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Jason Schreier - Sony's Obsession with Blockbuster games is stirring unrest within the Playstation empire

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Holy shit...lmao.. Sony's bleeding talent because all they want to do is make remakes and sequels to only their biggest blockbusters and nothing else.  


Read that article... It's quite clear that things are fucked up at Sony.  The team that's running Playstation now isn't the one that people knew and loved from before.  Japan Studio axed... bleeding key talent from their first party studios... focus on only their western development houses like Naughty Dog and Sony Santa Monica.  Less creative freedom.  Only projects being greenlit are remakes and sequels to only their biggest games...


eesh :holeup:

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i love hennig. while she killed it with the UC games, i'll never forget how epic the soul reaver titles were. it was crazy playing action-adventure games, back then, with stellar VO and acting (metal

Yep.  She's one of the best.  The Legacy of Kain games were so far ahead in many aspects as you said.  The crazy environment morphing and puzzles, and yes.. the voice acting was just phenomenal.  Simo

They're.... literally remaking TLOU...  That's what Naughty Dog is doing right now... remaking a 2013 game...     No wonder why their games are coming to PC now.  Sony literally want to milk

8 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

The walls and closing in, Cows :cruise:

They're.... literally remaking TLOU...  That's what Naughty Dog is doing right now... remaking a 2013 game... :tom: 


No wonder why their games are coming to PC now.  Sony literally want to milk their franchises for all they're worth.  Now instead of focusing on games, and being creative, and building out studios and trying new things... Studios are being folded into other ones as ancillary studios meant to only support the big ones.  But YAY now we're getting TLOU TV shows and a Horizon movie.. :drake: 


This sounds an awful lot like MS of the past.  Only wanting Bungie to work on Halo... only wanting Epic to make Gears games... only wanting the same shit... and then trying to expand into the TV entertainment world :tom: 


Meanwhile, Phil having learnt from all this...offering an oasis to developers with Game Pass.. which comes with much more freedom to do whatever you want.. and less stress. 

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Let’s get something straight you degenerate shit-eaters, Sony could remake Horizon and TLOU every year for the next 20 and it would still be better than anything on the Cuckbox. 

Sony has reigned for 25 years and they’ll reign for 25 more. Especially if one of those remakes is the original MGS.


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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

Wait we're not getting Days Gone 2 with that ending? 

Nope.  Herman Hulst or Jim Ryan turned it down.. and the important people at Bend left for greener pastures :hest: 

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Just now, Twinblade said:

A TLOU remake sounds so pointless. The game still looks modern by today's standards and is playable on both PS4 and PS5....just why.

They literally remastered it in 2014.. and now they want to make it similar to TLOU2 visually and probably sell it again, and as a packaged product with TLOU2 as a collection or something.


The game absolutely doesn't need it, and would be better off being done YEARS down the line when they can really go crazy with new hardware.  PS6 or something.  But I wont lie... having TLOU1 which I consider to be an incredible game.. with TLOU2 visuals.. is something I'd like... but they absolutely shouldn't be having Naughty Dog do the project if it's just bringing it up to TLOU2 standards.  A smaller separate team could do that with some consultation from ND themselves, while ND focuses on creating NEW games and NEW IP.


That should be the play.. but Jim/Herman didn't wanted ND to take over and do it.... so stupid.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

A TLOU remake sounds so pointless. The game still looks modern by today's standards and is playable on both PS4 and PS5....just why.

Most likely to coincide with the HBO series. Jim Ryan is a fucking cuck and will sink SIE at this rate. I haven't seen someone this out of touch running things sicne Ken Kutaragi

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35 minutes ago, Delita said:

Most likely to coincide with the HBO series. Jim Ryan is a fucking cuck and will sink SIE at this rate. I haven't seen someone this out of touch running things sicne Ken Kutaragi

shit, you may be right. well, it was a good run, sony. 

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7 hours ago, Cell said:

Let’s get something straight you degenerate shit-eaters, Sony could remake Horizon and TLOU every year for the next 20 and it would still be better than anything on the Cuckbox. 

Sony has reigned for 25 years and they’ll reign for 25 more. Especially if one of those remakes is the original MGS.


That's almost Nintendo fanboy levels of fanatism.


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