  THAT is how you reward people for subscribing to you.  Most of that stuff is old stuff that doesn't cost them a thing.. and yet the mileage they would get out of the entire year, and the goodwill they would earn is priceless.


But Nintendo doesn't do shit like that to celebrate.  They know they don't need to... but god damn it would be badass.

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9 hours ago, Remij said:

Sorry, but I said higher end titles :francis: 


Can you imagine if Nintendo was like "ok everyone your free game this month is Zelda BOTW" at some point before BOTW 2 launches?


Sony gave away HZD... they're giving away FF7R... both titles which have upcoming sequels.


This is Zelda's 35th anniversary year... imagine if Nintendo was like ok... every month we're giving all the Zelda games up to BOTW away to celebrate.  You have to be an online sub for the month to get your game, but then it's yours to keep forever. 


Jan = Zelda 1 + 2

Feb = A Link to the Past + Link's Awakening (Original)

March = Ocarina of Time

April = Majora's Mask

May = Oracle of Seasons + Oracle of Ages

June = Four Swords + The Minish Cap

July = Twilight Princess HD

August = Phantom Hourglass + Spirit Tracks

September = Skyward Sword HD

October = A Link Between Worlds

November = Triforce Heroes

December = Breath of the Wild 



Can you fucking IMAGINE how hype that would be?!  THAT is how you celebrate one of the greatest franchises in gaming history.  THAT is how you reward people for subscribing to you.  Most of that stuff is old stuff that doesn't cost them a thing.. and yet the mileage they would get out of the entire year, and the goodwill they would earn is priceless.


But Nintendo doesn't do shit like that to celebrate.  They know they don't need to... but god damn it would be badass.


BOTW still sells a few millions per year STILL, I doubt they would want to give that away as it still outsells most games 4 years after launch. 


But I agree with the concept of giving away the older games for free though.   I mean they already have the Zelda collection that they gave away for Free on GC. 


They also have Wind Wacker HD that was given away for free on Wiiu.    


So for the 35 the anniversary they could have given away both those games to Switch subscribers for free. 

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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


BOTW still sells a few millions per year STILL, I doubt they would want to give that away as it still outsells most games 4 years after launch. 


But I agree with the concept of giving away the older games for free though.   I mean they already have the Zelda collection that they gave away for Free on GC. 


They also have Wind Wacker HD that was given away for free on Wiiu.    


So for the 35 the anniversary they could have given away both those games to Switch subscribers for free. 

I can totally understand not giving away BOTW of course, because yes, it's still selling well.  But do everything else up to that point.. and give BOTW a healthy discount.


If I'm Nintendo (obviously they are better at business than I am) but I'm thinking ok... Switch is our clear break point, and our new platform going forward.  Let's port/bring over everything we can to this new platform and continue forward compatibility from there.  You have all the Zelda games, all the Mario games, all the classics.  Get the entire franchises playable on Switch (which to be fair they are doing quite a bit of) but also use those games which have tons of IP value.. and reward your users with those classic games that celebrate their anniversaries.. which would be theirs to keep forever.  It would cost Nintendo almost nothing, and generate a metric shit ton of good will.


I know Nintendo is doing a lot of porting, and rereleasing of classic games for the Switch.. and it's very likely they DO see the Switch as a new starting point going forward.  I mean, it's built on Nvidia hardware with an ARM CPU... that right there is already incredible for forward compatibility.  Nintendo should easily be able to carry everything Switch on going forward.


But they are pretty greedy.. we'll see what happens.

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54 minutes ago, Remij said:

I can totally understand not giving away BOTW of course, because yes, it's still selling well.  But do everything else up to that point.. and give BOTW a healthy discount.


If I'm Nintendo (obviously they are better at business than I am) but I'm thinking ok... Switch is our clear break point, and our new platform going forward.  Let's port/bring over everything we can to this new platform and continue forward compatibility from there.  You have all the Zelda games, all the Mario games, all the classics.  Get the entire franchises playable on Switch (which to be fair they are doing quite a bit of) but also use those games which have tons of IP value.. and reward your users with those classic games that celebrate their anniversaries.. which would be theirs to keep forever.  It would cost Nintendo almost nothing, and generate a metric shit ton of good will.


I know Nintendo is doing a lot of porting, and rereleasing of classic games for the Switch.. and it's very likely they DO see the Switch as a new starting point going forward.  I mean, it's built on Nvidia hardware with an ARM CPU... that right there is already incredible for forward compatibility.  Nintendo should easily be able to carry everything Switch on going forward.


But they are pretty greedy.. we'll see what happens.


That exactly what they laid out as the road map from Switch moving forward.  Forward compatibility was one of the main pillars for the NX platform.  When they announced NX that was the first thing a they spoke about. (The 2nd thing was merging Handheld teams with Console teams) 


But as far as forward compatibility... The system that comes after Switch, all your Switch games will work and all the games on the next System will work on the next System etc. 


Kinda like Android and iOS where the OS is the platform and no matter what iPad or Android phone you purchase, all your old apps come forward with you. 


Iwata Feb 2014 - 


"To cite a specific case, Apple is able to release smart devices with various form factors one after another because there is one way of programming adopted by all platforms. Apple has a common platform called iOS. Another example is Android. Though there are various models, Android does not face software shortages because there is one common way of programming on the Android platform that works with various models.


The point is, Nintendo platforms should be like those two examples. Whether we will ultimately need just one device will be determined by what consumers demand in the future, and that is not something we know at the moment. However, we are hoping to change and correct the situation in which we develop games for different platforms individually and sometimes disappoint consumers with game shortages as we attempt to move from one platform to another, and we believe that we will be able to deliver tangible results in the future."

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11 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


That exactly what they laid out as the road map from Switch moving forward.  Forward compatibility was one of the main pillars for the NX platform.  When they announced NX that was the first thing a they spoke about. (The 2nd thing was merging Handheld teams with Console teams) 


But as far as forward compatibility... The system that comes after Switch, all your Switch games will work and all the games on the next System will work on the next System etc. 


Kinda like Android and iOS where the OS is the platform and no matter what iPad or Android phone you purchase, all your old apps come forward with you. 


Iwata Feb 2014 - 


"To cite a specific case, Apple is able to release smart devices with various form factors one after another because there is one way of programming adopted by all platforms. Apple has a common platform called iOS. Another example is Android. Though there are various models, Android does not face software shortages because there is one common way of programming on the Android platform that works with various models.


The point is, Nintendo platforms should be like those two examples. Whether we will ultimately need just one device will be determined by what consumers demand in the future, and that is not something we know at the moment. However, we are hoping to change and correct the situation in which we develop games for different platforms individually and sometimes disappoint consumers with game shortages as we attempt to move from one platform to another, and we believe that we will be able to deliver tangible results in the future."

Yea it only makes sense... at least they understand that much.  Nowadays you can't just clean break and start a new platform while all your competitors have their entire ecosystems carrying forward with them.   I mean, you can, but it's extremely hard to do.  People want their content and software to follow them.


My whole thing is if Nintendo will actually utilize that ability.. and do some good with it with their older software.  I hope so.

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15 minutes ago, Ike said:

I just want N64 and GCN legacy libraries for Online subscribers like they do with nes and snes. :mjcry:

I feel like each year Nintendo gives less of a shit of Switch's online service (if that even is possible).

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1 hour ago, Delita said:

I feel like each year Nintendo gives less of a shit of Switch's online service (if that even is possible).

Meh, it’s $20 and Tetris 99 is my most played Switch game in my library. PAC-man 99 is also cool. But yeah, I wish they’d do more with their legacy libraries. But it’s Nintendo and they’ll just charge us again. 

I’ll probably hack my OG Switch once the new mode comes out and just fill it with home brew emulators. That was the best thing with PSP back in the day was the homebrew. 

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