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Resident Evil Village To Offer Graphics & Performance Mode Like DMC5, Devs Putting PS5 to Full Use

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


You left out the over 12 year wait for a PC port.   Enjoy the years wait for NMH3 and even longer wait while you beg for SMTV :drake:

Nobody waited... it was already emulated :mj: 


Same with NMH3... which will already be emulated...


SMTV which will already be emulated...


Zelda BOTW 2...  which will already be emulated...



PC gamers don't wait... we take... and it's up to you how much you want to struggle with this :lul: 

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Cucksoles graphics settings.     Shit performance mode or shit graphics mode? 

What's waiting 12 months for a far superior version? Like I would have ever played DP2 at 20FPS on Switch or playing and paying for MH on Nintendo online.     Mentioning the obvious is not b

Who would have EVER thought at the start of last gen... that MS would fully embrace PC gaming... and Sony would start releasing their exclusives on PC?   LMFAO... nobody.   And her

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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


You left out the over 12 year wait for a PC port.   Enjoy the years wait for NMH3 and even longer wait while you beg for SMTV :drake:

I never waited for anything, like I've said I already played NMH2 and I liked it.


Now it's time for you to kneel and pray in front of your Miyamoto shrine that NMH3 will stay exclusive. :hest:

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3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I never waited for anything, like I've said I already played NMH2 and I liked it.


Now it's time for you to kneel and pray in front of your Miyamoto shrine that NMH3 will stay exclusive. :hest:


You're confused, I don't care about if a game gets ported to PC years later.  I already played it exclusively for years. 


You on the other hand have to beg, pray and hope that NMH3, SMTV etc gets announced for PC :lawl:

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39 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


You're the dumbass who is arguing that a phone is a better productivity tool than a PC.   How fucking stupid is that. Are you a child?  What grown adult with a real job would say some dumb shit like that? 


You're so angry that PC has literally taken all of Xbox games that you're arguing dumb shit. 😂😅



and let's not forget your obsession with that poster, you bring his name up in EVERY SINGLE THREAD even in the ones he hasn't even posted in. 


Seek help kid. 



Why do you always make things up? If you are just going to repeat the same thing over and over why even post ? Lol , you're dumb and obsessed . Loser

Edited by JonB
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9 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I never waited for anything, like I've said I already played NMH2 and I liked it.


Now it's time for you to kneel and pray in front of your Miyamoto shrine that NMH3 will stay exclusive. :hest:

You have to remeber this is coming from the guy that STILL gets excited over 360 ports 

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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


You're confused, I don't care about if a game gets ported to PC years later.  I already played it exclusively for years. 


You on the other hand have to beg, pray and hope that NMH3, SMTV etc gets announced for PC :lawl:

You can pretend not to care but every one of your post itt shows that you do. :D 


He's still talking about SMTV ffs. :tom:

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1 minute ago, JonB said:

You have to remeber this is coming from the guy that STILL gets excited over 360 ports 

2014 Alien Isolation best on Switch!!!





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It’s sad that hermits are always bragging about using their expensive PCs to play console ports and emulated Switch games. What happened to using that hardware to play cutting edge PC games? Is it because there aren’t any being made anymore? I guess they have no choice, especially when their biggest exclusives consistently look like they were made to run on PCs from a decade ago. Just look at AoE4 and it’s iOS quality graphics, PC gaming is in such a depressing state.

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9 minutes ago, JonB said:

Why do you always make things up? If you are just going to repeat the same thing over and over why even post ? Lol , you're dumb and obsessed . Loser


7 hours ago, JonB said:

Almost everyone in a profession relies heavy on their phone.  You'll see that if you make it. 

Anyway.  I'm just fucking w . Ps5 and SX still rape your pc tho 🤷‍♂️


17 hours ago, JonB said:

Still can do it . Or use your phone like everyoke else LOL.

And ok CollegeP didn't sorry I didn't know your life goals 🤣



Sloooooowwww Jonny being slow as fuck again.   😂😅

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5 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


It's been 7 years... you should be banned while you wait :juggle:

It hasn't been 7 years retard.  First of all BB released in 2015... which makes it 6 years... Secondly, I have NOT been saying BB is coming to PC for 7 years.. and have not been waiting for it to be ported.  I own it, and I've played it multiple times :drake: 



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Just now, Twinblade said:

It’s sad that hermits are always bragging about using their expensive PCs to play console ports and emulated Switch games. What happened to using that hardware to play cutting edge PC games? Is it because there aren’t any being made anymore? I guess they have no choice, especially when their biggest exclusives consistently look like they were made to run on PCs from a decade ago. Just look at AoE4 and it’s iOS quality graphics.


You hit the nail on the head.  It's been more than a Decade since games were built from the ground up to take advantage of PC hardware.   


Hermits have been degraded to emulating handheld games and waiting years for console ports. 


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1 minute ago, Remij said:

It hasn't been 7 years retard.  First of all BB released in 2015... which makes it 6 years... Secondly, I have NOT been saying BB is coming to PC for 7 years.. and have not been waiting for it to be ported.  I own it, and I've played it multiple times :drake: 




6 years have already passed since Bloodborne released.  It's going on 7 years and still no PC announcement in sight 😂😅

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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


You hit the nail on the head.  It's been more than a Decade since games were built from the ground up to take advantage of PC hardware.   


Hermits have been degraded to emulating handheld games and waiting years for console ports. 


Lmao this is bullshit. There are PC exclusives coming out every year, take the Total War series, high production values, awesome visuals, never been released on consoles.


And the vast majority of third party games have day one PC releases, you're clueless as fuck. :D 

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3 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

It’s sad that hermits are always bragging about using their expensive PCs to play console ports and emulated Switch games. What happened to using that hardware to play cutting edge PC games? Is it because there aren’t any being made anymore? I guess they have no choice, especially when their biggest exclusives consistently look like they were made to run on PCs from a decade ago. Just look at AoE4 and it’s iOS quality graphics, PC gaming is in such a depressing state.

You dont need an expensive PC to do either of those things.


Of course.. you wouldn't know what a non-expensive PC is because you're so stupid with your purchases :tom: 


And sweetie... MS Flight Sim recently released and is definitely a cutting edge game visually.  And Xbox games ARE PC games :reg: 


CP2077 looks and runs like trash on consoles... pure garbage.. and yet on PC is also far better visually.


Run along and make more threads about PS5 having nothing to play and not being worth a purchase you fucking clown :ovolol: 

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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


6 years have already passed since Bloodborne released.  It's going on 7 years and still no PC announcement in sight 😂😅

Yep it is in sight.  Do you want to make the perm bet or not?

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7 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

It’s sad that hermits are always bragging about using their expensive PCs to play console ports and emulated Switch games. What happened to using that hardware to play cutting edge PC games? Is it because there aren’t any being made anymore? I guess they have no choice, especially when their biggest exclusives consistently look like they were made to run on PCs from a decade ago. Just look at AoE4 and it’s iOS quality graphics, PC gaming is in such a depressing state.

No third parties put out cutting edge AAA exclusively on any platform unless there's a very good reason to do so. It's common sense. This isn't 1998 anymore, games are too costly to make. Almost everything is multiplat now.

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6 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


You hit the nail on the head.  It's been more than a Decade since games were built from the ground up to take advantage of PC hardware.   


Hermits have been degraded to emulating handheld games and waiting years for console ports. 


The hilarious thing about your post... is that... console adopted PC hardware... LITERALLY.


So creating games for THAT hardware IS creating games taking advantage of PC hardware :mj: 


Consoles have lost ANY identity that they had.  They're losing their exclusive games too... everything is released on PC sooner or later :rofl: 

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