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New Ratchet & Clank trailer

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5 minutes ago, Bodycount_ said:

They managed to force you to play a female character in this. :rofl:i can't belive it, it's cartoon rats, its just so ridiculous.

So? You realize sonic and Mario have had female characters you control, right? Stop being such an insecure bitch :D 

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25 minutes ago, Bodycount_ said:

They managed to force you to play a female character in this. :rofl:i can't belive it, it's cartoon rats, its just so ridiculous.

Female character in a game?





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6 hours ago, Bodycount_ said:

They managed to force you to play a female character in this. :rofl:i can't belive it, it's cartoon rats, its just so ridiculous.


What's with you always getting triggered by female characters in videogames? 

Edited by Goukosan
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4 hours ago, Remij said:

So yea, watching this at home on my massive monitor examining it up close, I can even better appreciate just how incredible this looks.


Legit the best looking game we've seen thus far.  It's really crazy how dense and detailed everything is.. and obviously that swapping out and teleporting looks amazing as well, and is killer on a technical level.



If there's ONE nitpick I have against it... it's that the RT implementation is a bit noisy in areas.  I completely understand WHY they chose to leave it like that, however.  There's such high frequency detail that they've put into everything that their denoiser (for the low amount of rays cast) as well as their DSR implementation probably can't deal with it well enough, so if they lean too heavily on their denoiser, it could cause some of that high frequency detail to be lost.


They made the right choice.  It still looks absolutely superb.  A step above everything else IMO.  But even then, this is just the beginning.  I bet their engine still has a ways to go before they've implemented everything they need to to fully take advantage of the I/O and advanced features of the GPU.



I just wish Sony would talk about the technical stuff more.  I'd love to geek out on it and have actual facts and figures of the hardware... but unlike MS which has a vested interest in marketing their technologies, Sony's is all very secretive.


Insomniac is a killer studio.  They have a good workflow and put out a good amount of titles per generation.  Just imagine the end of this generation, what they'll be putting out. :whew: 


Remember when you were saying this could run on PS4? Good times. 

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


Remember when you were saying this could run on PS4? Good times. 

I never fucking ONCE said this could run on PS4 as it is... :cosby2: 


If I said anything, it's that they could make this game and downgrade it to work on PS4... and they absolutely could... lol


I believe what I said was that the game could be made on Series X and still be the same game... and that the "transition effect" would just be a couple seconds longer if anything...




LOL dude why you gotta come in and say some completely stupid and false shit? :mj: 

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


What's with you always getting triggered by female characters in videogames? 

Half of RE1+2 and all of RE3 and Code Veronica must completely unplayable. :muttley:

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1 minute ago, Bodycount_ said:

its just more insomniac virtue signaling


god forbid you can only control the male rat


now they're gonna dedicate half the game to her like Mary Jane's useless ass in Spiderman

She seems like a cool character.. and is voiced by Jennifer Hale.  What the fuck is the problem? :D 

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29 minutes ago, Bodycount_ said:

generic female characters are boring


getting a little bit stale now


need to complain like everyone did to dudebro shooters, so they go away for good

Getting a bit stale?

We've played as only Ratchet or Clank for like 10 games across 4 generations now...

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10 hours ago, Bodycount_ said:

generic female characters are boring


getting a little bit stale now


need to complain like everyone did to dudebro shooters, so they go away for good

Dude, who cares. Not like you'd buy a Ratshit and Clark game even if it only featured the male protagonist.


This franchise is C-rate platforming garbage, stick to Nintendo games. 


People are only interested because it looks like some kiddy pixar movie.


Terrible franchise with shit gameplay.

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10 hours ago, Bodycount_ said:

its just more insomniac virtue signaling


god forbid you can only control the male rat


now they're gonna dedicate half the game to her like Mary Jane's useless ass in Spiderman


You could play as Peach in Mario 2 in 1988.


Play as female Samus in 1986.


Play as Female Tomb Raider in 1996.


Play as Dixie Kong in 1995.


OMG teh virtue signaling :dame:



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12 hours ago, Ike said:

Half of RE1+2 and all of RE3 and Code Veronica must completely unplayable. :muttley:


All of RE Zero and apparently the lead for Resident Evil Outbreak on Switch will be female..... guess he isn't playing that either because of Capcom's "virtue signaling" in RE :drake:

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