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Sony passed on Kojima's game according to Ex ResetERA insider

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Shpeshel_Ed says Sony passed on Kojima's game.  Death Stranding didn't make enough money for Sony and when Kojima pitched his game, Jim Ryan said no.. so Kojima went to other publishers and Stadia was interested, then something happened and MS picked it up.


LMAO the Playstation of old would have never turned down a new Kojima joint. :francis: 

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meaningless news really. all that's happening is his next game won't be on Playstation. His next game won't be exclusive to Xbox because Xbox has no exclusives.


When microsoft signs a deal it means very little. PCs, Phones, TVs and like 10 different xbox models can play the game. It's not an exclusive

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11 minutes ago, Bodycount N.S said:

meaningless news really. all that's happening is his next game won't be on Playstation. His next game won't be exclusive to Xbox because Xbox has no exclusives.


When microsoft signs a deal it means very little. PCs, Phones, TVs and like 10 different xbox models can play the game. It's not an exclusive

Exclusively not on Playstation :tom5: 

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this is media bias at its finest. literally two weeks so far of nothing but any insignificant shred of perceived negative sony news being overblown and paraded around by the SJW games media and forums.


Looks like MS's marketing dollars are being put to work.


Sony has a target painted on their back now.

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Death Stranding didn't make enough money?


If Sony truly turned down a game from Kojima after the excellent Death Stranding then they are retarded.


And I agree with Bodycount, no way it's exclusive to Xbox.

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3 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Rumor is that they ended their contract/relationship with Bluepoint as well, so there might not be any other Sony games coming from them :mjpls:

if that's true, they done gone goofed (unless they bought them). 

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7 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Rumor is that they ended their contract/relationship with Bluepoint as well, so there might not be any other Sony games coming from them :mjpls:

I sincerely doubt it.  Just because their contract ended for Demon's Souls right after the game launched doesn't mean that they no longer have a relationship with Sony.  It could be that Demon's Souls was completed and had no real issues, so they immediately concluded the contract so they can begin working on the next project.


With a game like Demon's Souls.. and the fact that it's a remaster.. means that the support is essentially done once the game ships.  If the version has no real impactful outstanding issues.. they move on quick.


I doubt that Sony would make a stupid decision and fuck up their relationship with one of the better remaster/porting studios out there.  That shit is quite obviously very important to Sony.


There's a lot of little shit bringing some negativity to Sony, and I love poking at it... but I really doubt Sony is going to be fucking EVERYTHING up all at once lmao.. nah.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2021-04-11 at 5:29 PM, Remij said:

Shpeshel_Ed says Sony passed on Kojima's game.  Death Stranding didn't make enough money for Sony and when Kojima pitched his game, Jim Ryan said no.. so Kojima went to other publishers and Stadia was interested, then something happened and MS picked it up.


LMAO the Playstation of old would have never turned down a new Kojima joint. :francis: 


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